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Chapter 535

I could feel Hendrix' s anger and rage running down his nerves. He pursed his lips and suppressed his

anger. He then instructed, "Continue your investigation."

Evan nodded. He said, "Mr. Roberts, we've also found some information about Nerissa. The man who

took Madam was Nerissa's assistant, Haward."

Hendrix pursed his lips. He was quiet for a long time.

Evan thought Hendrix didn't want to say anything further, so he asked, "Mr. Roberts, what do I need to


"Find Haward. Make him talk, no matter what method you use," Hendrix said, his black eyes brimmed

with hostility.

I looked at Hendrix after he hung up the phone. I could not even say a word.

He hugged me and didn't say a word. He must have felt complicated, too.

Was it Nerissa? If so, why did she do this? What was in it for her?

He comforted me and said in a low voice, "Stay at home and rest. Don't overthink."novelbin

I grabbed him as he was about to leave. I asked, "Can you bring me along? Hendrix, I don't want to

stay alone at home."

He pressed his lips together, remained silent for a moment, then he nodded, "Okay!"

Ian took Anne over to her house, so there was no one at home. I could not sleep nor could I remain


Traffic was smooth as it was the first day of New Year. Hendrix drove the car out of the city and

stopped at one of the abandoned factories.

Hendrix held my hand as I got out of the car.

There were two men in black waiting outside the factory. They bowed and greeted Hendrix when they

saw him.

Hendrix merely responded and walked into the factory. He went cold with fury.

I shivered when I saw the man in sunglasses. Hendrix held me in his arms and said in a low voice,

"Don't be afraid, I am here!"

Then he signaled Evan to bring in two chairs. Hendrix helped me sit on one of the chairs, he got down

in front of me and held my hand.

His voice was gentle, "Close your eyes if you're afraid, okay?"

I responded by nodding my head.

He got up and turned to Haward. Anger welled up in his chest as he asked, "Are you going to tell me

yourself, or do I force you to?"

There were bruises on Haward's face. He had been beaten and punched before we arrived at the


"What else can you do to me?" He laughed without fearing death.

Hendrix pursed his lips as he felt a jolt of anger. He violently kicked Haward in the face. Haward's body

fell to the ground, and blood began to flow from the corners of his mouth.

Hendrix asked him coldly, "Do you want me to continue?"

Haward laughed. He was not afraid of death, "Kill me if you can."

Evan was so angry that he kicked Haward in the belly. He yelled angrily, "Stubborn face"

Hendrix looked at Haward beaten mercilessly by Evan. He motioned for Evan to stop after some time.

He sat down on his chair, looking cold and gloomy, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't tell. Bring both his

parents and fiancee. Let them share the fun together."

Hendrix's threat chilled Haward to the bones. He looked evil in his smile.

Haward's eyes were filled with fear all of a sudden. He looked at Hendrix and roared, "Roberts, come

and deal with me. You don't f*cking touch my family."

"Oh!" Hendrix sneered, "Do you think I will listen to you? I heard that your fiancee is pregnant. What will

happen to her if she knows what you have done?"

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