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Chapter 686

He had already lifted me and placed me on the bed as he talked. | felt that he was being too anxious, so | smiled and said, "I'mfine!"

He kept silent and helped me lie down before going downstairs. He had been busy since he woke up in the morning. Now that |thought about it, he was already terribly busy in the office; but when he came home, he still had to take care of Anne and I.

| couldn't help but feel guilty. It seemed that | had caused him trouble again.| couldn't fall asleep. It was quite cold outside, so it was impossible to go out. But staying at home was boring me out of my mind.| decided to just get out of bed and pay our study a visit. Reading a few books would be good.

As soon as | reached the door, | bumped into Hendrix. He had a bowl of brown sugar ginger tea in his hands. | immediatelyunderstood; | had thought that he went downstairs to have breakfast, but it turned out...

Looking at the bowl of dark red tea in his hands, | shook my head and looked up at him. "I just had breakfast, | can't haveanything else now."

Even though | hadn't been vomiting these past few days, if | had too much, | would still feel my stomach chum and | would retch.

He knew better than | did, hence he did not force me to drink it. Instead, he put the bowl on the table in the bedroom and said,"Have some after it cools down."

Knowing that he was worried about me, | nodded. | thought for a moment then said, "| want to go to the study to read. Do youwant to follow?"

He raised his eyebrows, then stretched his hand out to pull me along to the study.

The design of the study in this new villa was quite different from that of the previous one. The study here had taken Anne intoconsideration.

That's why Hendrix had made it particularly larger. All books and reading materials here were all collected with care.

As Hendrix was worried that Anne wouldn't be safe playing alone downstairs, he brought her up to the study.

He had a child's study room specially designed with a starry sky for her. It was well made, fantasylike, and very beautiful.Anne hadn't learned a lot of words, so she only read comics and looked at pictures.

| didn't want Anne to feel too much pressure, so | didn't add anything for her to study. She was only five, so | didn't ever thinkabout adding onto her burdens, and only invested all my effort in her interests instead.

| had initially planned to send her to piano lessons when she was three, but that wasn't good for a toddler's joints, so | simply lether pick up dancing and drawing.

Time went by leisurely. Although Hendrix was on a break, he still had to take care of the company's affairs.| nestled myself on the couch and read for a while. When | looked up, | saw Hendrix still busy with work.

His fingers tapped and moved swiftly across on the keyboard, his eyes were solemn and focused. This man had a naturaldebonair look; when he was serious, it was as though the whole world shone only on him. He was particularly attractive when hewas working.

| watched as he stopped to reach forthe glass at the edge of the table fora drink. It wasn't untilahe:glaesO"reggherthicimolt, only did he realizethat it was empty. He knitted hisbrows for a moment, then placed itdown and continued working. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| placed the book in my hand down and got up to take his glass. He lifted his eyes to look at me.Smiling, he said, "I'll do it myself later!"| smiled. "I want to stretch my legs for a bit."

He smiled at me silently, then continued his work. After | poured him a glass of water, | turned to look at Anne who was just nextto the screen.

The child laid on the carpet, bothhands supporting her c in ag herilittleAvi swayed aber She was readingh Lae completely immersed inthe static pictures. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

She seemed very focused. As sheflipped a page, she pro ably felbién

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k before she continuedreading. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

| couldn't help but laugh. These two were extremely alike. | poured her a glass of water as well.

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