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Chapter 999

When we got home, Naomi had already placed the food on the table. She smiled at us in welcome. "It'll be lively today. It's beena while since I've eaten with this many people."

She set down the cutlery. Seeing that Sebastian wasn't there yet, | looked at Naomi. "Did you call for Mr. Milton?"She nodded, and she blushed. "He will be down in a little while.”

She was acting very strange. "What's wrong?"

She smiled awkwardly and brushed off my question, "Let's eat."

A few minutes later, Sebastian came down having changed his clothes. He did not seem surprised to see Hendrix at his diningtable. Instead, he greeted Hendrix politely and sat down.

| suddenly had a feeling that | was purposely left in the dark on something that everyone knew, except me.“Arianna, what are you planning to do on Valentine's Day?"Naomi's sudden words shocked me, and | looked up at her blankly.

She smiled at me, "Are you not hanging out with anybody? Why don't you ask Mr. Roberts if the both of you could hang outtogether?"

What was this woman doing?Sebastian looked up, but he didn't say anything. It was Evan who said, "Oh right, it is Valentine's Day tomorrow."

"Yes, and it's the weekend as well!" Naomi turned her attention to Sebastian and said, "Mr. Milton, do you have plans withanyone?"

Sebastian looked at her dully. "Nope."

Naomi said without hesitation, "Then I'll make plans with you."

Flustered, Sebastian coughed and frantically reached out for a paper towel.

Naomi handed him a paper towel and told him off, "You're such a child, how can you choke while drinking water!"| smiled at their antics. It was the first time | saw the cold and introverted Sebastian lose his composure.

Sensing that someone's gaze on me, | looked up and saw Hendrix's deep and dark eyes on me. It startled me so much that |nearly knocked over a glass of water.

"What are you guys doing anyway? Why do you look so flustered." Naomi couldn't help poking the bear.| tried to stifle my laugh, and coughed instead. It was getting a little weird.

Naomi sighed and changed the subject, "Arianna, when are you planning to move in with me? It's been so boring living alone!You should hurry up and move in!"

My head spun at the subject change. "Give me a few days, | first need to sort out the new project for the next two days."

Sebastian paused for a moment and asked, "Are you planning to move out?"

| nodded. Then | remembered thatLinda had said before t at Sebastiahhele like than Metds at home, soh erally has his assistants orsecretaries over. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

He kept quiet.

There was a slight pain in my lowerabdomen, and | couldn't help butfrown. Naomi GOES arkftodk Qn"spyyealatefnelon juice from therefrigerator. "Try it, everyone. I'velearned how to make a newwatermelon drink." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

On a hot day in August, iced watermelon juice was a blessing. The few sips felt extremely refreshing.Everyone chatted casually for a while. Sebastian and Naomi drifting off for a private conversation in the backyard.Evan claimed that he had something to do and left Hendrix me alone.


Hendrix's strange gaze was fixed on

me, and it made me panic. | BoEHA

and busied myst wtf Gearing away

tho uiches | said, "You... Why don't

you relax in the living room?" Please

read the original content at


He didn't respond but got up and started helping me put away the dishes.

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