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Chapter 429

Chapter 429 She's Worth 10 Billion

It was all Charlie's fault!

He clearly said he wouldn't be back for a while, yet he suddenly ran back today!

If he hadn't wanted to check the accounts in advance, if he hadn't informed the Board of Directors, if he

hadn't ...

How could she have become like this?

Alma glared angrily at Charlie, wanting to give him a stern look and threaten him because of her


But when she met Charlie's deep, cold eyes, she was like a rat in front of a cat. That habitual fear rose

to her heart, and she subconsciously turned her gaze away.

"Where's Allen?" Mrs. Stevenson asked.

"I, I don't know," Alma whispered.

"You don't know this or that! What else do you really know?"

Mrs. Stevenson was furious and threw a cup at her. Alma dared not dodge and the cup smashed into

her face, leaving her in a mess.

Fortunately, the tea was not too hot and Mrs. Stevenson did not exert much force. Apart from a bruise

on her forehead, there was no damage done.

She just looked a little disgraced.

"Are you still going to say nothing?" Leonard also yelled through clenched teeth next to her.

His mother was angry, his nephew was angry, and as the older brother, he had no prior knowledge of

the incident at all, so it was inevitable for him to feel chilled.

Alma was crying and was a bit scared, "I really didn't know. I couldn't contact him last night. I don't even

know where he ran off to."

"You deserve to die!" Leonard pointed at her forehead and roared, then stood up in a huff, "This son of

a bitch! If he dares to run, I'll break his legs. Mila, call the police!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to call the police, Alma's face instantly changed and she pulled

on Leonard's clothes as she cried out.

"Brother, don't call the police. I'm begging you. Don't call the police. I'll let him pay that money back

right now. Once you call the police, Allen will be completely ruined."

"Do you think that his family can really make up the money?"

Leonard waved her away, and said sternly, "If that bastard had been obedient, I would have put up with

his dirty tricks. But he's already dared to frame the descendant of the Stevenson family! Does he

expect me to go easy on him?"

Having said that, he was about to ask Mila to call the police. Just then, however, Charlie's phone rang.

Charlie's eyes narrowed as he looked at the number on his phone.

He raised his hand, stopping Leonard and the others from moving.

Everyone stared at him with bated breath and wondered what he meant.

Charlie picked up the phone.

Allen's distorted voice came from the other end of the line, "Charlie, guess where I am now?"

Charlie's brow furrowed slightly, and subconsciously, a bad feeling rose up in his heart.

"I'm in Natalia's body. She's so tight and tender, and makes me so comfortable! Charlie, no wonder you

guys love such young beauties. She sure tastes good."

Charlie's face instantly went cold.

"Hey, don't worry. She's not your woman. What are you so nervous about? There is no way out for me

to get to this point. I know the Stevenson family won't let me go. In that case, I'm going to have to donovelbin

something big. At least, I'm not looking for you, considering you're my nephew. But I don't have Archie's

contact information, so tell him that I have his woman and if he wants her to be well, call me

immediately. Otherwise, it'll be too late."

"Allen!" Charlie slapped the table and stood up as he shouted sternly. Blue veins stood out on his


"Heh! It's useless for you to be angry. In fact, if your woman was here, I'd have kidnapped her. But

you're lucky that she's not here."

Then Allen paused, and said in a deep voice, "You tell him to prepare 200 million! Within two hours, let

him come alone to trade at the beach. If he doesn't come by then, then don't blame me for being rude

to Natalia!"

After saying that, Allen he hung up the phone.

Then he looked up at the man in the shadows at the corner of the deck.

"I've done everything as you said. Are you sure you will really send me away?"

"Of course."

The man said with his back to him. He was thin but tall. Moreover, he wore a hat and mask and

wrapped his whole body tightly. His voice was also magnetic, making it impossible to tell who he was.

Allen thought about it and was still a little hesitant.

"Do you think Archie will really come to save this woman? That's 200 million! Would it be asking too


"Heh! You think two hundred million is a lot for Archie?"

"Not too much, but not too little either. After all, it's just for a woman."

"In your eyes, a woman is just a plaything, but in some people's eyes, it's different. Just don't worry! Let

alone 200 million, even if it's 10 billion, as long as he can get it out, he will definitely come to her


When the man finished, he seemed to glance at his wristwatch, "It's getting late. They should be

leaving soon. I'm off."

Allen nodded and then watched as the man got off the fishing boat and left in a speedboat.

On the other side, at the hospital.

Charlie, with his men, had arrived at Archie's ward.

He relayed successfully what Allen had told him and looked at the man in the hospital bed.

Archie's face was cold and sullen, and he wasn't as angry as he thought he would be.

He raised an eyebrow in surprise and said gently, "You are seriously injured now. If you're not

comfortable going, I can go there for you."


Archie spoke out coldly.

He winked at the man next to him and asked him to remove the IV tube for him.

"I'll go myself."

"Mr. McCarthy!"

Brian spoke up anxiously.

"You can't go now. You're still injured. Besides, since Allen actually dares to do something like this, he's

obviously crazy. It's dangerous for you to go."

Charlie also frowned.

"As much as I hate to admit it, he is, after all, a member of my family. It's my family's affairs that have

dragged Natalia into this after all, so it makes the most sense for me to go."

Archie raised an eyebrow and gave him an indifferent look.

"Will he let Natalia go if you go?"

Charlie froze.

Allen had said clearly on the phone that he wanted Archie to go. If he found out that the person going

was not Archie, it was not certain that he would let Natalia go.

Seeing this, Brian said urgently, " How about I disguise myself as Mr. McCarthy and go over there? We

are about the same height. After all, Allen has only met Mr. McCarthy once and is not familiar with his

appearance. He won't necessarily recognize me if I disguise myself."

However, the suggestion was turned down by Archie.

"No, I'll go alone. You guys wait on the shore for news."

"Mr. McCarthy!"

"That's an order!"

His tone suddenly turned cold. Seeing this, the nurse had no choice but to remove the IV tube from his


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