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Chapter 972

“Are you threatening me?""You can put it that way!"

| smiled faintly, but | was not angry. | said, "That's good. It's better for her to be with you, rather than me. You have the ability andstrength to give her a better life and a good environment to grow up in. Not to mention | can live a better life myself. It will beeasier for me to remarry as well."

He glared at me, furious, his eyes telling me his mood was worsening. Without even hiding his anger, he sneered, "Looks likeyou've got it all figured out!"

| grinned, "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Roberts!"

He was clenching his fist tightly, | knew that if | were a man, He probably would've beaten me up already. | couldn't help but feellucky that | was born a woman.

"Then I'll wait and see, whether Sebastian will let you enter the Milton Family!" He was very angry. If he had not restrainedhimself, he would have made his move a long time ago.

I sighed as | saw him leave. | really shouldn't see him again after this. Otherwise, | would really be ina mess.

The bidding time lasted until midnight. Sebastian probably could not stay up late. Just when he got in the car, he told me, "You'lldrive later."

| nodded, remembering how drunk he had been the entire night the day before. He probably didn't sleep well either.

| drove back to the villa, woke Sebastian up, and went back to my room. | turned on my phone and saw Freya's message. Shesent me pictures of her child.

Her baby was four months old, fair-skinned, and looked very chubby. | wanted to reply, but since it was getting late, and | didn'twant to disrupt her rest.

So | turned off the phone and got ready for bed.The next day!

| originally thought that the bid for Roberts Group would take five or six days to be resolved, but | didn't expect the outcome to beannounced the following day.

To my surprise, the Milton Group was actually chosen. Sebastian gave me the proposal and records for the whole process. "Youwill take charge of the project, and Linda will help you. If you have any questions, you can check with her or me!"

I'd gone from having never been part of this project before, to being project manager within the span of two days.

| did not want to accept it. | looked at him and said, "You know | am not familiar with this project, and | wasn't the one whocreated this proposal. It is unfair to the person who prepared this bid. Also, | am not sure if | can do it well!"

Undeterred, he placed the documenton the table and said, "! prepared thebid. There is still some time beforethe commencement, ofthe ase Vecay famtiaese!)ourselt in themeantime. Someone from theRoberts Group will talk to you. Youcan get into the details with themlater. If you need anything or anyform of help, just look for Linda, shecan allocate the resources to help."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.


This man was determined that | takecharge of this project, and it raaalseem worthwhile noidertinus fightingOe Sai it over for a while, |said, "When are we going to start?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"The Roberts Group will contact you."After a pause, he said, "Twocompanies were chogenalonfen |us» Fig thier dnlewas the ClarkGroup. Do contact them too, andcooperate with them to achieve thebest win-win situation." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| nodded as my mouth twitched, and began to sort out the documents. | was going to visit Naomi in the afternoon.Seeing that he was leaving, | informed him, "I have to go to Naomi's place at noon. | might come back late.”He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It seems like she was injured while fighting wth someone." | simply explained.

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