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Chapter 876

"It's when you get to know new people, new friends, and new things!"

| nodded, "Alright!"

He was stunned, but took my response as agreement to what he said. "The party is at Greenland Hotel. Don’t be late."After that, he placed an invitation card on my table and said, "Take this card. Go in and get a number card."

| nodded. "Is there really a need for an invitation card?"

He mumbled a 'yes' as he walked to his seat and packed up his things, "The company has paid for it so you can just go in. Thereis a hot spring in the hotel. You should go in and have fun."

How grand this party was.| took the invitation card. He was in a hurry to leave, so he was quiet from then on/

Suddenly, | remembered that | needed to take a few days' leave, told him, "Michael, | may need to apply for leave in a few days.You have to help me approve it.”

He looked back at me and frowned, "Are you going to Jarold City?"

| nodded, "There is something | need to do."

“Are you missing your child?"

| suddenly realized that he was a little too talkative. "Something like that."

He nodded and said after thinking for a while, "We can go together. I'm also leaving for Jarold City in a few days."Just as | was about to reject him, he spoke, "That's enough, pack your things quickly and get ready to go to the hotel!"Seeing him leave, | said nothing further and looked up at the clock on the wall. Office hours were officially over.

| looked at the invitation card on my desk. | didn't want to go initially, but since | had agreed, | couldn't back out of it anymore. |packed my things, left the company and took a taxi to the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, | happened to meet two female colleagues. After greeting each other, we entered the hotel together.After taking the number card at the hotel lobby, the receptionist said to us, "Ladies, you may go get changed first."

was stunned. Was the hotel's service this


The other two colleagues had probably been here several times. Noticing that | was confused, they explained, "This is a hotspring hotel. It's more about fun than accommodation, so most of us come here to have fun instead of staying for the night."

| followed the two of them, and we went into the changing room. After getting changed, we went straight to the entertainmentarea on the third floor, just as instructed.

We were here to eat, drink and have a good time. There were game halls, an entertainment square, and a dining area on thethird floor.

| initially assumed that the so-called party was for everyone to eat and have a drink.

| did not expect to see such an oddway of partying. The hotel wascrowded with guests youl O1"sional in into my colleagues.After we greeted each other, wewould go our separate ways andcontinue our own fun. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| found myself a seat in the music hall. | felt lazy and didn't like to walk around once | sat down."Is anyone sitting here?"

| heard a voice and was stunned by it.

| turned around and ve famitian \

face but hgquianPeiriember who itU ;s for a moment. | just felt that hewas familiar. Please read the originalnovelbin

content at NovelDrama.Org.

The man was 1.85 meters tall andhad a slender figure igen comexquisitel “gamed jake: e WasHanged e though his presence wascold and slightly distant. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He was a little surprised to see me staring blankly at him. Lifting his eyebrows, he repeated, "Is someone sitting here?"| shook my head and withdrew my gaze, saying blandly, "Nope!"

He then sat down beside me, holding a glass of Coke in hand.

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