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Chapter 682

Yana was momentarily startled; she hadn't expected me to call Aaron. She tugged at me and whispered, "Arianna, don't do this,I'm okay."

| patted her hand and whispered back, "It's fine!"

Aaron, who was on the other end of the call, was stunned and said in confusion, "A driver will be going over to pick her up. Don'tworry."

| suppressed my anger and felt that he had definitely crossed the line. "Aaron, she's your wife and she's pregnant. Are you sureyour brain works?"

What kind of mindset did he have, for him to personally send a stranger home, but leave his own wife alone on the roadside?

"| don't plan on marrying her. She's just a birthing tool to me, so Arianna, you don't have to feel bad for her as if she's your sister-in-law. One day, when | meet the woman | really want to marry, I'll take her to you and I'll let you call her your sister-in-law. Don't

worry, the chauffeur and servants at home will take good care of her. | myself know how | should treat her. You should take care

of your own health, don't overthink things. Be good!"

Though Aaron's voice was not loud, Yana heard every word he said since she sat close to me.For a moment, | was speechless. | hung up and looked at Yana.

Her face was pale. Even though she was obviously in a lot of emotional pain, she still mustered a smile at me to comfort me, toshow that she was fine.

There were tears in her eyes. She probably didn't want me to see her in pain, so she turned to look out of the window andavoided my gaze.

| felt sorry for this girl. It was as if | was looking at my past self.

It was silent in the car throughout the entire journey. We stopped at the entrance of Aaron's villa. A servant immediately camedown to pick her up.

After saying goodbye, Hendrix drove off. Seeing that | was silent, he turned his gentle gaze towards me and asked in a tendervoice, "What are you thinking about?"

| came back to my senses, then leaned back on the chair and tilted my head to look at him. Slightly confused, | asked, "Hendrix,do you still remember the day you picked me up from the hospital four years ago?"

He pursed his lips, his slender fingers tapping on the steering wheel as he nodded, "Yes, |remember."

Noticing that | had thought of something, he continued, "What about it?”

"| had just done an ultrasoundcheck-up that day; the child was sixweeks old. | didn't expect that you'dcome pick me up t Eday, yeuwajtedsfanieie Henstairs, When | gotinto the car, all | could think aboutwas...if you found out that | waspregnant, would you mentiondivorcing me? | felt so conflicted. If |used the child to bind you to me, thatwould've been too shameless of me."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

| didn't look at him but fixed my eyes on my own fingertips. My fingernails had grown longer.

He seemed to be waiting for me tofinish. | was silent for a moment, thencontinued, "After that, Andrea ayeraccidental miscagrigne \wateieyonispoiletfher and cared for her. |wanted a divorce and to keep thebaby, so | pretended as though | hadgone through a procedure to get ridof the baby. But | didn't think that youwould end up falling for me, that youwould..." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

The car slowly stopped at the side of the road. He lifted my chin up with his long fingers so that | was looking at him. Our eyesmet, and | gazed into his deep, mesmerizing dark eyes.

| was in a daze, not knowing what to say at the moment.

He lowered his eyes, lookingsomewhat despondent. He said in alow, hoarse voice, "The reason |wanted to divorce you was that 111apenres o6ul fake good careou for the rest of our lives, if |could completely devote myself tocare for you. If there was anyuncertainty that we could continuejourneying through life together, thecloser we were, the more painful thebreakup would have been." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

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