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Chapter 833

When Valerie came back and saw that | was still sitting in the corridor in a daze, she could not help asking, "Why are you stillsitting here? It's cold in the corridor. Let's go back to the ward."

With that, she stretched out her hand to grab mine and led me into the ward.In the ward.

Hendrix and Pedro had already ended their conversation. Pedro got up when they saw us walking in, and naturally pulled Valerieinto his arms. "Where have you been?" he asked.

"| went to ask the hospital whether we can transfer Hendrix to the hospital in Jarold City so that we can celebrate the New Year'stogether this year," Valerie said with some joy on her face.

Then, she looked at Hendrix and asked, "Hendrix, you have no problem getting out of bed and walking now, right?”Hendrix nodded and replied, "Yes, | have no problems!"

Valerie smiled and said, "The doctor said that as long as you can get out of bed and walk around, you can be transferred toanother hospital. It's going to be New Year's Eve soon. I'm not familiar with Hanlusia City, so it's not convenient for us tocelebrate New Year's here. How about we complete the discharge procedures in a few days and go back to Jarold City tocelebrate New Year's?"

Obviously, she was asking Hendrix for his opinion.Hendrix nodded his head, his facial expression not shifting in the slightest. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"

Valerie was elated upon hearing that. She pulled Pedro aside and told him that she wanted to tour Hanlusia City. After all, it wasa prosperous city, and many foreign luxury goods could be bought there. Valerie wanted to go around the city and take a look.

Pedro didn't have any objections, so he agreed to her request and went with her.

Only Hendrix and | were left in the ward. There was something on my mind, so | became more silent than before.

After asking about his wound, | sat down on the sofa in a daze.

He looked at me and said in a low, gentle voice, "Arianna, come here!"

| looked up at him and saw him patting the empty space beside him. With a light smile on his face, he said, "Come sit here!"

| got up, walked to him, sat down, and looked up at him with a faint smile. | wanted to lean in his arms, but | was afraid that |would hurt him. So, | just slightly leaned my head on his shoulder gently.

He raised his hand, moved my head to his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt!"

| smiled faintly and couldn't help but feel a little teary. Forget it, | wouldn't ask any more questions. We still had a long time aheadof us, so it would be best not to mention trivial matters like those anymore.

Rain had become a common sight in Hanlusia City. It seemed that it had not stopped raining from the moment we arrived in thecity.

Hendrix said that he had to go to the police station to see Josiah since he was going to be discharged from the hospital.

| didn't want to go at all. After all, | couldn't return good for evil. However, Hendrix said that he wanted to go, so | didn't refute andagreed to go with him.

Charles was supervising Josiah's criminal liability verdict in person. So, no matter how powerful the Saunders family was, theycould do nothing.

Sometimes, money was useless against real power.

Therefore, Josiah was sentenced to prison for seven years for intentional assault. He was sentenced to a prison located in theoutskirts of Hanlusia City.

Pedro and Valerie didn't want to see Josiah at all, so they only asked the driver to take us there.

The car stopped at the gates of theprison and | looked up 7 the rslaeliron gate IL was sonal \ast ookingAMegute e was enough to makepeople feel as if the place wasdaunting. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Anne will be twelve years old inseven years time. Seven eatsnovelbin

pass by in the blink ofakroyel | said,‘arauus help but feel a complexsense of sorrow in my heart. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Hendrix smiled lightly and stretched his hand out to hold mine. Then, he patted the back of my hand and said with a faint smile,“People always have to pay for their mistakes."

The car pulled over at the side of theroad. It was a desolate road, SSTwas almost no {rafnic result,there ass no need to worry that therewould be no parking spots. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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