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Chapter 1716

"Do you still remember what I said?"

Sebastian rested his fingers on the edge of the stone bed and looked sideways at me with a faint smile, which made me shudder.I was shocked, but I still didn’t answer.

Sebastian had said so many things to me, how could I remember all of them clearly?

What's more, I would rather not meet him again for the rest of my life

Seeing that I did not speak, Sebastian was not angry at all. Instead, he whispered to me, "Don't worry. I had been pining after you for a long time, butnow I have changed my mind. There is plenty offish in the sea."

Listening to what he said, I should have felt relieved, but for some reason, my fear grew stronger and stronger.

"That's good." I pretended to be calm and said lightly, "I wish you a life full of happiness.”

"Of course.” Sebastian raised his eyebrows while smiling, but he suddenly changed the subject. "But for me to be happy. I need your help."Sure enough, he had other tricks up his sleeve.

However, I didn't want to be so passive.

"Yes, as long as you return my child to me, we can talk."

After listening to me, Sebastian lowered his eyes and smiled softly. "Why do you think that I am negotiating with you?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

As his voice fell, the smile on his face abruptly stopped.

There was a loud bang behind me, and the heavy iron door slammed open. A group of people in white coats and masks broke in, grabbed my hand,and tied me to the stone bed in a swift motion

When I finally reacted, my body had been tied to the bed with duct tape, and I was tightly bound. The only thing that I could move was my ankles andwrists.

Sebastian walked near to my head and leaned over me, blocking the light from above. He looked down at me. "Don't worry. It won't take long.”

As he finishechhis words, I suddenlyfelt the pinckof a needle in my thigh,and then the pain became more andmore intense. I was in so much painthat I broke out in cold sweat. Iclenched my fists so hard that mynafs cut into my flesh. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

The last thing I remembered before I lost consciousness was the eerie smile on Sebastian's


When I opened my eyes, everything was pure white, and the smell of disinfectant lingered on my nose."Arianna, you're awake." It was Aaron's voice.

Following the voice, I turned around and saw him.

"Where am 1?" I asked as I struggled to sit up.

"The hospital. You were thrown outon the street" Someone called thepolice angsent you to the hospital;then the hospital informed me.”Aaron poured a glass of warmiwaterand-ianded it to me. Then, hey pulledouta chair and sat next tome.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Maybe it was because I had been unconscious for too long, my throat felt parched and thirsty. I gulped down half the glass of water before finallystopping.

When I composed myself, I realized that Hendrix wasn't around. So I asked, "Where's Hendrix?"Hendrix's power in Mesville was stronger than Aaron's, so he should have received the information about my whereabouts before Aaron.

"Don't you have a conscience? I've traveled such a long way to see you, but all you want to see is Hendrix." Aaron could never change his bad habitof comparing himself to Hendrix

Feeling a little helpless, I passed the glass to him and explained, "I was just asking casually. Both of you are very important to me."

‘Important? I don't think so." Aaronput the glass hack on the table andsaid sarcastically, "For the sake ofyour baby, you werewillingto ~~become @ hostage and put yourselfin troule right in front of us. Atthattimezyou didn't think about us Howcruel do you think I am? How can Ilive well for the rest of myTife,knowing that my sister wasslaughtered right in front of myeyes?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

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