My Stupid & Great Husband

Chapter 17 Get the hell out!
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Chapter 17 Get the hell out!

Speaking of the devil and here he comes!

It really terrified everyone present!

On hearing the name of Boss Feng, the people who had been trembling with fear were almost scaredto death.

With a pale face, everyone looked over to the entrance.

What they could see was the Boss Shengli Feng walking in with big strides, looking dignified.

Boss Feng, whose name was known far and wide to the whole city, was a representative figure in theWestplain city underworld and was absolutely a terrifying existence.

A man like him always had something on him that other people couldn’t match. The atmosphere in thehall immediately got depressive the moment he walked in.

The Old Lady was quite a somebody with courage and boldness, but even so, she still got a little panicwhen she saw Boss Feng walking in. She stood up to welcome him and slightly bent over and askednicely, “Boss Feng, what good wind brought you here?”

The Old Lady was way much older than Boss Feng, but she didn’t pride herself on her seniority,instead, she became rather cautious and was quite respectful in front of him. There’s no way to changeit, because of Boss Feng’s reputation and position, a second class family like the Xia Family wasalmost nothing compared to the Feng’s Family.

On seeing The Old Lady, Boss Feng squeezed a smile and said, “I heard the Xia Family is having a

family reunion here so I came to have a look.” He looked so sweet and kind and so was his tone.

However, for The Old Lady, it wasn’t the case at all. She felt nervous and scared because of a guiltyconscience, as she was using Boss Feng’s name when she called bluff earlier. She was afraid that hehad come to get even. Looking at Boss Feng, she said cautiously, “It’s very kind of you.”

Still smiling, Boss Feng said, “I heard someone was trying to cause trouble here as I failed to fulfill myduty. To show my deepest sincerity, this meal shall be free of charge and I’d like to offer my best liquorsin the house to everyone here as an apology.”

He was only being polite. Actually the reason why he did it was that he was afraid that Andy would holdgrudges and get revenge, so he came to show his kindness first.

Boss Feng clapped his hands while talking.

More than ten waiters immediately showed up with the top liquors in hands and served them on thetables.

The Old Lady knew the value of the liquors. They were worth a great deal of money.

Her heart trembled, she said with great surprise in her tone, “Boss Feng, there’s totally to need for this,as we have already received the best service here.” Boss Feng claimed that it was for the Xia Family,but The Old Lady was truly too scared to accept it.

Boss Feng said boldly, “It’s alright, I give it out of respect. Do accept please. I will excuse myself nowas I have business to attend.”

Boss Feng turned around and left at once, leaving the whole Xia Family standing gazing at each other.

What a day! Unexpected things happened one after another and it was beyond their ability to handlethem. They were still at loss even if Boss Feng was already out of sight.

The Old Lady was so knowledgeable but at the moment was at her wit’s end. She sat back by thetable, looked at the liquors and felt like it was a dream.

“Grandma, look how well we are treated by Boss Feng, thanks to Grandpa!” No one knew how long ithad been before Bill Xia began to talk and sighed.

The Old Lady frowned and sighed with emotion, “I didn’t expect The Old Man had this ability.”

Soon she laughed with happiness, said with relief, “It’s a good thing after all, which means our XiaFamily didn’t fade away. Let’s just accept Boss Feng’s kindness and drink!”

On hearing the words from the Old Lady, the people at each table didn’t hesitate to open the liquorsand started to toast.

A lot had happened to this celebration party and the atmosphere finally got back to harmony.

While everything seemed quite alright and everyone was enjoying the time, Bill suddenly said in a loudvoice, “Jenny, at first I thought you got this big business deal with the Changsheng Group because ofyour competence, but who could have expected you got the deal with your beauty!”

Bill Xia’s words woke up everyone present. It wasn’t until then did everyone realize that the drama

today was caused by Jenny’s unseemly way of getting the business deal. Beneficial as the deal was tothe company, Jenny did it in a shameful way after all. Everyone immediately changed their opinionsabout her.

“Lower your voice, don’t you feel ashamed of speaking it out loud?” The Old Lady scolded Billunhappily.

Bill twitched his mouth and replied, “Jenny could have caused big trouble for our Xia Family if it hadn’tbeen for Grandpa’s great reputation.”

Seizing this chance to revenge, Bill planned to make a fuss about it since he was so jealous of Jennygetting the big deal. He was afraid that grandma would trust and support Jenny again. Now that Jennyhad embarrassed the Xia Family again, grandma must be extremely disappointed at her.

Jenny was out of unhinged because of what had happened one after another. She still hadn’trecovered from it, but on hearing Bill’s words, she soon got back to her normal self and fought back, “Ididn’t seduce anyone. It was Manager Yang who admired my design and asked to cooperate with me.”

Righteous as she might sound, no body would believe her words as she was considered a nobody inthe Xia Family. It sounded as ridiculous as a fairy tale that Manager Yang should have admired herability.

The Xia members automatically chose not to believe her.

So did the Old Lady, who didn’t even take a glance at Jenny. She even announced to everyone, “thedesign matter of the project will be taken full charge of by Bill. As for Jenny, she shall remain in thesales department.

It was a celebration party, on which the Old Lady had intended to promote Jenny. But she changed hermind.

On hearing the decision, Jenny’s heart sank into the the bottom of the valley.

She went home after the party, feeling down and unhappy.

What happened today was full of ups and downs like riding a roller coaster. Neither Boss Feng norQilong Su gave her and the Xia Family a hard time, even that cheap woman Qin Zou knelt down andapologized to her. Everything seemed alright. But the bad name given to her was really hard to get ridof.

Her position in the Xia Family dropped back to the original point, and she could never work as adesigner as she wished.

Jenny was extremely upset.

Knowing what Jenny was suffering, Guilan comforted her, “Jenny, I believe in you. You are the best!”

“What’s the point of believing me?” Replied Jenny in great anguish.

What Jenny wanted, was the Old Lady’s trust and recognition, the whole family’s respect and the senseof fulfillment in work. She had pulled herself together and planned to set sail again bravely in a newenvironment. But it seemed she had come back to where she was. The confidence she had tried hardto build suddenly fell apart.

The next day, Saturday

Jenny spent her whole day doing nothing at home. She was in low spirits.

After dinner, Jenny went back to her bedroom and as she just got on her bed, her phone rangsuddenly.

Julia’s voice came through the wire, “Jenny, today is the day we three sisters get together. You didn’tforget, did you?”

The three sisters in the Xia Family had been together since they were little. Even when they grew upthey still had this annual reunion party, a party belonged to the three only, and they had made anappointment that whoever got a boyfriend should bring him along.

In the first a few years, none of them had a boyfriend, so the party was purely girls’ fun because therewas no comparison among them and everyone could have a good time.

But ever since both Jenny and Jane got married, the party became a torture for Jenny.

Being one of the daughters in the Xia Family, Jenny’s husband Andy was a fool, while Jane’s husbandwas a hundred times more excellent than Andy. The party would only embarrass her as they wouldsurely compare.

She went there last year, but she wasn’t really in the mood this time, so she refused without hesitation,“I don’t want to go. You and Jane have a good time!”

Julia said hurriedly, “Wait, Jenny, you can’t miss the party this time!”

Jenny was confused, “Why?”

Julia said in a tricky voice, “I have just got a new boyfriend. I want to take him to the party tonight andhe agreed. Oh you won’t refuse, for my sake, will you?”

Julia had said it long time ago that if she had a boyfriend, she would take him to meet the two sisters sothat they could give her some suggestions about him. Now that she had found a boyfriend, there’s nodecent reason for Jenny to say no. Being silent for a few seconds, she said, “Alright, where shall wego?”

“8 P.M at No.1 booth, Imperial Club, be there or be square. Oh, remember to bring Andy!” Julia hung upthe phone.

As much as Jenny didn’t want to go, she had no choice but to get up and get herself dressed.

When she was done, she walked out of the bedroom and said to Andy who was sitting in the livingroom, “Andy, go out with me later.”

“Ok.” Without asking why, Andy just simply said yes.

Looking Andy up and down, Jenny couldn’t help complaining, “Why are you always so casual, don’tyou have nice clothes?”

She went to the closet and found a brand new suit that had never been worn before and threw it atAndy and said with hardness in her tone, “Go get changed!”

Taking the suit, Andy went to the bedroom.

Ten minutes later, Andy came out of the bedroom. This man looked so charming and attractive in thenew suit!

Jenny was almost blinded by his charm. Looking at Andy in surprise and not able to move her eyesaway from him, she kept asking her self--Was this handsome man really her husband?

Feeling Jenny’s eyes on him, Andy asked, “Anything wrong?” novelbin

Jenny could hardly get herself thoughts back. She couldn’t believe she had been deeply attracted by afool. Jenny felt so ashamed. She calmed herself down and said, “Nothing wrong, let’s go!”

The two left home for the Imperial Club in Jenny’s car with Jenny driving.

On the way to the club, Jenny kept telling Andy, “Remember not to do or say anything stupid. Don’tembarrass me again.” It was a family reunion and Jenny had been afraid of bring Andy along with her,but it was also the three sisters’ little party, so she had to bring him with her as promised.

At ten to eight in the evening, they arrived at the parking lot of the Imperial Club.

The imperial Club was the top nightclub for entertainment and a lot of people from the highest socialclass loved to come here at night. It’s getting really bustle and busy. By the time Jenny and Andyarrived, the parking lot had already been full of cars.

It took Jenny two minutes to finally find a parking spot and immediately she drove over there and wasready to park.

Right at the same time, a Lamborghini drove over and headed right for the same parking spot.

It was too late for Jenny to stop her car.


The rear part of her Audi hit the body of the Lamborghini.

Both of the cars stopped immediately. A young man with earrings came out of the Lamborghini, rushedover to Jenny’s car, patted heavily on Jenny’s window and said in low voice, “Get the hell out!”

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