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Chapter 852

Anne didn't understand what | had just said, nor did | completely understand myself either. Staring at Dalton's portrait blankly, |thought that he must probably feel a little disappointed since Hendrix had not come.

When Dalton passed away, Hendrix had held resentment in his heart, so he hadn't come to see him off. At the moment,Hendrix's resentment had faded, and it seemed that he had also missed Dalton less.

| wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad thing. Someone was crying in front of a new grave. It must be someone who hadjust left, and the grief of the family members had not yet dissipated.

| didn't like to cry in front of graves. Holding Anne, we bade goodbye to Dalton and went to Grandmother's grave.Holding me, Anne tugged at my sleeve, "Mommy, why is that man standing in front of Greatgrandma's grave?"

| looked over and saw a tall and slender man in black standing solemnly and coldly in front of Grandmother's grave. | could notsee his expression clearly because he had his back facing


| tried to think but | couldn't remember who that person was. From my memory, | couldn't remember Grandmother knowing sucha person!

Feeling strange, | went forward and greeted him, "Hello!"The man stiffened. After a while, he turned and looked at me coldly.

He was handsome and cold, with an aura that kept people at arm's length. He looked at me and said nothing. Glancing at mefaintly, he then turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing the white chrysanthemums and offerings in front of the grave, | couldn't help looking at the person. | said, "Sir, you are..."The man looked back at me and said coldly, "I'm just a passerby!"

He left after that simple reply.

Watching him leave, | couldn't help but wonder when my grandmother knew such a person.

| stopped thinking about it after bowing and saying goodbye to Grandma along with Anne. Monique's grave was the latest one.Although five years had passed, there was no weed and damages at her grave. It looked so new.

| couldn't seem to understand Josiah. Perhaps he had never loved Natalie and Monique at all. To him, they were just passersbyand the people he felt guilty towards.

Due to the fact that they were no longer around, there was only guilt and regret left in his heart.If both of them were still alive, he would probably still be cold and indifferent to them. They would even turn into strangers.

On the way back, | met the man with a cold expression again. His black SUV was parked in front of the cemetery, and it lookedcool and domineering.

He glanced at me and Anne lightly when he saw us. Then, he put on his sunglasses and drove away.In the car, Evan said, "Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Roberts has asked me to book the return flight for tonight. Is that okay for you?"| smiled and said, "Alright!" As he had already booked the flight, | could no longer ask him to cancel it.

Not long after the car started its engine, there was a sudden violent braking sound that shook my eardrums, making them swell.

The car suddenly came to a halt withnovelbin

Anne lying in my arms. an calmed

poinan ogked at anthbiadk car in frontae and slightly squinted his eyes.

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| also came back to my senses and saw two men getting out of the black car with a spanner in their hands. They were obviouslycoming for us.

"Bang!" The car window was smashed."Mrs. Roberts, call the police!" As Evan spoke, the window glass of the driver's seat had already been smashed down.

The door of the car was opened, and Evan was dragged out of the car by two strong men. They then tied his limbs up andshoved him into the car.

| froze for a moment before taking out my phone. Just as | was about to make the call, my phone was snatched away.

Before | could react, the door of thebackseat was opened. Two stratmen each sto omrpadttside,°Igonirig at be, saying with facesdevoid of emotions, "Miss Reid,please come with us!" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| held Anne in my arms, worried that they might scare her, so | asked calmly, "What do you all want?"“It will only take half an hour of your time, so please cooperate!" the two men said with dark faces.

| was worried that they would hurtAnne, so | didn't fight back. | aQh etof the car with aneieemny arms,aaked Ste two men, and said ascalmly as possible, "Lead the way!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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