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Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065 Stung His Heart

Meanwhile, in Flower City.

No one could deter Nan Xing's determination to head north for a marriage proposal. He prepared anextensive list of gifts, including fine paintings and calligraphy, cultural relics, jewelry, and all valuableitems.

Nan Xing's theory seemed quite reasonable. Since he didn't know the preferences and tastes of LuJingyuan's family, he prepared a variety of items. Naturally, he figured there would be something thatthe Tang family liked.

And he really didn't mind spending money. The procurement of that long list of gifts would cost tens ofmillions.

Thankfully, Lu Jingyuan's family was also well-off. If the Tang family had been poor and had seen thisgift list, they would have certainly forced Lu Jingyuan into marriage because by accepting that gift, onecould amass a fortune.

No one in the Nan family supported Nan Xing; they all thought he had gone mad.

Perhaps he really had gone mad because no one could dissuade him. He listened to no one.

He stood by his principles. I need to express my sincerity. If I don't give it a try, how will I know I won'tsucceed?

Since persuasion didn't work, they decided to let him be.

However, a new issue arose. Since it was a matter of proposing marriage, Nan Xing couldn't possiblygo alone.

The Nan family must send a representative to accompany him to demonstrate their sincerity.

However, no one was willing to go. Only one person volunteered upon hearing the news, and that wasNan Shize.

But Nan Xing despised him and refused to let him tag along.

In the end, Nan Xing made up his mind. He decided to take Qiao Zhan with him, and the two of thembravely ventured to the capital. They were determined to persuade the other party to agree to thatmarriage proposal.

However, when he tried to book a flight, he was informed that due to certain restrictions, his ID cardtemporarily prevented him from traveling to the capital.

There was no issue with going anywhere else. Even going abroad was fine. It was just that flying to thecapital was not allowed.

Nan Xing was not convinced, so he decided to first book a flight to the neighboring city and then plan tocatch a connecting flight to the capital.

However, he realized he could purchase the flight ticket to the neighboring city, but not from theneighboring city to the capital!

The same went for any other city, even to the ends of the earth, just not to the capital.

Since the plane wasn't feasible, he decided to give the high-speed train a try.

However, the same thing happened. He still couldn't purchase the ticket to the capital.

Nan Xing immediately understood. Lu Jingyuan used special means to prevent him from entering thecapital.

After finishing her meeting, Lu Jingyuan returned to her office, only to find Nan Xing, dressed in formalattire, sitting there with a disgruntled look on his face.

His face was so serious that if it weren't for the color of the suit, one might think it was Nan Chen whohad arrived.

Lu Jingyuan put down the documents from the meeting, picked up a wet wipe, and gently cleaned herhands.

Then, she gently pressed on her eyes, feeling a bit weary.

Sitting in the chair, she gently tilted her head back and closed her eyes for a few minutes of rest.

Nan Xing posed as if he was about to kill someone, all for the sake of having Lu Jingyuan come in andcomfort him after seeing it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jingyuan remained unmoved. She not only didn't comfort him but also treated him asif he was thin air.

His pretense and plan were abruptly shattered by Lu Jingyuan.

Not to mention, she achieved that effortlessly without doing a thing.

Nan Xing felt a strong sense of defeat.

“Hey, I'm right here!” Nan Xing called out, unwilling to be ignored.

Lu Jingyuan remained silent. You're a full-grown person. Do you really think I wouldn't notice youstanding there? I just don't want to bother with you.

Seeing Lu Jingyuan remain silent, Nan Xing became even more upset.

He stood up, walked over to Lu Jingyuan's desk, and slapped his hand down on it.

Lu Jingyuan opened her eyes, lazily glanced at Nan Xing, and asked, “Are you sick?”

Nan Xing couldn't help but laugh in exasperation. “That's right. Do you have any medicine?”

“No.” After Lu Jingyuan finished speaking, she closed her eyes again.

Nan Xing was on the verge of losing his temper.

He had never been so blatantly ignored before!

“Lu Jingyuan!” he roared in anger.

“What's up?”

“Look at me!”

Lu Jingyuan had no choice but to open her eyes again, looking at Nan Xing. “Are you sick orsomething? If you're ill, go get treatment. Why are you bothering me?”

“Am I unable to fly to the capital because of your meddling?”

“I just don't want you to embarrass yourself. If you must act recklessly, do it in Flower City, not in thecapital. It's risky,” Lu Jingyuan said with a frown.

“What are the risks?”

“I don't know that.”

I'm telling you, Lu Jingyuan. I've made up my mind to go to the capital! So, I'm not allowed to take aplane or a train, right? Well, I suppose I can always drive there myself!”

“I assure you. The moment you set foot in the capital, you'll be detained. My father won't meet you. Ifyou keep asking about where we live, you'll be flagged as a suspect by the relevant authorities. Youcan't even persuade me, so why bother proposing marriage to my family? Don't you find yourselfridiculous?” Lu Jingyuan scolded.novelbin

Actually, after all that fuss, Nan Xing's temper had pretty much cooled down.

However, it was just that he couldn't swallow his pride. That was all.

He always did as he pleased, but when it came to Lu Jingyuan, that approach simply didn't work.

Nan Xing, who was accustomed to having a smooth sailing life, felt the helplessness of a rocky lovepath for the first time.

“What exactly do you want?” Nan Xing asked.

Lu Jingyuan put down the documents from the meeting, picked up a wet wipe, and gently cleaned herhands.

“I should be the one asking you that. What exactly do you want?” Lu Jingyuan retorted.

“I want to marry you! My brother and his fiancée are also about to get married, and Grandma andGrandpa are planning their wedding. I want us to take part in the ceremony.”

“Shall I be the bridesmaid and you the best man?”

“No, you're the bride, and I'm the groom. We're also going to be a newlywed couple,” Nan Xingcorrected.

Lu Jingyuan was rendered speechless.

“Why are you being so childish? We're not even dating, and you're talking about marriage? Do youthink this is child's play? How old are you? How can you be so unreliable?”

Nan Xing spoke confidently. “If you agree now, we'll be boyfriend and girlfriend. After spending a fewdays together, we can get married!”

Lu Jingyuan was once again at a loss for words. He's really just playing house. Marriage is about beingwith the right person at the right time. But for Mr. Xing, it's all about improvisation, as casual as buyinga piece of clothing or watching a movie. Can such a hasty marriage last long? I don't believe it.

Her disappointment in Nan Xing grew. Not only is his ability inferior to Nan Chen's, but his maturitylevel is also lacking. “Please leave. Don't disturb my work. If you're so eager to get married, findsomeone else to marry. I'm not interested in fooling around with you.”

Lu Jingyuan was very composed, but her eyes showed an evident disappointment.

Nan Xing also noticed the trace of disappointment, and it pained him deeply.

“Fine. I'll leave.”

Nan Xing stood up and stormed out of Lu Jingyuan's office in a huff.

He almost bumped into a woman head-on. The woman looked up and saw it was Nan Xing. Sheimmediately broke into a wide smile. “Mr. Xing, is that you?”

Nan Xing gave a slight nod, considering that a greeting.

Then he headed toward the elevator, his mood quite sour.

However, the woman followed him. “Mr. Xing, don't you remember me?”

Casually, Nan Xing took a glance. The girl was young and had a delicate face.

She had a petite face and well-curved nose, and her hair was wine-red, styled in wavy curls. She had astrikingly prominent collarbone.

She was a beautiful woman.

Nan Xing did indeed find her somewhat familiar but couldn't recall where he had seen her before.

“I'm Jenny. Don't you remember me? I was your secretary when we were in Alendor. Later, I wastransferred to North Anglandur. You even personally took me to the airport, encouraging me to do well,saying we would meet again in Flower City.”

Hearing that, Nan Xing remembered.

Jenny was the daughter of a director at Nanshi Corporation. After graduating from a prestigiousuniversity, she gained experience by working at Nanshi Corporation.

When Nan Xing was demoted by Nan Chen and sent to Alendor, he was extremely downcast. The twoof them often drank together, sharing many interactions.

He didn't expect them to reunite there.

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