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Chapter 938

Hendrix had sent me the most messages, and | looked them over. Most of them were pictures of him and Anne. They didn't saymuch. They were just daily greetings, asking me whether I'd already eaten, and what | was doing.

| looked through each of them carefully and found that the last one was sent by him fairly recently. It seemed that he was safe.| decided to reply after some thought.

| typed, "I'm fine, don't worry!" | didn't know what else | could say.

Then, | also sent a message to Freya and Yana, and a few more, to inform them that | was safe.

The police came soon enough. They needed to collect evidence.

Michael from the Andar Group was really shocked that | had come back. What was even more surprising was that | had broughtthe police with me.

Upon seeing me, all the documents in his hands fell to the ground instantly. He couldn't hide his astonishment. "Arianna, you..."

| scoffed faintly and said, "Well, thanks to you, |”

am still alive!

The police came forward and arrested him after showing him their ID cards. As for the group of policewomen | had reported on,the police couldn't find any of them within their ranks.

It seemed that they had already made an escape.| was walking out of the police station when Hendrix called.

| was so familiar with this phone number. Even if it wasn't registered under his name, | still knew it was him just by looking at thenumber.

It was difficult to decide, whether to pick up the call or not.

| only picked up after staring at the screen for a long time.

He got to the point, in his familiar restrained voice.

"Where are you?"

After a bout of absent-mindedness, | looked up at the August sky, suddenly feeling that a long time had passed.

"I'm back in the country!" He didn't mention anything about our meeting in Myanway. He had probably been really worried.There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. "Can | come over?" he asked.

He was asking for my consent. | pursed my lips and replied, "No need. I'm doing alright now. Don't worry about me."

"| want to see you!" he said sullenly. | could detect his emotions even across the call.

"| want to see you!"| hadn't heard him say something like that in a long time. | smiled, and couldn't help feeling warm internally.

“Hendrix, I'm fine. Really!" | wanted to tell him that he could try to start a new life, but | knew that these words would inevitablyincur his wrath.


"I'm not fine with this!" His voice waslow, and he seemed to be unable tocontrol his emotions. "Arianna,there's an end to oneanatiec Olyp ata some time alone,let you, and I'm willing to wait. Butyou can't keep me away like this. |don't want to face this lonelinessalone, and | don't want to rely on justthe memory of you. | want to see you,and | really want to see you now."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| was lost for a moment. This was the first time that | had heard Hendrix's straightforward longing, without any reservations.If he was standing in front of me right now, | would definitely hug him tight, and tell him that | missed him very much, too.

"Hendrix, you've taken good care ofAnne. Thank you," | said, trying tochange the topic. Lwasiatraid thal)ppeable {2 control myselfand would yearn for him again. | wasafraid that my appearance wouldmess up his life again. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He should have a blissful marriage,blessed with children. | e ogeeability to aive ve intial \Ru lifechdldét conceive a baby for him, soleaving him was the best choice!Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

His voice was rough on the other end of the line. "Arianna, is this a punishment? If it is, what do | need you to do to make youcome back to my side?”

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