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Chapter 481

I pursed my lips and did not intend to stay here any longer. I repeated myself to Austin, "I'll be goingnovelbin


I then walked out of the hall without waiting for his reply.

I heard Austin speaking in an unpleasant tone from behind me. "Am I busy? Hendrix, who's the one

who stayed up all night? Who's the one who kept frowning after drinking all night?"

I felt myself go speechless.

I walked out of the hall and got into the car. As soon as I started the car, I got a call from Kelsey.

I turned off the engine and answer the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Are you coming back to Ucrebury? If you are, you'd better come today." She sounded serious as she


Surprised, I asked, "Is something the matter?"

She paused for a moment and replied, "I don't know how to say this. They haven't contacted you

probably because they've been trying to hide this from you, but time will tell the truth.

Come back and take a look yourself. Whatever it is, you should know the reason."

For a moment, my brain felt like it had exploded, and my lungs crushed by something heavy that made

it difficult to breathe. I took a deep breath and answered, "Did something happen to Monique?"

There was no answer. After a moment of silence, she said, "Come and have a look!"


After I ended the call, I quickly booked a flight to Ucrebury. Luckily, it was still early, so the next flight

from Jarold City to Ucrebury was in an hour.

Once I got my flight ticket settled, I started the car and saw Austin rushing out of the Granger Group

and waving at my car.

I was surprised to see him and immediately stopped the car. I looked at him and asked, "What's


"Arianna, Hendrix reserved a table at Nandoes Restaurant. Would you like to join us later?" He said

with a smile.

This invitation took me by surprise. Nandoes Restaurant?

Wasn't that where young couples in Jarold City liked to go on dates in the evening? It was a luxurious

joint most suited for lovers.

I raised my head to look at the time. It would be a rush to get to the airport from here. An hour was too

short of a time for this; I wouldn't even have time to eat.

Hendrix, who was standing at the door of the hall, followed him out. He still looked as unfriendly as


I pursed my lips and gave Austin my reply, "Mr. Shelley, I'm sorry. I have something to do later, so I

can't eat with you. Do call up Andrea. She should have time to eat with Hendrix... and you!"

After that, I started the car engine. Austin was a little angry to hear my response. "Arianna, what are

you talking about? Don't you know why Hendrix reserved a place at Nandoes Restaurant? When

couples quarrel, one has to give while the other takes. Why do you have to be so rigid?"

I pursed my lips and looked at the passing time. I glanced at Hendrix standing at the door of the hall

and told him stiffly, "Mr. Shelley, I thank you for the effort you put into me and Hendrix's relationship,

and also for Hendrix's kindness. However, please tell him that a relationship has to end between two

people, it can end peacefully and gently. We should both take a few days to calm down. I have

something to do, so I'll be taking my leave first!"

I stepped on the gas pedal and drove away feeling unbelievably annoyed.

It wasn't that I didn't want to ease the tension between the two of us, but my heart was a conflicted

mess, though I didn't exactly know what it was so conflicted about.

It was a nice coincidence that I would be going to Ucrebury later. I could take the opportunity to calm

down. Perhaps then, everything would be fine.

At the Jarold City airport, people coming and going flooded the place while the nearby roads were lined

with cars moving at a snail's pace. Fortunately, I managed to catch my flight.

I hurriedly got my ticket to board the plane. I only breathed a sigh of relief once I had gotten into the

plane. I found my seat and sat down. Soon after, the plane was ready for take-off.

"Dear passengers, we're about to take off. Please put away the folding tray and fasten your seat belt

for your safety. Please turn off your cell phone or have it switched to airplane mode," informed the

stewardess in a sweet voice.

I immediately took my phone out of my bag to turn it off. As I did, I noticed a dozen missed calls and a

few text messages - all

from Hendrix.

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