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Chapter 1658

This was Matt's territory. Hendrix broke in with a group of people, but he apparently had alerted the Forbes family. Hendrix found a bathrobe to wrapme up and left immediately.

Emma was locked up in another room. When she got in the car, she saw me. Hendrix came quickly, and Matt did not have time to make thingsdifficult for her, so there was nothing serious

As soon as the car started, I grabbed Hendrix's mobile phone to call Aaron. Those bodyguards were watching us being taken away at the entrance oflan's clinic. They would probably not ignore him.

Aaron picked it up very quickly, but he thought that it was Hendrix, so he was rude. "I'm busy. You'd better have something important to say."“Aaron, it's me.” I knew that he was still angry with Hendrix, which made me embarrassed.

"Arianna? Why did you call me with Hendrix's phone? Did he kidnap you?" Aaron was riled up. "How are you? Did something happen to you?Where's Emma?"

Among so many questions, I didn't know which one to answer first. I answered the most important things. "It was Sebastian. Emma and I are all right.You tell me first. how is lan?”

Aaron was silent for a while and then said slowly, "In the rescue, he lost a lot of blood. The doctor said there was little possibility of him being saved."I felt the world crumbling apart.My mind was in a mess, my heart seized up in my chest, and even breathing was difficult.

Sitting at the door of the operating room. I crossed my fingers and sincerely hoped that God would be merciful to lan. He did not do anything wrongand should not have lost his life for me. Hendrix tried to persuade me to get a check-up. I ignored him. Later, Aaron also came. Like Hendrix, heprioritized my babies and 1.1 still refused.

lan was the only person in the world who had accompanied me the longest. I wasn’t with Monique when the accident happened. I wouldn't let thesame thing happen again no matter what.

When Silvia arrived, the operationhad been going‘on for three hours.The doctor-gave us notice of lan'scritical cendition. looked up at hetand lowered my head in shamesi>was tod ashamed to face her. Sheopened her mouth and wanted tosay 4y something, but stopped onsecond thought. In the eff, shewent to sit opposite me. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Everyone ‘sheart was tense with thered light litin the operating room.After a fong time, the red light finallywent out. The doctor came out andtookoff his mask. "Who is thepatient's family?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -novelbin

"I am." Silvia and I said at the same time. After looking at each other, she continued, "I am the patient's wife."

The doctofnodded and then saidearnestly’ The patient has been ©stabbed several times. He has.>passed I the dangerous period.~Whether he can survive depends onthe-48 hours after, and..." Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

The doctor paused. It seemed that the situation was tricky, but he did not know where to start.

"Doctor, please be straightforward. I'm also a doctor. I can accept anything," Silvia said.

The doctor sighed. "The patient has been stabbed in the carotid artery, and he may become unresponsive forever!”

After saying that, the doctor patted Silvia's shoulder and left through the crowd.

I was stunned, and my brain was roaring. I saw lan and Monique holding hands and leaving me. Tears swelled in my eyes, but I couldn't cry.

“You all should leave." Silvia's icy voice struck me like heavy rain. I felt frozen.

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