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Chapter 1719

I felt helpless but amused at the same time. I pushed him back into the room and said, "I know. I wouldn't dare hide anything from you. But, you'dbetter calm down and listen to my plan first..."

Ten minutes later, after hearing my plan, Aaron rubbed his chin in thought.

Seeing that he did not respond for a long time, I gently shoved him and said, "What do you think? Do you think it will work?"Aaron raised his eyes and cast me a meaningful glance. Then, just as he was about to talk, his cellphone in his pocket rang.After taking a look at it, he smiled and handed the phone over to me. "Why don't you tell your guardian this plan?”

My guardian? I didn't know who he was talking about. Did he mean Valerie or Pedro?

I took the phone from him and glanced at the caller's name on the screen, labeled "Hendrix the Jerk", which almost made me laugh."Aaron! What are you doing? Why did you give Hendrix such a name?"

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and did not answer.

He got up and went to the balcony to smoke.

I shook my head and answered the phone. "Hello, it's me."

The other line was quiet. I didn't know if he had heard my voice. So I asked again, "Hendrix? Can you hear me?"

There was still no response from him. I felt strange, so I took the cell phone and checked it to confirm that the call was still connected. Then I put itback to my ear and thought that maybe Hendrix's signal was not good, sc I had to wait for a while.

Aaron came back into the room with a cigarette in his hand. Then, noticing that I was silent, he asked, "What are you two talking about? Why do youlook so serious?"

I shrugged and said, "There's no answer, maybe his signal is not good.”

Aaron blinked, showing his disbelief. Then he grabbed the cellphone and put it against his ear. He then looked at me with a mocking laugh. "You'dbetter think about how to apologize to him." "Hm?" I was completely confused. "Did he reply you?"

Aaron nodded. "Uh-huh."

I was astonished for a moment, andthen I realized $ something. Hendrixwas willing to forgive me putting ._myself igrdanger as long as I WEESsafe and sound, but now that I hadbeen injec ed with some unknownsubstance, he was angry atime andcertainly wouldn't let this fatter goeasily. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Locking at the phone, I wanted to cry.

I'd finally managed to coaxAaron, but now I had to deal with Hendrix as well

Putting the phqne back to my ear, Iadjusted my ood and saidseriously; N "Nr. Roberts, I have deeplyreflected on my mistakes. I ovprom isgd that I would never makemore-mistakes in the future. Soplease be open- minded and-give meafother chance." Content.belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Silence remained. Hendrix was much more furious than Aaron."Then tell me, what do you want? As long as you are not angry and talk nicely, I am willing to do anything." I replied cautiously."Ahem--" Aaron pretended to clear his throat and gloated. "Pay attention to what you said. Don't do any appropriate stuff!"

I rolled my eyes at him and he finally stopped.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Hendrix finally replied. His voice was a little hoarse. "Ask Aaron to go to the pet store to buy a collar and leash tomorrow.”"Huh? Do you want a pet? Are you getting a cat or a dog?”

"It's for you.”

I was bewildered. Looking at Aaron'ssuggestive glance, my face turnedred and started to burn. Finally, Iturned away from him and coveredthe microphone with my hand. Nogrittettmy teeth and agreed. ‘I don'tobject to that. But aren't thete storesthat sell this kind of stuffs itnecessary to go to the pet store?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Men always liked trying new things. It was understandable, but such a private thing shouldn't be discussed on the phone so casually.

"What are you talking about?” Hendrix asked dryly. "Didn't you say that you are willing to do anything? Next time, you'll wear a collar, and I'll put youon a leash, like an obedient pet. That's the only way you'll stay out of trouble."

"That's what you meant..." The burning sensation instantly crept from my neck to the back of my ear. I was completely embarrassed.

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