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Chapter 880

He was obviously no ordinary person. | knew that at first glance. "So, who is this Mr. Milton?"“He's the chairman of the Andar Group," He stated, "You looked so friendly with him just now. | didn't expect you not to know."“| met him by chance!" | guess | was rather friendly with strangers.

He nodded and said after a pause, "Sebastian is quite mysterious. | heard of him when | was in Jarold City. | know that he's nocommoner, but | never really learned much of his background."

After soaking in the hot spring for a long while, | started to feel dizzy. | emerged from the pool and sat down by its side, wrappingmyself in a bath towel as | said, "Many people are mysterious in this world; it's not weird for Sebastian to be one of them |guess."

He hummed in response. "Alright, as long as you know what you're doing."

After a pause, he said, "Let's go regroup with the others on the second floor. Since you want to start a new life, you shouldn'tstay away from your colleagues. After all, we will have to work together in the future."

| tilted my head and shot him a look. "Michael, you're quite the nagger."After | left Andoland, | had initially planned to live alone in Asherton.

| was caught by surprise when | met Michael, who just came out of prison. Five years ago, he was prosecuted for breaking thelaw. | never thought that we would cross paths again.

| didn't expect to meet him while | was looking for a job in Asherton, and that | would eventually end up working together with himand becoming colleagues with one another.

The world was such an unpredictable place.At Zone A on the second floor!Several colleagues of mine had gathered at the private room area of the KTV, all of which were girls.

| decided to join them after much persuasion from Michael. | didn't know how to sing, but since | was there, | couldn't be a badsport.

| went along with them and hummed as many words as | knew.

“Arianna, did you bring a charger?" A colleague asked. From the looks of it, her phone was running out of battery.| nodded and said, "Our things are all in the locker room though. Do you need it badly? I'll go and get it!"

She nodded back at me, "It's alright. I'll go and get it myself. Give me your number card, and I'll be right back."

| didn't have anything important in my locker, so | handed her the number card and let her retrieve the charger herself.

We sang for a long time, each songbelted out of tune. Fortunately,everyone was exp for the parodseof yerting) $b no one cared abouthow we sounded. After everyone letout their pent up feelings, everythingwould be fine. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Seeing that it was getting late, | went to the locker room and prepared to take a shower before going home."There will be a performance at eleven tonight in this hotel. Don't you want to watch it before you go home?" A colleague asked.| gave her a small smile and said, "Nah, it's getting late. I'll head home after taking a shower."

After all, the company paid for us toenjoy ourselves. This place probablycosted a thousand dollars per head.Obviously, it was a ackcsuitabrelfolthageqeria Gould at: ord it. Generallyspeaking, those who earned ameagre income would not be willingto spend thousands of dollars a nightin this place. It would be fine to havefun every now and then, but cominghere frequently was financiallyunfeasible. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

With the company footing everyone's bill tonight, the staff would naturally enjoy to their heart's content.At the locker room!novelbin

After | came out of the bathroomfrom my shower, a few girls inuniform stood in front_of ystaias5 apologized) Please get dressedimmediately. The police are comingover for an investigation, which willdelay everyone's time. We sincerelyapologize for any inconveniencecaused." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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