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Chapter 827

Valerie watched as | only took a few bites and placed it down. Her heart ached as she said, "You have to eat more. Otherwise,how will you have the energy to take care of him?"

Thinking about it, | agreed too and forced myself to take a few more mouthfuls until | couldn't eat anymore and placed down thelunch box.

She tidied up and looked at me, still looking quite distressed. She reminded me, "You must take good care of yourself.”

| was busy staring at her and | felt a dullness in my heart. | couldn't help but ask as | looked at her, "What were you thinking ofback then when you abandoned me?"

It was somewhat an abrupt topic to bring up. All those years, | had been telling everyone every day that it was okay to not havemy own birth parents with me as | didn't need them.

However, every time | saw someone walking hand-in-hand with their parents and being doted upon, | was envious. | was afraidthat others would see through my envy, so | dared not look at them.

Valerie shed tears, and her body trembled a little. | knew that she was upset.

Not waiting for her to answer, | spoke on my own, "When | was young, | wrote an essay which got an award. It was sometimeduring Year 3. The title of my essay was ‘My Mother’. Grandma was overjoyed. She said that she wanted to take a look at myessay, but | didn't show it to her, not even to Monique who had gone to schoo! with me. | had initially wanted to burn that essay,but couldn't bring myself to do so in the end."

Seeing her wiping her tears, | sighed as | continued, "Honestly, you're different from the mother | had in mind. Back then, | usedto imagine what my mother would be like. Due to the fact that | had never seen you before, | thought that you would be likeMonique's mom who constantly liked to nag. Every time Monique didn't get up in the morning, she would stand at Monique'sbedside and nag at her, all the way until Monique lost her mind. Or, maybe my mother would be like Sandy's mother, who wouldalways buy lots of pretty dresses and beautiful things for Sandy. | had imagined a lot of times what you would look like, but | hadnever thought of someone like you. You don't look like what | imagined. There's no bliss or warmth like | had expected. Yourpresence didn't bring me any joy or happiness, only pain."

She sobbed, possibly out of distress. She couldn't catch her breath for some time.

She said, "Arianna, I'm sorry, | was wrong. Give me another chance, I'll work hard. I'll definitely become the mother youimagined."

| was a little sad. She was the person whom | had thought about day in, day out when | was younger, yet after growing up, |discovered that some people were only suited to stay in our memories.

| pulled a tissue out for her to wipe away her tears. | said to her, "| can't possibly understand what your feelings were when youabandoned me, but | can understand your love towards your own child. Grandma said that no matter how dark our paths maybe, light must remain in our hearts. However, | couldn't constantly face the light. None of you were actually at fault as the onlyfault lies with fate. | had initially blamed you, but | don't anymore."

No one in the world was perfect. Valerie and Pedro weren't bad people, but neither were they good. Although they had their flawsas parents, they weren't completely bad people either.


| was probably considered a luckyperson, to have Hendrix's undevotion, a nd to baveparents whoWaer eiSoictey ruthless oremotionless. That in itself was ablessing. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Anyone who met Eugene's so-called mother would probably be filled with disgust.

Rowane's fate was bleak enough. She was abandoned when she was young. She was currently successful, but she was pushedto the edge by her own birth parents.

As | thought about it closely, howcould anyone live a perfect li

Whose lif agnitfullt horns andast |, we had to press onforward and be brave throughout life.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Valerie said, "Arianna, | know thatyou've been through a lot all eseriyears. In th g futuro well Walk withyout ie every path. As long asyou don't push us away, we'll alwaysbe here." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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