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Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Although Ross was puzzled, he chose to trust Madison. After all, he had witnessed her creating onemiracle after


The two of them left their seats, one after the other.novelbin

Daisy, sitting behind Neville, couldn��t help but disdainfully say upon seeing them leave, ��What thesetwo shameless people are up to again?��

Neville turned back, coldly glancing at her. ��Watch your mouth.��

Daisy immediately shut her mouth.

Neville turned his head and glanced at Madison��s empty seat. Indeed, both seats were unoccupied.

Unexplainably, he felt a sense of discomfort. He stood up and left his seat.

In the lounge, Madison swiftly moved the pen, while her head leaned back on the sofa, seeminglyrelaxing. Ross was anxiously pacing around.

��Tell me what exactly is your plan.��

Madison gestured for him to be quiet. Ross couldn��t bear it and said, ��Things are urgent now. Just tellme.��

According to the rules of the competition, Madison had to submit four different dresses. Even if she hadan abundance of inspiration, just drawing the sketches would take an hour or two, not to mentionarranging the

materials for the dresses.

It was like Alison had already secured the victory, while Madison hadn��t even prepared the materials.What chances did Madison have? Her design was stolen, and she would likely be the subject ofridicule.

Madison suddenly opened her eyes, gesturing to Ross. ��Help me with something.��

Although Ross was anxious, he obediently approached.

Madison whispered something in his ear. Ross instantly said, ��You want me to do this immoral thing?Don��t you care about smearing my good name in this industry? I won��t do it!��

Chapter 49

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Madison rolled her eyes at him.

��When I secure Loveille��s collaboration with Fliwip, I will transfer an additional five percent of thecompany��s shares to you.��

Ross��s eyes lit up. Despite Loveille��s semi-dormant state in the past three years, thanks to Elianna, ithad accumulated a decent number of loyal fans.

Its revenue wasn��t as brilliant as the major brands, but it was still a standout among niche brands. IfRoss could get an extra five percent of the share, it meant a significant increase in his income, enough

to cover his expenses at the bar.

��With our relationship, I��ll be willing to do whatever you order,�� Ross said.

Madison drove him away and focused on the design.

Ross said before leaving, ��We must be clear about our dealings. Don��t forget your promise.��

Madison was amused and directly picked up the c u s h i o n, smashing it toward him.

Ross dodged skillfully and left in a hurry.

He pulled aside Aliana, who was waiting at the staircase, and said, ��Make sure to get everything withinan hour.��

Aliana didn��t dare ask more and left in a hurry with the note.

As Ross had only brought Aliana for the competition, he had to handle the remaining tasks himself.

Considering the smoking room had fewer people and larger windows with thick curtains, he wentstraight there.

Seeing the black velvet curtains, he pulled them down.

With a rustling sound, the curtains fell to the ground. Suddenly, a cold laugh came from beside thewindow. ��Mr. Castro, what are you doing?��

Ross never expected someone to be behind the curtains. He was also startled when he looked up andmet Neville��s gaze.

Neville��s handsome face carried a hint of coldness, and the glowing tip of his cigarette flickered withlight. At that

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Chapter 49

moment, a touch of fierceness flashed in his eyes upon seeing Ross. The room��s atmosphere suddenlybecame tense.

Ross was so embarrassed, and the curtains he was holding were like a hot potato for him.

Ross acted casually, draping the curtains over his shoulder, and said, ��My assistant is interested in thevelvet curtains in this venue. She wanted me to take some samples and consider replacing all thecurtains in our company.��

Neville subtly furrowed his brow. He couldn��t recall Madison having such a preference. ��It seems likeRoss was using an excuse to get things done,�� he thought.

Thinking about the frequent appearances of the two recently, Neville felt a sudden annoyance. He tooka deep drag from his cigarette and said, ��F u c k off!��

Ross, dragging the curtain, walked out. His legs were limp. Luckily, Neville didn��t make things difficultfor him. Otherwise, he wouldn��t have been able to take away any items.

Ross couldn��t help but admit that Neville was incredibly handsome, whether it was his physique or hisface. No wonder Madison was infatuated with him for over a decade.

Time was of the essence. Ross immediately delivered the obtained items to Madison.

Seeing Madison busily drawing sketches, Ross, still a bit breathless, said, ��Guess who I ran into?��

Madison, sketching the dresses, asked, ��Which ex-lover or celebrity?��

��I met Neville in the smoking room.��

Madison paused in her movement. At such a critical moment when Alison was enjoying the praise,Neville wasn��t

with her.

��I mentioned you on purpose, and he surprisingly didn��t lose his temper. Instead, he let me take thingsaway. It indicates that he still has some lingering feelings for you. Why don��t you go and beg him topostpone the

competition? It would buy you some time.��

Even though he knew Madison had good skills, Alison had the upper hand. And Madison had a slimchance to


Chapter 49

Madison raised an eyebrow and said, ��Do you think there��s a possibility of reconciliation between meand Neville?��

��Of course not. After all, no one will want to be hurt twice,�� said Ross.

��Exactly. I won��t lower myself to beg him.��

Even if she ended up losing, Madison wouldn��t beg him. It was not just a matter of principles. She didn��twant Neville to misunderstand her.

An hour later, Madison had completed four sketches. A knock on the door sounded, and Alison��sassistant Anna

Baker entered.

Madison quickly hid the sketches, while Ross stood in front of her, providing cover.

Anna didn��t notice their subtle actions and politely said, ��Mr. Castro, Miss Conner��s scores are about tobe

revealed. According to the rules, both representatives must be present.��

Madison smiled coldly. Alison only wanted Madison to witness her work being praised, but the glorybelonged to Alison, the plagiarist.

How vicious Alison is!�� she thought.

Ross was about to curse, but Madison stopped him. Smiling at Anna, she said, ��Alright, Mr. Castro andI will be there shortly.��

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