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Chapter 1673

I was moved and didn't know what to say. I hurriedly avoided his sight and replied, "That's enough, don't be so cheesy."Aaron spread out his hands and leaned back on the sofa. "Believe it or not, I'm your big brother. At least I'm frank with you. I have nothing to hide.”

For some reason, this casual statement weighed heavily on me. In the past ten years, Hendrix and I have had ups and downs in life preciselybecause there were too many secrets between us. I'd hoped that we would be honest enough in the future

After reading the agreement, Aaron took it back to the study room. As expected, even if I didn't read at all, the next morning, the news of my divorcefrom Hendrix had still spread on Twitter. Then, the official Twitter account of the Roberts Group released the divorce agreement signed by Hendrixand I, confirming that the rumors were true.

As I read the Tweet, I received a message from Hendrix through WhatsApp.

"Do you know why I'm doing this?”

His tone sounded cautious, as if he was afraid that I would think too much

I smiled and tapped on the screen with my fingers, replying with words. "Sounds like a diversion."

Hendrix replied quickly, but he was a man of few words. "Clever."

Subsequently, the conversation bar showing that the other party typing disappeared. He was probably busy settling other matters.

I thought it would be peaceful for a while, but as scon as I sat down to have breakfast, Freya rushed in on her high heels.

She was as angry as a wasp. Shewalked to the living room andstopped to loek, around. Then shesaw me sitting at the table. Shefrowned and strode over and threw.the bag &n the table. "What's goingon? Is because of Estella? Oristhereanother woman? Didn' ty tellyotrto pay more attention ta them?Tfiose women outside até-crazy.They don't have any morality oconscience. When they see wealthyand good- looking men, they willpounce on them. It's not easy foryou to get together. Why don't youknow how to manage it..." Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Stop!" I felt that she was too agitated, so I stopped her with a gesture, pulled out the chair next to me and asked her to sit down. "You didn’t havebreakfast. right? Sit down, I'll talk to you while eating.”

Freya looked down at the table and let out a deep breath. Then she sat down, but she still glared at me angrily. "Who cares about your food! Tell menow!"

I had no choice but to find an excuse and said caldly, "Our personalities don't match.”

"Hmm?" Freya was so smart that this obviously could not fool her. "Are you kidding me? What's wrong with that? It's been ten years, and the edgeshave been smoothed out. Arianna, you'd better tell me the truth!"

No matter how good my acting skills were, a woman who was able to catch the heart of a handsome guy in university would see me through. I wassilent for a long time before I sorted out the answers.

"You know, I was kidnapped a whileago by Hendrix's rival. I told him tostop, but he-refused. I wanted my ~children,So I left him. This time, wéwill nof be able to get back oOtogetiier.’ I tried my best to show noemotion and make myself lookindifferent. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

As I had expected, my answer madeher freeze for a moment. Shefrowned and thought for a whilebefore she aiiswered thoughtfully,"Recent ysl Heard some news that->the Forbes family and the Roberts”farnilyare secretly targeting eachotheeSeeing how Aaron hagy”messed with the Forbes family onTwitter, I thought that you two haveformed a united front... But, sincethere's no problem with yourrelationship, why did you make thismove? Do you know that you'regiving chances to other women?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Ever since she entered the room, she had been very nervous. She had been paying attention to the women around Hendrix, and I found it strange.

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