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Chapter 1759

"B*tch, how dare you call the police!" the man, Johnson, roared at me.

There was a deep scar on his nose that ran all the way to the corner of his mouth. He became ferocious due to the adrenaline coursing through him.When he heard what I had said, he angrily raised his hand, swinging his fist.

I subconsciously stretched out my hand to block the attack, but Freya was the first to strike as she kicked the man in between his legs."Argh! F*ck!" he screamed, feeling the pain while covering his crotch and kneeling, struggling in agony.

"How dare you touch my friend! You must be asking for death!” Freya growled as she stared down at the man from above without a glint of weaknessin her eyes.

Then, she shielded me behind her. In the distance, several bodyguards of the Moore family were charging towards us. They were a group of youngmen in suits and sunglasses, rushing over together, which grabbed a lot of attention.

When Johnson heard them approaching, he turned back toward us and was determined to go all out.He willed himself to stand and glared at Freya ruthlessly, shoving his hand inte the inner pocket of his suit and fishing out a plastic bottle.Before we could react, he unscrewed the cap hastily and doused the liquid from the bottle onto Freya's face while taunting, "Go to hell, you b*tch!"

I was still behind Freya's back, under her protection, but her high heels had gotten stuck within the cracks of the floor tiles. We lost our balance andfell backwards together.

At that moment, I could even make out the slosh of the liquid in the air, but Freya turned over and shielded meContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

I cried, "Look out!"

Freya yelped, "Argh!"

Her back was hit by the unknown fluid in front of my eyes. Freya's expression was aggravated as she gritted her teeth and endured the pain."Freya!" I cried out, watching her face turn red from the pain while she fell into my arms.

Glad that his plan had succeeded, Johnson flung the bottle away and fled.

The bodyguards rushed over and carried Freya away, as well as escorted me out of this dangerous place. Certainly, they had also contacted theauthorities.

She was then rushed to the hospital.

According to the doctor's preliminary diagnosis, Freya was injured by a strong sulfuric acid, and a large area of her skin on her back was burned. Itwas very likely that it could not repair itself.

Hendrix was the first person to call me on the phone. When he did, I was sitting right at the door of the operating room. The phone rang several times,but I did not pick up until the bodyguards left me.

"What took you so long to answer the phone?" Hendrix scolded, his voice slightly furious. Even as we were not speaking face to face, I could still feelhis anxiety.

"I'm sorry, Freya is still in the operating room, and I was in too much of a panic.” I replied feebly, unable to summon any of my energy.

Women were born with a naturaldesire for beduty. Freya had a fitfigure and delicate skin. Her favoriteoutfits were s*xy off- shoulders andclothes-that revealed her back. ~However, it seemed that she mightnotget to wear her beloved ’garments for the rest of her life now.t was too cruel for her. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

What was even more terrifying was that the man was obviously thinking about splashing it onto Freya's face. What deep hatred did he have againsther to be able to resort to such vicious methods?

Rather than saying that I wasworried, it was better to say that Iwas petrified. I was distressed aboutthe fact t that this incident SEEbecause of me; I could not handlebringing more harm to others beforeI die: Content belongs to =NovelDrama.Org

"Arianna." Hendrix's tone suddenly changed, the steadiness and strength in his tone made me feel at ease. "Believe me, this has nothing to do withyou. That guy is not one of Sebastian's men."

My worries were exposed just like that. The tears that I held back all the way poured down instantly, as if the floodgates had been opened. I held myphone in my hands and sobbed like a child.

Hendrix kept silent until I calmeddown. He continued in a low voice,"Aaron and the Moore family will ~arrive soén. Think about what ahappesed and explain the situationto then as quickly as you can: It Il bemate convenient to catch the culpritthen. Can you do that?" Content

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I clenched my teeth, sniffing. "Yes."

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