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Chapter 942

For a moment, my heart throbbed in pain, and | couldn't say a word. | allowed him to kiss me, as my punishment.

"| didn't know what poppy flowers looked like, before. I've only heard people speak of their beauty, but I'd never seen it, untilMyanway. Indeed, as people say, once you've seen and sniffed them, you'll never forget them. Hendrix, you're similar to poppyflowers."

In the darkness, | opened my mouth, and | couldn't help but feel conflicted.

He stopped moving, and his breathing was still a little rapid. Even though | couldn't see his face in the dark, | was able to guesshis expression.

"Why did you go to Myanway?"

As he asked, he put his hands tightly around my waist, as if he was afraid that | would run away.

| was thinking about how to answer him, but | couldn't find a reasonable answer. | just smiled and said, "Destiny led me there."He seemed to frown. "To hide from me?"

| pursed up my lips and didn't say anything. Maybe it was good to let him misunderstand me.

If | couldn't give him a future, | might as well be cruel, and push him away.

Ashort- term loss was better than long- term agony!

He loosened his grip on my waist and asked in a low voice, "Who did you go with?"

| couldn't think of a way to answer him. "You should ask who came back with me."

There was a faint chill in the air. | thought he was angry.

“Arianna, we shouldn't have had to go through this! You know very well that you won't be able to escape. | won't let you leaveme, for any reason."

| pursed my lips and pulled his hand from my waist. My voice was cold, "Hendrix, have you forgotten that | don't love you? | amnot happy with you. Everything in my past hurts me, so | can't face you. Every time | see you, | think of my bloodied child.Because of your mistakes, | can't be a mother anymore. Hendrix, | beg you to let me go. Can't you?"

In the darkness, his slender and tall body suddenly stumbled back. | looked down at his face, and could only feel his despair inhis sobs.

| think, maybe, with this, he'd let me go."Is there no other way?" He uttered lowly, his voice filled with an unfathomable emotion.

My nose twitched, and | felt tears welling up in my eyes. "No!" | said, after a pause, "Hendrix, we have to let go. Let's find ourown comfort, our own sanctuaries to seek peace. Okay?"

| felt my body ache. | finally understood that when people were heartbroken, their physical bodies would react the same.

His pitiful laughter rang in the air."Arianna, what do you mean bom)Ss ing.tharavoucan tum around

ahd just walk away. Do you think thatI'd be the same?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

| pursed my lips. | didn't want to listento him anymore. | was afraid, afraithat | couldn't pyroknyseltanwWOUICEROSH Ap o hug him. | wasafraid that | would tell him that |didn't want to leave, and | didn't wantto. Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

| left the room, and once again arrived at where Naomi and the others were.They all looked at me, confused, "Were you constipated? You were away for so long!"Ugh! Such ridiculous remarks could only be cooked up by the mischievous Naomi.

| felt flabbergasted. | rolled my eyesat her and sat back awning"!grea sath met a friend ofmine, and we talked!" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

She was rather nosy about it. "A friend? Male or female? Is he handsome?"

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