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Chapter 1739

My tone was a little harsh, but it was not directed at them. I was angry with myself.

"I have made up my mind. Since the relationship between Dawnie Firm and the Drake family is so special, I have to stay at the Dawnie Firm nomatter what." I paused and said more seriously.

Dawnie Firm wanted me to sabotage me? Let's see if they had what it would take. Nevertheless, I was sure I could find something to turn the tables."I won't stop you from wanting to share our burdens, but you don't have to walk into the lion's den yourself," Aaron said.

"Aaron is right. Since they know your identity, they must be on guard. What's mare, you are also not happy working there. I think it's better to followAaron's suggestion to change your internship. In time, maybe other firms can help us too.” Charles chimed in.

I opened my mouth and was about to argue when I suddenly felt itchiness in my throat and began to cough viclently.

At first, it was just a light cough, but then it couldn't be controlled. Aaron felt something wrong and came up to me as something rushed to my throat,and I spat a mouthful of blood on the floor in front of him.

"Arianna!""You b*stard! Didn't you say it's not deadly? Why did you lie! Il kill you now!""Calm down, Aaron! This is our home! Saying you'll kill someone, do you want Uncle Charles to be dragged down with you?"

When my consciousness was restored, I heard Aaron and Emma fighting. I slowly opened my eyes. Hendrix's angular face was close at hand and hisblack eyes were full of love and pity.

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"Arianna?" Hearing the sound, Aaron pushed aside the grey-haired doctor and jumped to my bedside. His eyes were red. "You are awake. It's goodthat you are awake. Thank God."

"Why are you all so noisy..." I regained some strength and asked Hendrix to help me sit up.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

After I calmed down, I took inventory of the situation. The doctor who had examined me in Mesville now stood in front of me.

However, I was only met with eyesthat were evasive and silent. Theyseemed to have made an agreementong agodhat they would keep sileatin front of me. No matter how stupidwas could tell that somethingwas wrong, especially with Adron.Last time I saw that look ir his eyeswas when he'd been separated fromYana. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

I said, "You can leave now. I want to be alone with Hendrix for a while.”

The patient's words were always the final order. Aimost immediately, Aaron cleared them out, leaving only Hendrix and I in the room.

Hendrix poured me a cup of warmwater and waited on me to drink.Then he’ sat on the chair, peeling’apples without saying a word.“Thepeels connected into a line andnever broke. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org od

He was always like this. He was giving his best, even when doing small things like this for me."Hendrix," I called him.

"Mm." Hendrix was so focused that he didn't even raise his head.

"We had agreed that in the future, there would be no secrets. Tell me the truth. I don't want to know from the others.”

Hendrix paused and continued tocut the fruit with his blade. Then heraised his heard and handed over theapple to me saying, "When we wee"in Mesvilfe, the medical staff did notwant {o incur Aaron's wrath, sotheylied ahd pretended that the medicinewold cure you. They were stallingtime to escape. In fact, abit'll do issuppress the disease in your body,not get rid of it." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

The apple in my hand suddenly weighed a thousand pounds, leaving me at a loss.Although I wasn't quite clear- headed before opening my eyes, I'd heard the word "deadly” when Aaron was speaking.Even if I was ready to die, my heart still felt cold at the moment.

Seeing that I was in a bad state, Hendrix patted me and put my hand on his heart.

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