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Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Madison squinted her eyes. “Ms. Preston. I choose my things, and you pay for yours. Engaging inpersonal attacks just makes you look cheap.”

Daisy sneered as she retorted, “Did I say anything wrong? The only reason my brother helped you buya luxury car is because of your diligent lawning. But this trick won’t work anymore because he alreadyhas Alison by his side. I advise you to save verse face for yourself and not act cheap!”

At this moment, Madison’s phone suddenly received a notification sound. The shop assistantrespectfully approached her. “Ms, Atkins, our financial team has transferred today’s sales commission.Please check your phone.”

Madison smiled. I’ve received the commission. Thank you for your hard work.”

Daisy stood dumbfounded, and Alison’s expression became even more complex. They had just clearlyheard that Madison received 8 million dollars tonight.

Madison turned to Hazel and smiled. “A bit exhausted after shopping. Let’s grab a drink. My treat.”novelbin

Hazel intentionally raised her voice. “Ms. Atkins is amazing. 8 million dollars came into her pocket justin the blink of an eye. At this rate, she can afford a Koenigsegg in less than a week. Who needs to begothers for help? I wonder how some people’s minds work.”

As Madison and Hazel were about to leave, Daisy suddenly rushed over and blocked Madison’s way.Her eyes turned red as she demanded. “Give me an explanation. What’s going on here?”

Madison patiently explained. “My expertise is in fashion design, and jewelry design is just something Ioccasionally dabble in. So, on top of the design fee, I also ask for a twenty percent share of the profits.”

Daisy, feeling enraged, and trembled as she said, “So… all those you picked just now are your owndesigns?”

Madison chuckled. “Yes, if it weren’t for Ms. Preston’s generosity to spend money, I might not havereceived these 8 million dollars.”

Daisy was infuriated, raising her hand to slap Madison. “Bit c h! You bitc h! How dare you plot againstme!” However, her hand had yet to touch Madison’s face when Madison seized her wrist, using themomentum to counter and deliver a slap back. Snap! Daisy received a slap, and her cheek stungfiercely. She almost forgot that Madison was no longer the woman who used to endure silently. Now,Madison was like a cat with sharpened claws, ready to strike back at any moment.

Madison flicked her wrist dismissively and casually remarked, “It seems the lesson from last time hasn’ttaught you much. Let’s handle this matter professionally. With that, she immediately sent a message toher assistant, [Release the drafted lawsuit and send a private copy to Neville.]

Soon, Madison’s defamation lawsuit against Daisy became a hot topic.

When Neville received the lawsuit, he had just finished a meeting. After reading it, he immediatelydrove home. Upon entering the residence, a heavy atmosphere surrounded him.

Daisy sobbed as she complained, “Neville, it’s Madison scheming against me. She even slapped me.Why does she get to play

the victim?”

Neville aware that Madison wasn’t the type to provoke conflicts, and familiar with his sister’s character,darkened his handsome face and asked, “What exactly is going on?”

Daisy, always fearing her brother, didn’t dare hide anything. She truthfully recounted the incident.Regina, upon hearing that Daisy had extravagantly thrown away 40 million dollars to benefit Madison,was so infuriated that she nearly fainted. She didn’t need to think twice; she knew that 40 million dollarswere her private funds. In her frustration, she raised her

Chapter 72

hand and slapped Daisy, exclaiming. “You foolish girl, how did you let yourself be played around by thatscheming b i tc h

Daisy’s other cheek also turned red and swelled instantly, but she dared not retort and could onlyendure it silently, her eyes turning red from holding back the frustration.

Alison hurriedly explained to Regina for Daisy, “Regina, it’s not Daisy’s fault in this matter. Madison isjust too c n g. constantly provoking her. After all, Daisy is still young, and it’s difficult for her to controlher emotions.”

Regina, maizing that her entire stash of private funds had been squandered, clutched her throbbingheart and exclaimed in frustration, “Why didn’t you stop her at that time?”

Alison explained with a hint of grievance, “I did try to stop her, but Madison is too c unning . She ke ptsetting traps for Daisy, and the two of us couldn’t match her skills.

Regina exclaimed in frustration, “This c u n n i n g woman! When I see her, I’ll tear her apart!”

Neville gave Alison a cold look, warning. “This is a family matter. It’s better if you don’t interfere?

Alison’s face turned slightly pale, but she was a clever person and sensed Neville’s intentions. To avoidembarrassment and another bout of anger, she quickly found an excuse to leave.

Daisy sobbed and continued. “Neville, this situation really isn’t my fault. Blame it on Madison being tooc u n n i n g. Even if you beat me to death. I wouldn’t have bought those jewelry if I knew they were herdesigns!”

Neville spoke coldly. “You still haven’t realized your mistake?”

Muttering softly, Daisy said, “What mistake did I make? That bitc h smeared you and Alison. I justwanted to teach her a


Neville was thoroughly disappointed, and the coldness covered his handsome face. “Back to your roomright now!”

Daisy realized Neville was going to punish her, so she immediately crawled to Regina for help. “Mom,save me! Neville is punishing me just for that bitc h!”

Regina was about to say something when Neville coldly interrupted, “If you want to harm her, justindulge her!”

Thinking about her hard-earned 40 million dollars being squandered by her daughter in an instant,Regina pushed Daisy away harshly. Daisy was then dragged back to her room by the butler, crying andcursing. She cried about her tragic fate and cursed Madison’s c u nnin g.

Following Neville’s orders, a s e rv a n t brought a whip, and the punishment was enforced. With eachlash, Daisy cried out in pain, and the final strike almost made her faint. Gasping for breath, she lay onthe floor, unable to cry or curse anymore. Though she feared Neville, she had never imagined he wouldlay hands on her for an outsider, especially someone like Madison.

Regina, unable to bear it, approached and took the whip from Neville. “Enough, Neville. She haslearned her lesson.”

Neville stared coldly at Daisy. “You tell me personally if you have learned your lesson!”

Daisy, trembling due to the pain in her back, managed to utter, “I ha…have.”

“Very well. Once your injuries heal, go apologize to Madison with me. If you offer half-hearted apglogieslike last time, you can pack your bags and go abroad!” Neville was still in fury.

Daisy hastily nodded, her heart filled with curses for Madison.

Neville threw the whip to the ground and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

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Chapter 72

As Daisy saw him walk away, her suppressed emotions surged, and she finally cried aloud. Pitying herdaughter, Regina supported Daisy yet felt helpless about her foolishness. “Why did you provoke that b it c h?

Daisy, crying with s n o t and tears, said, “Mom, I just couldn’t stand that she used our family’s moneyto buy a car. I wanted to vent my anger. Who knew she would plot against me? It’s clearly her fault.Why do I have to apologize? It seems Neville sull has feelings for that b i t c h, or else he wouldn’t forceme like this.”

Regina couldn’t tolerate Neville having any feelings for Madison, even a tiny bit. Grinding her teeth, shesaid, “If that b t c h wants money. I’ll go talk to her tomorrow!”

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