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Chapter 1780

Milleon's words were exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Well, I look forward to working with you," I answered.

A handshake later, the matter was settled.

Even while bidding farewell to Milleon downstairs, he still held on to my hand and thanked me profusely, "Miss Reid, we were destined to meet. From now on, we're good friends. If you need anything, feel free to let me know. Please don't hesitate!"

"I won't. Off you go." I smiled as I sent him off. I was inexplicably relaxed.

This person lacked self-restraint, but he was an uncomplicated man. I could tell that there was no need to beat around the bush when dealing with this kind of person.

Fabian came over abruptly and reminded me, "Should I report this to Mr. Reid?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

I turned my head to look at him, then shifted my gaze toward Milleon's striking Cayenne. "Don't worry, I'll let him know personally. He loves entertainment, so he'll definitely be interested in this," I said leisurely.

In the afternoon, I got off work early intentionally. Before returning home, I picked Anne up and we went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for the meals we were about to prepare.

It was a habit for me to send Hendrix a message on the phone to invite him over before I start cooking. As for whether he would be able to adjust his schedule and come over, that was up to him to decide. After all, Mullen was secretly keeping watch, so we could meet up almost every day. It was not necessary for him to come.

Charles ate and slept in the office's dormitory for the sake of Bate Coin. So during dinner, there were only four of us at the table.

As soon as I sat down, I picked up a piece of abalone for Aaron while grinning and flattering him. "Try it. Have my cooking skills deteriorated?"

He hung his head and looked at the abalone in his bowl. His eyebrows raised as he teased, "Wow, this is unexpected. You still have the mood to cook even without Hendrix's presence?"

Sneaking a glance at me, Aaron crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back onto the chair leisurely. He asked faintly,

"What's with the sudden interestet

what intentions are you hiding? Tell me, what the devil are you up to?" "Devil? Mom, where is it?" Anne shrieked. She was frightened and opened her bright eyes to plead for help. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the ridiculous scenario. I stretched out my hand and stroked her head while assuring, "There are no devils here. Uncle Aaron meant that you're very clever, and that you're a lovely, smart little devil!" "Really? Thank you, Uncle Aaron!" Anne gushed while playing satisfaction painted all over her face. Then, as if she was pondering about something, she tilted her head and bragged proudly, "That was also

how Mr. Clark praised me!" Content

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Aaron was upset when he heard this. "Again with Mr. Clark. Anne, aren't I your favorite man?"

"I love Dad the most! The second would be Uncle Aaron and Mr. Clark!" Anne exclaimed loudly while glancing at me, seemingly to seek approval.

"Oh? Do I not treat you well enough that you had to lump me with someone else in second place?" Aaron asked. I was unsure if he was actually jealous.

"Well..." Anne trailed off, as if she had encountered a problem. She was lost in her thoughts for a long while before she murmured, "like Uncle Aaron, but I like Mr. Clark too. I like both of them..." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The little one was in a dilemma, her eyebrows knitted together. She weighed her options carefully like a mini adult, which gave us a heartache. "Anne, Darling, you don't have to choose who is superior to the other. Just follow your heart. As long as you're happy, okay?" I comforted her gently. She looked up at me, her pair of small eyes full of oblivion. I did not know if she understood, but she nodded seriously and replied, "Okay! I got it, Mom!"

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