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Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Ethan’s clothes were partially undone, revealing his pristine upper body and Madison’s fingers traceddown his back. The ambiguous scene before Neville evoked his wild thoughts. When Ethan caughtsight of Neville approaching, he

provocatively curved his lips, adopting a triumphant posture, exuding an air of victory.

Neville struggled to restrain his emotions and roughly pulled Madison away from Ethan. “I need to talkto your

Madison winced as he gripped her wrist tightly. She retorted, “But I have nothing to say to you.”

“That’s not up to you!” As Neville tried to forcibly take Madison away, Ethan grabbed her other wrist andremarked casually, “Neville, are you deaf? Didn’t you hear what she said?”

Neville’s gaze, sharp as a cold blade, fell on Ethan. “Ethan, don’t play with fire.”

Nonchalantly, Ethan responded, “Neville, I love to champion the cause of justice, especially forbeautiful women. So, I’ll handle this!”

Neville coldly smiled. “I heard you and your brother are currently vying for the position of heir. If yourdad finds out about this matter, what do you think will happen?”

Ethan furrowed his brow, thinking. I’ve been in a struggle with Neville for so many years, and he indeedknows me well. The internal strife in the family is indeed intense now. Whoever gains the old man’strust will secure the position of heir. If I clash with Neville over a woman at this time, I might incur theold man’s wrath’

“You win” Ethan then released Madison’s wrist and winked at her. “Don’t worry, beautiful. With mearound, he won’t dare to harm you

Neville had a strong desire to gouge out Ethan’s deep blue eyes, but he managed to restrain himself.Instead, he grabbed Madison and headed towards the door. Madison was pulled off balance, losingone of her high heels, and she left with only the other one. Ethan picked up her abandoned high heel,gestured at the size with his fingers, and smirked. “Interesting.”

Neville, unaware of the source of his anger, dragged Madison into another room. With a loud slam asthe door closed, he brusquely tossed her onto a seat, causing her arm to hit the coffee table. Shegasped in pain, saying, “Neville, what’s gotten into you?”

The image from earlier surged in Neville’s mind, fueling anger within hin.. plan to sell yourself to or atwhat price, but the buyer cannot be Ethan Collins!”

ison. I don’t care how many people you

Madison’s heart was stabbed deeply by those words, and her body couldn’t help but tremble. She knewNeville never regarded her with respect, but she never expected him to envision her in such aderogatory manner. Though her eyes were clearly reddened, a hint of a smile played on her lips. “So, inMr. Preston’s eyes, I’m always a woman with a clear price tag. Is that why I chose to leave with nothingin the first place? Perhaps I made a loss?”

Thinking Madison regretted her decision, Neville coldly said, “It’s not too late for you to make demandsnow.”

Still wearing a smile on her face, Madison responded, “Sure, I want half of the Preston family’s wealth.Can you provide


Neville felt a sense of disdain in his heart, thinking that Madison had finally revealed her ambitions, andhe coldly uttered,

“Dream on!”

“If Mr. Preston can’t afford it, don’t think you can buy a clear conscience with money. You’ll owe me forthe rest of your life!” Madison retorted.

“You can’t touch the assets of the Preston family, but I’ll provide you with a settlement fee to ensure youhave a worry-free: life. The condition, however, is that you must disappear from Norton, Nevilledeclared coldly. Madison was like a thorn.

11:52 Thu, 9 May M E

Chapter 76

embedded in his heart that occasionally stirred. He was accustomed to having control over everything,and he detested the feeling of being restrained to the utmost If she were to leave Norton, then he couldeasily turn a blind eye and have a peaceful mind.

Madison did consider the idea of leaving Norston, but hearing Neville’s words, she suddenly changedher mind. She thought, I’m not the one who made the mistake. Why should I be forced to wander like aquail, searching for a place to settle? Then, she lifted her cold gaze, looking at Neville. “Neville, youhave no right to interfere with my freedom, let alone command me to do anything!”

Neville, thinking Madison was insisting on a relationship with Ethan, darkened his expression and said,“Madison, before you seduce a man, take a good look at yourself. Do you think the Collins family wouldaccept a secondhand item’ Ethan is just playing with you. Don’t fool yourself.”

Madison knew that Neville had a sharp tongue, but hearing these words firsthand, her heart felt as if ithad been cut deeply by a knife, instantly bleeding profusely. Even though she had already let go of herfeelings for him, that heart still held memories, making it easy for him to hurt her.

“Neville, you are truly… shameless!” Madison struggled to find the right words to describe the heartlessand sarcastic man in front of her. She gritted her teeth against the pain, leaning on the coffee table tostand up. The last shreds of her dignity wouldn’t allow her to show weakness in front of Neville. With astraightened posture, she walked towards the door, forgetting that she only had one shoe on, causingher steps to be somewhat unsteady.

Neville’s remaining words got stuck in his throat. After a moment of hesitation, he followed her out.Unexpectedly, as he stepped out of the room, he encountered Ethan. Seeing Neville’s restrainedexpression, Ethan felt an inexplicable delight and added some fuel to the fire. “It seems Mr. Prestondidn’t have a pleasant conversation with your ex-wife. I understand. women better: I know how to wintheir hearts.”

Neville suddenly grabbed Ethan’s collar. “Ethan, you can play with anyone, but not with Madison.”

“Oh? Are you still concerned about your ex-wife?” Ethan spoke up in a playful tone.

Madison didn’t walk far, and upon hearing those words, she unconsciously slowed her pace. Nevillesneered. “Concerned is not the word. Why did you go after her? You and I both know the truth. Don’tthink wearing the worn-out shoes I have walked in can make you superior to me.”

pily turned and walked up to Neville, raising

control her emotions, yet her eyesnovelbin

Madison felt a sudden collapse in her heart upon hearing those words. She her hand to deliver a fierceslap across his face. At this moment, she strug reddened, and the muscles in her face trembleduncontrollably. Fearful of breaking down with a tearful tone, she gritted her teeth and turned away,leaving without saying a word.

Neville, thinking Madison had left, was surprised when she turned back. For some unknown reason, ashe watched her resolute departure, his heart felt an overwhelming sense of congestion. He even lostinterest in dealing with Ethan. He let go of Ethan and warned sternly, “Remember my words today.Wise up!”

Ethan, holding Madison’s high heel, grinned. He remembered hearing rumors from those who knewabout Neville’s secret marriage, claiming that the mysterious Mrs. Preston was easily manipulated.Now, it seemed those rumors weren’t true.

Madison struggled to control her emotions until she got back to her car, then tears streamed down herface. She felt sorry for herself as other people’s love stories were at least sweet at the beginning, butshe had been sticking to a toxic romance from the start to the end. She suddenly pitjed her discreetseven years and her humble three years of relationship with Neville. A decade had proven hercomplete defeat.

At that moment, a call from Jeremy interrupted her thoughts. “Mom, if you’re satisfied with today blinddate, I’ll consider having him to be my dad. If not, I’ll introduce someone else to you.”

11:52 Thu, 9 May Me

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