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Chapter 952

| was stunned for a moment and tried to cover up my embarrassment with a smile. Then | answered, "Yesterday, | met an oldfriend and had a few drinks with him. Then, we got so high that we spent the whole night at the bar.”

| knew that this excuse was a bit far-fetched, but | couldn't find anything else suitable.

He looked at me, but did not say anything. His dark eyes bore into me, which made me feel numb.novelbin

In order to alleviate my embarrassment, | asked him, "Mr. Milton, have you had breakfast?"

| had forgotten that my current job was to be responsible for this big boss's every meal.

He didn't speak, seemingly not wanting to talk to me. Instead, he turned around and went straight into his own office.After thinking for a while, | went downstairs to buy some breakfast. When | came back, | saw that Sebastian was not in.

| didn't see Linda, but later | remembered that | had a meeting that morning, so | hurriedly went into the conference room.

As soon as | entered, the person presenting stopped. | was a little awkward. | looked up and saw that everyone in the conferenceroom was looking at me.

How embarrassing!| couldn't help but apologize, "Sorry to interrupt! Apologies for being late."Sebastian sat at the front, staring at me. Then he signaled for the presenters to continue with their speech.

The meeting stretched through the morning and was torturous to sit through. Finally, it was over, but before | could leave,Sebastian stopped me.

"Arianna Reid!"| stopped in my tracks and turned back to look at him. | smiled awkwardly, "Yes, Mr. Milton!""Did you forget that we had a meeting today?" He asked me seriously.

| nodded and shook my head again. Feeling a little helpless, | said, "Mr. Milton, I'm sorry. It was my mistake. | promise | won't doit next time."

He pursed his lips. "You had worked for the Roberts Group and Granger Groups, which spoke for your abilities, so | bypassedthe usual processes and gave you a position directly. However, that doesn't mean that the Milton Group’ s rules and regulationsare just child's play.

Arianna, if you take on any job, you should take it seriously."

| nodded my head repeatedly, immediately replying, "Yes, yes!"

He pursed his lips and seemed to be in a bad mood. He walked around me, and straight out of the meeting room.| sighed, still feeling like a mess.

Linda stood at the door and waited for me. Seeing that | was still down, she said, "Mr. Milton treats work very strictly. You’re newhere. You'll be fine after getting used to it for a few days."

Hearing her comforting words, | looked up at her in surprise. | said appreciatively, "Thank you!"

She smiled, "Everyone has been through this. If a woman doesn't want to be a homemaker relying on her husband, then she has.to work hard in the workplace, and become a self-reliant woman."

| was a little stunned. As she turned around to leave, she looked back at me, saying, "By the way, I'll tell you a neat trick. Mr.Milton likes sweets, but he rarely gets to eat them. You should bring some candy with you, they might help avoid a scolding fromhim!"

| was a little surprised. Sebastian liked sweets?It was shocking to hear.Was it a guilty pleasure, or just a preference?

"Oh, Mr. Milton has to eat breakfast alittle earlier than usual. He h

weak stomach, anrienice oodastrie’ ain easily. So, you have toalways have gastric pills on standbyfor him!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Looking at Linda walking away, | remained stunned. | went back to the office, and handed the sorted documents to Sebastian.

Seeing his pale face, | thought that hewas still angry, so | said cauti BSI"Mr. Milto heyeredel theseporgeiins There are no problems, |just need your sign-off on them."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He nodded, not looking at me. He continued to look at the documents, and | noticed that he had been clutching his abdomen.Thinking back to what Linda had said, | finally realized that it was not anger, but rather a gastric attack.

Seeing him pour over the documentsseriously, | took a moment toconsider things. Then, | tookoupa’ |is capglestroat hy pocket and putthem in front of him. | apologized tohim, "Mr. Milton, I'm sorry about whathappened today. Here's some candy,I'll go out to buy some medicine andfood for you." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me, his dark eyes were like shining obsidian. He raised his brows and smirked,"Did Linda tell you?"

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