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Chapter 1728

Cn the plane back to our country, everything seemed to come to an end.

Locking at the baby in my arms, I couldn't help thinking of the countless babies in that room, and Irvin.

"Where's Irvin?" I asked Hendrix.

It was not that I still wanted to save him, but we knew each other for so long. I didn't want him to disappear in the end"After we made a deal, he decided never to come back from now on," Hendrix said calmly.

"Did Irvin help you with your plan?”

"Yes." Hendrix turned his head to look at me, his black eyes as dark as ink. "He made Sebastian think that I was led to the other side of Mesville, so Ihad the opportunity to follow you from the airport to his lair."

"I don't understand. In this case, why did he work for Sebastian and lure me to Mesville?"

Hendrix pressed the corner of his mouth and asked helplessly, "Do you need me to tell you that it's because you're too charming?” "Hm?" I didn'tunderstand.

"It's true that Irvin doesn't want to see you with me, but he doesn't want to see you die either. When he learned from Sebastian that you wereseriously ill, he took the initiative to find me. His one condition was to save your life," Hendrix said.

All of a sudden, I felt very upset.

Irvin was trapped in his own obsessions and had gone off the far end. He hurt my family. This fact could not be erased. The debt between us hadbeen wiped out the moment he and Sebastian joined hands.

He never wanted to hurt me because he wanted me to never forget him.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Noticing I was in a bad mood, Hendrix took me into his arms and patted me gently to comfort me. "Don’t worry. I've already brought Irvin's wife andchild back to him.”

When I was about to blame him for doing something improper, Hendrix stopped me and said, "It wasn't me. Evan happened to save them when helooked for our son. It was a favor."

I didn't want his wife and children toget hurt, especially having personallyexperienced this pain before. Even:more than that, I didn't want the I >same thing to happen to othe sFortunately, I knew Hendrix wouldnotcross the line. Con ent be ongsto’NovelDrama.Org ol

Although I felt lucky, I was still worried. "Irvin may not appreciate it."In Irvin's eyes, Shirley and Dannie had always been a burden to him, so he would never treat them as bargaining chips to save me.

Hendrix explained, "It's one thing whether he understands or not, but whether I do or not is another matter. In short, we don't owe him anythinganymore. You too. You don't have to show him mercy anymore."

"Hurry up, let the bad luck leave..."Valerie had become superstitious, and quickly asked to bring the child back quickly.

Although it was useless, we still listened obediently. We quickly went inside the Reid Manor, while she threw salt around the house.

A group of people surrounded me and the child as we walked into the living room. It was as lively as a party.

After sitting down, I caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of my eyes, who appeared particularly lonely in the crowd.

It was Emma. She stood far away atthe entrance of the stairs. Shesmiled with embarrassment but ->dared ndtto come close. She Odeliberately lowered her head andfiddled with her fingers to caver upherpanic. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org =

"Emma." I called her with a smile. "Aren't you glad to see me?”Upon hearing her name, Emma was stunned for a moment before she replied in surprise, "Why! I've been waiting for you every day!”

I smiled. "Then don't you want to come over and see what the baby looks like?”

The smile on Emma's face suddenlybloomed and-her eyes narrowed intothe shape. of crescent moons. She ~came cléSe to me happily and tookthe bay from my arms carefully.She murmured, "I will remember youwelt You won't be taken awayain.” Content belongs 15NovelDrama.Org

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