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Chapter 1754

It was not until Hendrix stopped to lock at the babies in the room upstairs that I managed to catch up to him.

Wynn was already sound asleep. He held Aurelia and played with her in the living area of the bedroom, his eyes filled with love. She had just reachedher first month of age. and she was like a palm-sized doll in his arms. Looking at him being so careful with her, I couldn't help but smile.

When he saw me enter the room, his playful expression toward the baby suddenly disappeared. He looked at me apathetically, as if glancing at astranger. When our eyes met, I subconsciously lowered my head

"Didn't you say you were coming tomorrow instead?” I asked softly.

Hendrix did not speak, his expression turning even more unsightly as he scrunched his face up seriously. "Are you saying that I didn’t come at theright time?"

All of a sudden, Aaron's voice could be heard from behind. "Looks like everyone's here. Let's go to the study together. Uncle Charles has somethingto say."

He didn't linger around for long. After saying that, he disappeared by the door.

The air was stagnant for about two seconds before Hendrix broke the silence by lifting his foot. He walked into the bedroom to put Aurelia downbefore striding out

This sudden disregard puzzled me. How did I provoke him?

Nevermind. Who hasn't had a sudden emotional outburst before? Maybe it's because the situation with Eddison didn't go well. I would talk to himafter meeting Charles.

By the time I arrived, Charles and the others were already in their respective seats. Three sternlooking men shifted their attention toward the doorsimultaneously. If they were just ordinary people, my legs would not have been trembling feebly.

I should have sat beside Hendrix, but he looked away intentionally. Obviously, he didn't want to be close to me, sc I went ahead to the single seatersofa next to Aaron.

I asked, "Dad, Aaron said that you have something important to discuss with us, right?”

"Yes." Charles nodded in responseand signaled atAaron with a look.Aaron undefstood the message andstarted toexplain, ‘Sebastian sentamessage S through Tobias. He saidhis me have developed a promisingantidote that can cure you, under thecondition that we return the originalcontract of the oil excavation to theMilton family." Content belongs to


Charles interrupted, "What I mean isthat Sebastian.s infamous both inour home country and abroad. Evenif he obtains the oil excavation >agreeméat, the Middle East may notbe williyg to do business with I orsomedne who has a cr iminalfrackrecord. This isn't a big deal for himafyway, and the poison in Arianna'sbody is ticking away like a timebomb. We can't afford to delay anylonger." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

He heaved a long sigh and asked Hendrix, "What do the both of you think about this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire study immediately fell into a state of awkwardness.

In the end, Sebastian finally revealed his bargaining chips, hoping to declare his ambition of oil to everyone.

"No," I refuted determinedly.

"Although Sepastian's reputation is

ruined, whozan guarantee that he N

won't pick himself up again and startContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

over fran scratch? If the oil “0

resource falls into his hands, it~

would mean that he might achieve

thes ‘support of the whole Middle East

in the future. When that Kappens, itl

be out of our abilities to deal with

him. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

It didn't matter if I were dead. If my departure could be used in exchange for the safety of this family forever, it would be worth it. If I survived bychance, but everyone would have to live in fear and worry everyday, how was I able to tolerate it?

Sebastian had already gone mad. Since he was a maniac, he should be imprisoned forever, deprived of any chance to recuperate and get back onhis feet.

Charles and Aaron didn't say anything further. They had the same exact frown written all over their faces as they peered in Hendrix's direction, waitingfor his response.

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