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Chapter 863

"Arianna!" Hendrix was enraged. "What, do you feel bad for Irvin now that he has fallen into depravity? Do you want to be a saintand go save him?"

| frowned and asked, "Hendrix, what are you talking about?""Isn't that so?" He sneered, "You probably pushed me over to Rowane just so you could go to the hospital to see him today."

Shocked, | had no idea how to respond. Instead, | blurted out, "Rowane is beautiful and outstanding. Be it in appearance ortalent, she is the epitome of excellence..."

He sneered, "Haha! Should | thank you instead, for putting in so much effort for my sake? You really are something. Otherwomen try their best to prevent their husbands from cheating, but you're pushing your own husband into the arms of anotherwoman. Don't you think that | should thank you?"

Being rendered speechless by him, | couldn't help but feel a little upset. Then, it suddenly struck me as to what to say and so |looked up at him gearing myself up.

Tears welled up in my eyes and | said in a hoarse voice, "I didn't mean to push you away yesterday. | just thought that you hadsomething important to discuss with her, so | took the initiative to leave. When | came back, you were already gone, so | camehome by myself. | didn't purposely go to the hospital to meet Irvin today. | just happened to meet him there. Hendrix, I've neverthought to push you away. | just don't know what to do!"

His gaze softened. He sighed and helplessly tugged at me, "I'm sorry, | was too impulsive."

| dipped my head and shook it lightly, extricated myself from his embrace and went into the bathroom.Only a love between equals could sustain. The chasm between us awas already far too wide to be bridged.Ice cold water splashed against my body. | was in a trance. What was | going to do next?

| was lost.

| was in the bathroom for a long time before | finally came out. Hendrix was on the balcony, smoking. Normally, | would'vesneaked into his arms and gently told him to stop. However, at that moment, | simply dried my hair and went to lay on the bed.

The faint smell of tobacco wafted into the bedroom. | had just caught a cold, and the smoke irritated my throat, causing me tobreak into a violent coughing fit.

Probably upon hearing my coughing sounds as they were a little intense, Hendrix stubbed out the cigarette butt, came in, pouredme some water, and smoothed my back. "Have you taken any medicine?" he asked.

| shook my head and said, "The doctor told me that it wasn't a big deal and that | shouldn't take medicine for every little bug.Medicines are still drugs and all drugs are poison."

His brows knitted together but he didn't say much. Seeing that | had stopped coughing, he got up and went to the bathroom.After catching my breath, | laid on the bed and closed my eyes, in preparation to sleep, but | just couldn't.

The problem was that if | was not yet asleep by the time he came out, | would most probably be expected to engage in a lightbanter with him and currently, that was the last thing on my mind as | simply had nothing to say to him.

| had no choice but to pretend to fall asleep.Half an hour later.

He opened the bathroom door and came out. After a few rustling sounds, the bed dipped as he laid down.

| expected him to hold me in his armsand sleep, but he failed to dase The

sie eped thes emedacai spacious and empty.

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That night, we slept on our own and dreamt separate dreams till dawn came.When | woke up, Hendrix was not there.

| was still a little tired. | tapped myphone to check the timett was six \

loc inthe radening: $6 | thoughtfe | could sleep for a whilelonger. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

| closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Suddenly, the bedroom door was opened and footsteps entered.| was vaguely aware of a presence at my side when | heard Hendrix's voice, "Arianna, time to get up."| opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. He was dressed in black, looking stern.

| turned sideways, my head restingon my folded elbows ag Lasked fiit ough gquinting byes, "Aren't yougoing to the office today?" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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