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Chapter 1685

"Hold on.” Hendrix stopped me, as if he had something to say."Is there anything else?" I asked.

I've promised you that I'll hide no secrets in the future. There's something I have to tell you." Hendrix looked serious and his voice became muchclearer. “Tobias can’t get in touch with Irvin anymore. No one knows where he is at this moment."

My heart sank.

I was guilty.

I didn't intend to tell Hendrix about Tobias’ private visit, but he revealed Irvin's situation to me

I bit my lips and laughed for my despicable thoughts.

Hendrix was a little confused. "What are you laughing at?"

“Nothing.” I put my smile away and pretended to be calm. “Why don't you mind me helping Irvin?"

Hendrix took a deep breath and replied. "You're still willing to believe me after so many incidents. There's nothing for me to mind. You chose me inyour heart, didn't you?”

"Yes." I laughed helplessly. Being frank was also a form of courtesy. If Hendrix hadn't been forced te tell the truth, we might have spent the rest of ourlives not trusting each other.

"How are the children lately? Are they torturing you?" Hendrix looked down as if he was clinging on me through the screen.

I adjusted the camera so that he could see the position of my stomach. I reached out and stroked it. "The babies are very obedient. They care abouttheir mother."

Hendrix did not answer for a long time. When I raised my cell phone to face myself. I found that the camera on his side had turned to the ceiling.

Probably because he was too tired, Hendrix watched me and the children and fell asleep unconsciously.

I said goodnight to the phonestupidly, for féar of waking him upby the soundof hanging up. As.such, I simply pressed the mute SSbutton-put the phone on the pillownext tome, laid down, put my-handonthe other side of the bed-as ifHendrix was accompanyifg me, andfell asleep. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


That night, even the babies were very quiet, so I slept soundly.

When I woke up, my cell phone hadbeen automatically turned off. Itseemed that Hendrix had also sléptfor a leng time. Otherwise, he wouldhavechung up the phone when hewoke up. Content belongs. toNovelDrama.Org <

I got out of bed and took my phone to the living room to charge. Then, I went to the bathroom to wash up.As soon as I came out of the bathroom, Emma rushed in with a pile of documents.

"Arianna, Arianna! Passed! You've passed!"

"Calm down. What did you say?" I was completely confused.

"The bar exam! Here you go!" Emma shoved the notice in her hand to me. "The lawyer qualification certificate has been sent to you, accompanied bya legal intern invitation!"

“Really?” I was surprised. When I opened it. I was overjoyed.After waiting for so long, I almost forgot about the bar examination. What a huge surprise! The past two years were worth it!After calming down, I opened the internship invitation. "Dawnie Law Firm..."

Why was this name so familiar? I seemed to have heard it somewhere before.

Oh? Dawnie Firm?" Emma's earsperked up and she snatched theinvitation card, She read it carefully Iand quickly. Then, she gave me the”answer. The address of this offigeis in thé most prosperous businessstreet in Jarold City. It's a ~aréstigious firm, I see. Turns out thatyou have already preparéd a backupplan!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

With a puzzled expression, I grabbed the invitation and read it carefully.novelbin

How could a law firm at this level be interested in a newbie who had just passed the bar examination?

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