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Chapter 1730

When we took the children to sleep, Hendrix hugged me from behind, reluctant to leave. "I haven't felt you sleeping next to me for a long time."

I thought about the promise I had made before, and my face turned red. "Then you can stay here tonight. The Reid Manor's beds are so big, it'senough for two people to sleep here.”

Sebastian was targeted by the international criminal police and would not appear again for at least a while. Jarold City had become much safer for us.Maybe there was no need to pretend to be separated after our biggest trouble had been solved.

At that time, Aurelia slept next to Wynn, and Anne was just next door. This family reunion had been due for a long time.

Hendrix suddenly let go of my hand. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me over. He and I looked into each other's eyes and he said, "Not yet. It'snot the right time."

I frowned. I didn't understand what he was worried about.Hendrix said, "Don't forget that Sebastian is not our only enemy. Do you know where he took you to today?""lsn't it his lair abroad?" I asked.

"It's not that simple.” Hendrix shook his head. It just so happened that Aurelia kicked the quilt. He bent down and tucked her in. Then he said in alower voice, "Sebastian participated in international organ trades before, and has long been on the international criminal police's wanted list. It'simpossible for him to start a company openly. That place is the headquarters of Henric International Corporation in Mesville."

"Is it the company that had donated nearly 100 thousand dollars last year, the big philanthropist Baldrick Yeager's company?" I was a little surprised.How could such a great, kind person be associated with Sebastian?

"The donation is real, but nobody knows what money they used for the donations.” Hendrix looked at me, his eyes as dark as ink. "If our opponent isBaldrick, it won't be easier than dealing with Sebastian. So, at least on the surface, we can't make peace."

He suddenly paused, bowed his head and kissed me on the forehead, and then gently retreated. "Take good care of your body, you are still sick.”After that, Hendrix smiled and looked at me, then he left the room.I was lost in his warning. After a long time, I came to myself and looked at the door again, but I didn't even see his shadow.

Hendrix was right. Other than the illness caused by all the stress I had gone through, there was also the disease that Sebastian injected inte my body.

It was a chronic disease thattargeted the {piternal organs. So far,it could onlybe controlled by drugs.~O- —-and could not be completely cured:Although i it was not deadly and therewas fe’ danger for the time being, asRNtime went on, it would became moreard more serious, even tothe pointof organ failure. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at the child lying in the cradle subconsciously, and the softness in my heart was out of control again

I was not afraid of death, but I would get closer to death, little by little. I was more afraid of being unable to accompany the children in the future.

How nice it would be if the heavens could hear me, to hope they would hear my wish to live a few years longer.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

After the babys switch incident, Aaronadjusted the security of the house.Even the servants had their Nbackgrounds investigated up to thepast three generations and oNconfirmed that there would be-hooutsiders in the Reid Manor thiscase, the adults in the family couldtake turns to rest and go out.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

A week later, news of Raiya's delivery arrived. As a friend, of course I would go and congratulate her.

Emma said that she wanted to take part in the atmosphere, so she went to the hospital with me.

I cooed, "The baby looks great, justlike you. "Raiya’ ssonwasbomnaccording to the expected date,” andlookeg- healthier than Aurelia andWyni I felt happy for them from thebottom of my heart. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

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