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Chapter 655

After thinking for a moment, | said, “It's the weekend tomorrow. | might take Anne to the bookstore so | might not be available."

“Let's have dinner together. It won't take long." After hesitating briefly, she continued, "I know you probably misunderstood me.But, Arianna, we all have to live for ourselves. Besides, she deserved it."

Kelsey's complaint to Sierra in the movie shed, be it intentional or not, wasn't a big deal to me. People had their own free will tochoose their friends. After all, birds of a feather tend to flock together.

"I'll see you on the weekend then." It was easier to be doubtful since one could not read another's expression on the phone."Okay!"

After hanging up, | came out of the washroom and saw that Anne was no longer at the dining table. Only Hendrix and Josiahwere around. | furrowed my brows and asked, "Where's Anne?”

Josiah replied, "She wanted dessert, so she went to pick some up with Chloe."

| frowned. | was worried and feeling slightly angry, but | couldn't lash out at Josiah, so | looked towards Hendrix and said, "Anneis naughty, and Miss Hammer is pregnant. How could you let her go with Chloe?"

Hendrix looked at me and saw how anxious | was. He got up and tugged at me, saying, "They're only in the restaurant. Don'tworry, they'll come back soon!"

| pushed him away and walked towards where the desserts were. It was not that | didn't trust Chloe, but she was not the mostreliable person in the room. Anne was too big of a threat to the child in her womb.

The restaurant was massive. It took some time searching for me to find Anne, choosing desserts at the display window.

Seeing that she was fine, | let out a sigh of relief. When | saw Chloe snapping photos of Anne with her cell phone, | frowned andstepped forward. | snatched her phone and deleted the photos.

"Miss Hammer, my daughter's photos should not appear anywhere without my consent."

My sudden appearance shocked her for a moment, then she looked at me and said with some grievance, "Arianna, don't youthink you're overreacting? | took a photo of her because | thought she looked cute while choosing a cake. | didn't have any otherother intention! You don't have to overthink this."

"Oh, but | do!" | replied coldly and walked towards Anne. | pulled her close and said to Chloe, "For the sake of your safety, kindlystay away from my daughter from now on!"

She sneered and took her cell phone back. She looked at me and said, "| would be able to understand this if she were your child.| see how precious she is to you. Could the rumors be true? That Mr. Roberts can't have children, so you're treating her like yourown child?"

My face immediately darkened with rage painted across my face. "If you have nothing nice to say, | suggest you cut off your owntongue instead of tainting other people's ears."novelbin

“What's wrong?" She said scornfully, "Are the rumors true? Is Hendrix infertile?"

She whispered the last sentence

close to my ear, and bet wice We doWiGoh

low that I was only one who

heard her. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

| lowered my gaze, raised my hand,and slapped her west secqnd |tga trees i ut it was

hafd enough to send my messageacross. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

After the slap, she covered her cheekand glared at me.." bat's wrnd Withypyp vanant ec others talk aboutit?’ Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

"You can try again if you like,” | said, my attitude turning harsh and cold.

Asap in the restaurant would inevitably draw attention. Hendrix and Josiah quickly came over.

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