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Chapter 1765

At the dinner table, Aaron and Emma were still joking about this issue, but they stopped after I interrupted them with a few words.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Rumors did not affect wise people. I only believed in Hendrix's words and from watching his behavior.

He had called on the phone before I went to sleep. "Aren't you the least bit curious about the relationship between Serene Forbes and I?"

I put down my legal documents, grabbed my phone, faced it in front of me, and switched on the video camera. Hendrix did the same as well within a split second. It was already this late, and he was still at the company.

I laughed and said, "You broke her brother's arms. What kind of relationship do you think the both of you could develop?"

The keyboard warriors on social media were not aware of the whole situation, and yet they thought it was alright to spread nonsense. However, those who were sharp could see that Hendrix's behavior towards Serene was solely the courtesy towards an ordinary friend. This only began to seem strange when the media added fuel to it.

If the two of them really had anything between them, what they would expose to the public would be their marriage certificate, rather than two vague photos which attracted unnecessary attention.

"Yeah, you've become smarter. These words sound like they're coming from someone highly esteemed." Hendrix spoke leisurely as he leaned against his chair, narrowing his eyes. His face was slightly flushed from drinking.

"Highly esteemed? Probably," I bragged. "You can tell by observing Matt that the Forbes family isn't as simple as they seem to be. You should be careful with Serene."

"If there were other options, I wouldn't want to put up my good looks for sale either," Hendrix replied as he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at me helplessly. "In the future, I may find myself often interacting with Serene. Don't listen to or believe the news published online. If there are any circumstances, I will explain it to you personally."

For some reason, Hendrix seemed exhausted this day.

I smiled and dispelled his worries. "You do whatever you think is right. Don't worry the children and I will be fine. But there is one thing. Even if I'm not around you, take care of. yourself. Don't work overnight every day for a week or two weeks. You must keep your body healthy, only then can you make up for what you promised." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Okay," Hendrix said as he pursed his lips and nodded. Right after, he seemed to remember something and asked, "I heard that Freya wants you as her lawyer in her case, is that true?"

"Yeah, it's also a support for my career. Whether it's for my firm or for Freya, I will go all out this time. I've prepared for so long, so it's time to test my own strength," I answered.

"Change it to someone else," Hendrix demanded.

"Why?" I retorted, a little confused. "Are you questioning my ability? Or are you worried that my body won't be able to handle this?"

I could not understand why he would

be doubtful about my capabilities,


but if he was worried about the latter, he was wasting his energy. Although the disease in my body was ticking away like a time bomb, I was the same as every other normal person before this happened to me. If I gave up and spent my lifetime bedridden, it did not differ from dying. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"That's not it," Hendrix explained

patiently. "Don't you see that

Stephanie Simpson isn't a good person? If she dared to hire

someone to pour acid on Freya, can you promise that she won't do anything to you tomorrow? There are so many people working in the firm, so it's not difficult for you to find someone else to také over your position, and you don't have to bear the brunt of what could possibly happen." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

After considering carefully, I realized that his concern was justified. After all, before Freya was harmed, no one would have thought that a fragile woman would be heartless enough to attempt murder and disfigure someone's face.

"I got it. When it's my time to stand in court, I will get my staff to help me and we'll try to avoid any conflicts with Stephanie. You don't have to worry about me," I persuaded.

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