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Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Love and Justice

Although Natalia told herself not to care about it, she still felt a little strange when she heard those

words again and again.

Thinking of this, Natalia couldn't help laughing at herself.

"Can't a person stop being suspicious?"

Natalia turned to look at Nancy.

"Nancy, let's go back."

Nancy nodded and got into the driver's seat to start the car.

The car was driving on the wide road. Natalia held her phone with her thoughts wandering.

Just then, Natalia's phone suddenly rang.

She picked it up and saw a text message.

Natalia frowned. Looking at the name of the sender on the text message, she subconsciously didn't

want to read it.

However, after hesitating for a moment, she clicked on it.

The text message was sent by Felix. The content was very simple. It was a photo.

In the photo, it was a foreign man with blond hair and blue eyes. His face was full of beard, and a scar

went through his forehead to his chin.

From the perspective of the photo, it was taken secretly.

The light above was a little dim, and the photos were also a little vague. But it was enough to make

people clearly distinguish his appearance.

Natalia frowned. She pulled down the photo to the bottom quickly.

There was a very short sentence at the bottom.

His name was Y, and he was a leader of Violet Group in Lanceham in Othua. If he was found, it would

be easy to find Mr. K's death reason.

Natalia was shocked. She remembered Y would be the same person with that one Summer just


The truth would soon be revealed.

Thinking of this, Natalia's eyes darkened slightly. Her fingertips paused on the sender's number, and

then she clicked on it.

The phone was soon connected, and Felix's magnetic and happy voice came from the opposite side.

"Do you miss me so soon, Natalia?"

Natalia did not waste time with him and asked straightly, "Why do you help me?"

Felix chuckled.

"Mr. K is not only your friend, but also my subordinate. Since you have already gone to Othua, I don't

want to go again, but I can give you information that I know."

Natalia snorted. She felt that Felix was gloating over her misfortune.

"Are you so kind?"

Felix smiled faintly and said, "Natalia, in your eyes, I am such a ruthless person. Besides, this is just a

piece of cake. It can not only make you thank me, but also make you feel I'm kind. Why don't I give you

a favor?"

Natalia realized that it was indeed Felix's style.

She sneered and said, "You're so mercenary."

Felix seemed not to hear the sarcasm in Natalia's words. He sighed, "Natalia, if you want to praise me

for my diligence and brightness, just tell me straightforwardly. How can I hear you praising me so


Felix paused for a moment and then smiled again, "I like whatever you say. Even if you misunderstand

me for telling you this news for benefits, I can accept it."

Natalia felt angry.

Felix was capable of making people angry with just a few words.

Natalia ground her teeth, "Felix, I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

Then she hung up the phone directly.

When Natalia returned to the hospital, she found that Archie finished his examination and was back.

It was very quiet in the ward. Brian and others were waiting outside the door. When they saw her, they

all greeted her respectfully.

Natalia nodded and enter the ward. She saw Archie leaning against the bed, reading a book.

Seeing her come back, he put down the book and asked, "Where did you go?"

Without hiding anything from him, Natalia told him that she had gone to the villa to interrogate Summer

and everything she learned from her.

However, she didn't tell Archie that Felix Bissel had sent to her a message, just showed the photo to


Since she told Archie she had interrogated Summer, even if she did not explain it, he would think that

the photo was provided by Summer.

Sure enough, Archie did not ask more when he saw the photo. He just said, "I'll ask Brian to investigate

this person right away."

Natalia nodded.

Although he was in a foreign country, as the first Special Assistant, Brian's executive power was

excellent too.

He got the result in less than an hour.novelbin

Then he came here and reported to them calmly, "The person in the photo is called Sam and his

nickname is Scar. He is now in charge of the largest underground casino in Lanceham.

After some verification, it turned out that although the casino was in charge by Scar in public, in fact, it

was actually closely related to the Purple Gold Family.

"I guess they should be an important stronghold of the Violet Group in Lanceham."

Hearing his report, Natalia nodded.

Then she turned to Archie and said, "So the information Summer gave us is right."

Archie nodded.

He pondered and said, "You can send someone to have a look first."

However, Natalia shook her head and rejected his proposal.

"I don't feel at ease if others go there. What if they alert them? I want to go there in person."

Hearing her words, Archie's face suddenly fell.

"No, I don't agree."

Natalia knew that he was worried about her.

She smiled and comforted him. "It doesn't matter. I will take Nancy with me. She will protect me and

take care of me all the way. Nothing will happen."

Nancy hurriedly stood up and promised, "Sir, don't worry. As long as I'm alive, I won't let anything

happen to Lia."

Archie looked at her silently for a while.

Natalia was afraid that he wouldn't agree, so she held his hand and said gently, "Don't think too much.

If you really worry about me, give me two more people. But don't be too conspicuous. We are not at

home, the relationship of underground forces is very complicated. And our whereabouts have been

exposed. I'm afraid that if we keep a high profile, we will easily get into some troubles."

In fact, there was no need for her to remind him, Archie had already thought about it.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Brian and ordered, "You go with Mrs. Lia tomorrow."

Brian was stunned and nodded quickly.


The matter was decided for the time being.

In order to prevent too many things from happening, Natalia decided to go there the next afternoon.

At 2 p. m. the next day, the three of them drove to the entrance of the casino.

It was interesting that being opened abroad, the casino had an Ambario style name.

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