My Stupid & Great Husband

Chapter 12 Nice to meet you, Miss Xia
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Chapter 12 Nice to meet you, Miss Xia

Jenny was so frustrated and was just about to leave here. Suddenly she heard the voice and turnedaround.

Jenny caught sight of the speaker at once. There was a woman standing in the hall of the building andstaring at Jenny.

This woman was the roommate of Jenny Xia in college, her name was Qin Zou.

As soon as Jenny saw her, she smiled and said in surprise: “ What are you doing here, Qin?”

Qin Zou waved her hands to Jenny and said, “Come in, please.”

Jenny couldn’t believe it. She hesitated for a while and glanced at the guard. She didn’t expect that theguard made a “Please come in” posture to her.

Afterwards, Jenny stepped into the hall of Changsheng Group with great excitement and surprise.

After entering the hall, Jenny saw the I.D. badge on the neck of Qin, it turned out that Qin was theResource Head of the company. No wonder that she had the authority to let Jenny in.

“Qin, I didn’t expect you would be the Resource Head of Changsheng Group, that’s impressive.” Jennywas filled with envy.

Qin said proudly, “Just so so, you know, it’s all of my husband’s credits. I got this job in ChangshengGroup thanks to him.”

Speaking of her husband, Qin deliberately put quotes around it.

When they were in college, Qin couldn’t compare with Jenny from all aspects. Jenny was then prettyand rich. Her grades were also good. She was the famous beauty in the school. As for Qin, she wasjust ‘someone around Jenny’, serve as a foil to Jenny. It looked like they are best friends. They areroommates, always be together everywhere. In fact, Qin really hates Jenny. Because Jenny covered allof her merits, making her unnoticed. When Jenny was around, everyone would pay attention to Jennybut neglect Qin’s existence completely. This was a blow for Qin’s vanity and pride.

After graduation, Qin made great efforts to marry a rich man. Although he was ten years older than Qin,she didn’t care. Because he was rich and powerful, and that’s enough for her.

Oppositely, Jenny Xia married a fool. When Qin heard about this, she couldn’t be happier. She finallymanaged to beat Jenny for once. But she never got the chance to show off, because she hasn’t metJenny since graduation. What a coincidence, today she happened to see Jenny outside her companyand get kicked out by the guards. Of course she wouldn’t miss the great opportunity.

Jenny didn’t catch the hidden message in Qin’s words. She just felt a little bit depressed when hearingof Qin’s marriage. After all she has a foolish husband who couldn’t help her anyway. She just repliedunhappily, “ I really admire you.”

Seeing Jenny’s sad expression, Qin was very happy. But on the face, she pretended to be friendly, shesaid to Jenny, “ Have a seat, please.”

While speaking, Qin led Jenny to the special sofa for guests in the hall.

“ Two cups of coffee, please.” As soon as they sat down, Qin ordered the receptionist.

Things were totally different from years ago. Now Qin was really decent and proud.

After the coffee was served, Qin opened her mouth and asked Jenny, “ I heard that you married a fool,this can’t be true, right?”

This news was already spread everywhere, Qin knew it very well, but she still pretended to besurprised.

Jenny was shameful. She bit her lips and answered, “Sorry, I don’t want to talk about this.”

Qin pursued, “I just want to know, it must be easy for you to find a good husband with your condition,why did you choose a fool as your husband?”

Jenny was so shamed that she even wanted to dig a hole and bury herself at this moment. She didn’twant to face such a sharp question. This has always been a pain for her. The reason why she dare notto meet with her old friends and classmates was exactly she married Andy Wu. Now Qin wouldn’t lether go, it made her feel so miserable. She said bitterly, “Let’s skip this topic.”

Seeing her like this, Qin smiled and said, “Ok, forget about your husband, let’s talk about you. What areyou doing here today?”

Hearing this, Jenny suppressed her depression at once and took out the information of her owncompany and said, “This is the detailed information of our company, I want to contract your company’sdecoration business.” For Jenny, Qin Zou was her best hope. Qin was in privileged position inChangsheng Group and she was so nice to Jenny. Jenny really hoped Qin could give her a hand.

Qin took over and went through the information of Jenny’s company. She said, “ It’s not a easy thing.”

Qin paused for a while and then started to brag, “But I had a good relationship with our seniormanagers. If I say something nice for you, this is not impossible.”

Jenny became excited immediately, she asked, “Can you do me a favor, please?”

Qin took a sip of coffee and said lightly, “ I can’t do it unless you beg me.”

Jenny was dumbfounded hearing this. While in college, Qin was so nice to her. She always helpedJenny, even as kind of flattery. Now she has changed a lot. She became so powerful that Jenny had tolook up at her.

Jenny felt bitterly in her heart. But during this key period, she really needed this order and Qin’s help.She had no choice but to accept Qin’s request. She tried to calm down and begged Qin sincerely, “Qin,I really need the order. So please help me for the sake of our relationship.”

Qin was really happy when she heard this. Jenny who was so elegant before now has beenoverwhelmed by life pressure, how exciting it is!

Qin finally found her proud back.

Qin hid this feeling in her heart and changed her expression. She patted the table and stood up,shouted to Jenny, “I let you in just because we were classmates, Jenny Xia, I didn’t see that you dareto bribe me. What kind of person do you think of me?”

Qin Zou suddenly shouted as a lightening in the sunny day. Afterwards, a lot of staffs in Changsheng

Group gathered to watch the show.

All of a sudden, Jenny was dumbfounded. She didn’t expect Qin put on another face so quickly. Shewas confused, “What do you mean, Qin?”

Qin was holding the papers in her hands and she scolded, “What do I mean? You were in such anordinary company, how dare you come to ask for cooperation with Changsheng Group!And you evenwanted to bribe me. What were you thinking ? Don’t you know that our company has a professionaldecoration team? What qualified you to cooperate with us?”

After saying this, Qin slapped the papers on the face of Jenny.

Jenny Xia was miserable and awkward.

The staffs in Changsheng Group gathered here started to whisper, “You see, another one who dreamsof being benefited from our company.”

“How can she overreach like this? How can her little company cooperate with Changsheng Group?”

“What a shame to bribe our manager.”

Jenny would rather kill herself than be ridiculed by so many people here. She was so shamed andupset. At this point, even she was not that smart, she realized that Qin never wanted to help her. Shelet Jenny in just because she wanted to humiliate her.

Their friendship of four years was just a piece of shit!

She was totally wrong.

Jenny was really heartbroken.

She quietly picked up the papers on the ground and shouted to Qin, “ You can just tell me if you don’twant to help me. But please don’t humiliate me. You’re completely out of line!”

Qin mumbled, “Now I finally understand why you chose that fool to be your husband. Since you are afool and you have no idea of who you are. Even if you want to bribe someone, you shouldn’t come tome. Don’t you know we have strict legislation in our company? Even the guard is smarter than you.”

Qin’s words stirred up crowd’s reactions strongly. “ The fool Andy Wu? Is she the lady from Xia’sFamily?”

“No wonder her face is so familiar. That’s her, the bride of the fool!”

“She is really pretty, why bother?”

“Maybe there’s something wrong with her head. That’s why she came to our company for cooperation.Isn’t she crazy?” novelbin

These voices were like hailstones punching on Jenny’s face, making her feel dazzled. Her eyesbecame tearful and sore. But she restrained herself from crying, she didn’t want to embarrass herself.She tried to save her face and dignity. She said the words firmly with her hoarse voice, “I want tocooperate with your company, that’s true. I know I overreached. But I’ve never tried to bribe you, pleasedon’t frame me.”

All Qin wanted was to humiliate Jenny in public. She wanted to step on the body of Jenny Xia and leteveryone know she was much better than Jenny. Now she achieved her aim, she didn’t want to wastemore time. She shouted, “Guard, get this crazy woman out of our company.”

Two guards in the hall ran over at once.

Jenny’s body was stiffened. Her heart was filled with sorrow. It felt like she was stabbed by anacquaintance deeply. She saw the guards running to her, and she was getting desperate.

But, right before the guards came over and drive her out, someone said, “Stop!”

Just one word, but with power and authority. Suddenly, the crowd became quiet. They turned aroundand saw the speaker simultaneously.

A middle-aged calm man walked over.

He was the Resource Director of Changsheng Group, Rong Guo!

Seeing he comes here, people all greeted to him, “Director Guo.”

Qin also walked over. In the Human Resources Department, Rong Guo was in the highest level. Hewas the ultimate boss of Qin. Qin couldn’t be the manager of Human Resources Department withouthis help. So Qin showed respect to Rong a lot. She was gallant in front of Rong. “Director Guo, whatbrings you here?”

Rong stared at Qin and said, “You are fired.”

His words was so firm.

All people there was speechless.

Qin seemed as if been stricken by the lightening, she asked in a hoarse voice, “Are you kidding,Director Guo?”

Rong Guo scolded her, “I’m not kidding. Now pack up your things and get out of the company.”

His tone was stern and irrefutable.

Qin was scared by him, several kinds of feelings were in her heart, upset, astonishing, unbelievableand something unutterable.

Others were also confused, didn’t know what just happened.

Rong bypassed Qin and went directly to Jenny, he made a “Please” gesture and said with respect,“Nice to meet you, Miss. Xia. Are you here to cooperate with us? Please follow me.”

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