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Chapter 980

"What about friends?"

She said, "It's the same, but there needs to be a balance. It can't go too far, nor can it be inadequate. Otherwise, it may backfireon you."

| was a little discouraged. "It's too subjective. There may be a problem that can't be solved."

She raised her eyebrows. "What's the matter? Tell me, I'm a little older than you. Maybe | can help you.""What if you quarrel with your friends?"

She thought about it for a moment and said, "Haven't you fought with your friends before?”

| shook my head. "Not really!" In the past, when Monique quarreled with me, I'll just keep quiet and | didn't bother to argue withher. When she calmed down, she would automatically come to me.

It was different with Naomi and Hendrix. Things were a bit more complicated with them.

After thinking for a while, | still could not figure out my situation, so | asked her, "Are you busy tonight? Let's have dinnertogether?"

She seemed happy with my invitation. "What a coincidence. My parents are babysitting today. | was about to go out and relax. I'llbe happy to have a companion this time."

We packed up our things and left.

Linda and | strolled around the mall for a while and ate some food. She knew that she wouldn't be able to get time off so easilyagain, so we agreed to go to the bar together.

"Do you know? Ever since | gave birth, | haven't been to a bar. | feel like I'm already in my seventies or eighties. Everyone oughtto have their own time off. That way, I'll be able to keep feeling young!" Linda was in a good mood. She had a few more glassesof wine along the way, and was chatting with me as she drank.

It didn't take long for her to drink a lot. She narrowed her eyes and approached me, saying, "It's great to be young. As long asyou are here, we can attract everyone's attention.”

| looked around, and indeed, some kept looking in our direction, but | didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing that she was drunk, |stopped her, "It's not good for your health to drink so much."

She smiled lightly. "Don't worry, | have a high level of alcohol tolerance!"| ordered a glass of juice, took a few sips, thoughts all jumbled together.

After checking her phone several times, Linda finally blurted out, as if she couldn't stand it anymore. She said, "Arianna, do youknow what the most terrible thing in the world is?"

I shook my head. She clinked her glass with mine and said, "It's uncertainty. At times like this, the longer you drag things out, theeasier it is for you to lose the most important thing in your life."

Suddenly she grabbed my phone and dialed a number on my mobile phone.

| was about to grab it back, but | was interrupted by a voice. "Miss Reid?"

| turned back to look at the newcomer with a frown. He was an acquaintance, so | put on a smile. "Hello, Oscar!"He smiled hugely, "Miss Reid, this is the third time we've met this month. This must be fate! Don't you think so?"

| smiled and got up from my seat, butkept my distance frorm.him, Oso)yoy ava fdr bdsiness? | don'twant to bother you." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

| tried to pull Linda away so we couldleave but he blocked my way-He'd |agit aH him, andthey surrounded both of us. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| couldn't help frowning at him. "Oscar, what is the meaning of this?"


He smiled mockingly, a hint ofobscenity on his face. "Miss Reciolf Stilsoins IseeSi e you still

don't Know what you've gottenyourself into!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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