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Chapter 1741

Around close to ten o'clock, everyone gathered downstairs for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Zachary was late. He walked out of the crowd and gave Freya a passionate kiss on her forehead. Then, he naturally reached out to hold Freya'sslender waist and faced the reporters together.

It was picture perfect. But in my eyes, it was harsh to see. Now I finally understood why Emma avoided seeing him. She had seen the unbearablereality with her own eyes, so she really couldn't pretend that nothing had happened

Cn the other hand, Zachary looked like a gentleman with a gentle smile. There was not a single flaw in his appearance. Even the young femalereporters who were taking photos below could not help but secretly glance at him

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's officially start the ribbon-cutting ceremony! Come..."

"Hang on!" Freya cut the emcee off. She lifted up her hand and looked at her watch. "There's still a person who hasn't arrived yet..."As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her hand and waved somewhere to the front. "Here he is!"

Everyone looked over and saw Hendrix's cold face.

With his long legs, he walked to the front and stood beside Zachary. The ribbon cutting happened quickly, and applause filled the air.

When the reporters were taking pictures, Freya took the opportunity to nudge me with her elbow, maintaining the smile of an elegant lady andwhispered, "How is he?"

"What do you mean?" I looked confused.

"Hendrix," Freya said as she rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "Let's take this opportunity to talk. Since you've found your child, you can get marriedagain.”

So that was what she was thinking.

I almost forgot that our fake divorce was kept a secret, and the people outside the Reid family didn't know about it. It was a surprise to me that shewas thinking about me on such an important day.

I suddenly felt guilty. It seemed that I should find a chance to explain it to her.

I thought for gwhile and did nothave ime toanswer. The ribbon-cutting parts was over, and Freya wasbusy taking the reporters on a tourarounchthe company. After all, shebelofged to the Moore family. It wasnattiral to want some good Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

photos to increase exposure for their new business.

The guests walked in one afteranother. At His time, a gracefulfigure suddenly walked out of the —>crowd and went straight to Freya:and Zachary. After seeing that faceclearly, I subconsciously neldmybreath. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org =

Wasn't this unwelcome guest the woman with Zachary that day?

"Nice to meetyou, Mrs. Holt. I'mStephanie Sisapson. I am here tocongratulate I Professor Holton ~~behalf ofihe Economic Society.Congratulations to the two of you."Stephanie handed the box in-erhard to Freya with an innogent anddffiable smile. Content befongs toNovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

I'd seen this disgusting expression too many times on Andrea's face. The memory of my past experiences came back. My blood boiled, and Isuddenly wanted to rush forward to back Freya up.

However, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and stopped me. I turned around. Hendrix's tall figure was close at hand. He looked down andshook his head slightly, indicating that I should not act rashly.

After making sure that I understood, he stepped back and kept a distance from me again.Although I didn’t understand what Hendrix meant, I did as he said

Cn the other side, Freya happily accepted the gift from Stephanie and passed it to Zachary. She politely invited her in and said, "Thank you, pleasecome in."

It was then that I finally saw the panic and embarrassment on Zachary's face. He frowned and stood between the two women without saying a word

Fortunately, Stephanie held back, and did not intend to create a commotion in public. She smiled and looked at Freya for a while before moving herfeet to follow the crowd, and entered the building

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