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Chapter 1706

"Irvin? Do you enjoy breaking up my family and torturing me? Do you want me to be as miserable as you are? Is that your ultimate goal??" I clenchedmy fist, my nails drug into my palm, but I didn't feel any pain.

My child and Hendrix, if anything happened to either of them, I would live with the guilt for the rest of my life.Irvin's face fell instantly. He did not say anything in response and seemed like he was waiting to hear what I had to say.

When it came to love, I was not afraid to be threatening at all. Looking down on him, I said in a cold tone, "You can take back everything I owe you,even if it means sacrificing my life. Because that's the least I can do for you, I admit it!"

"Shirley and Dannie are missing. Even though Hendrix had his suspicions about you, I was still willing to stand on your side. On the phone, you didn'tgive me any clear warnings. I knew it was dangerous, but I was willing to put myself at risk and become a hostage. We have experienced life anddeath together. I never doubted your loyalty towards me."

"Up until just now, I didn't believe that you had anything to do with my child!"

"But what about you? What have you done? You don't know the whereabouts of the woman who loves you, and instead, all the while, you've beenhanging out with this group of people. You wasted your time plotting against Hendrix in an effort to pursue the love that I can't give you?!"

I pointed at Irvin and glared at him with hatred that I had never felt before. "You're destroying yourself! You're stepping on our mutual trust! You'rebetraying everyone who loves you! You're not worthy of being loved at all”

"That's my child, how could you bear to..." I took a deep breath and calmed down. "If I could foresee the future, I would rather have died in thatabandoned factory than accept your arrogant love!"

I couldn't deny that I was lashing out at Irvin.

Everyone knew to cherish their lives at all costs.

However, what Irvin had done really disappointed me.

I was always sincere to everyone I met, but my kindness was taken for granted over and over againContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Except for Hendrix.

Hendrix wasn't a good person, but he was open and frank towards me.

After we cleared our misunderstanding, he'd treated me with sincerity and had carefully guarded our precious home.

Even if Hendrix was really evil, he was loyal and dared to take responsibility for his actions.

Irvin could never match up to him.

"Didn't you ask why I'm sofascinated by’IHendrix? I can answer

you now. It'shot fa

love. I love Hendrix,

though-he suspect

scination, butto be frank. Evened thatmy ~

grandmother was the murderer whokilled his parents, he had neverthought of hurting anyoneimportantto me!” Content belongs 1oNovelDrama.Org

I'd never said these words in front of Hendrix, but after I finished, I felt even more confident and sure than ever.

It was probably.because of mycertainty thatirvin s facialexpression became gloomy, and hjseyes were full of anger and hatred:He said, "Is that 50? He won't hartthe people you care about? Whatabst you and your son?” Contentbel ongs to NovelDrama.Org «?

"He knows that you value yourchildren morethan anything else. Heknows that you are willing to putyourself indanger for them! Asaresult, thee bodyguard successfullykidnapped you, and you arrived atmy doorstep safe and sound All ofthis was a part of Hendrix’ ‘splan! Hedoesn't care whether yourare deador alive. He just wanted to achievehis purpose of revenge!" Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

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