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Chapter 1651

I felt a sudden shock in my heart, and a buzz suddenly exploded in my mind, making me a mess. At the same time, I was eager to know the truthwhich made me subconsciously clench my fist, with my nails almost cutting into my skin

Aaron tightened his grip and tried to comfort me. "Relax, Arianna. You can't get too emotional for the baby's sake. Listen to me.”The baby... My hand reached out to touch my raised belly. and his eyebrows furrowed deeper.

In the end, I accepted Aaron's suggestion to stay in the Reid Manor for the time being. He returned my phone to me, but there were no missed callsfrom Hendrix.

Maybe he shared the same thoughts as Aaron, thinking it was safest for me to stay here, yet maybe not.

After the Roberts Group acquired most of the market. the situation became more serious. Hendrix was seen on Twitter and the news on televisionevery day. He was always frowning and had gotten thinner, but he was as busy as a spinning wheel.

After staying in the Reid Manor, my pregnancy check-ups were handed over to a private doctor to ensure my safety. Therefore, I was surprised whenSilvia came to visit me.

At that time, Emma and I were resting in the back garden, so she had the servants bring her in directly.

"It was not easy to find you." Silvia was wearing a floral dress, having the vibes of the girl next door, emitting gentleness and grace."Take a seat," Emma said.

"It's fine." Silvia smiled politely and turned to look at me. "Arianna, you should know why I'm here.”

"Is there anything wrong with lan?” lan was the only reason why we were still in contact. Maybe she was here for the custody case

Silvia lowered her eyes and smiled with an unclear expression. "Since you know, Miss Reid, just tell me your condition. How are you going to let lanoff?”

"What do you mean?" I looked puzzled and didn't know why she'd suddenly become so vicious.

Silvia was wel\prepared. She tookout her phoné-from her bag, tappedon it and then gave it tome. Sheopened the article that Freya hadesshowed me regarding the Onre tionship between lan andSawyer, which had damaged lan'srPutation irrevocably. Content

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How could this be? I'd already told Freya to put an end to the plan. Why did the article leak out?


Frankly speaking, Miss Reid, I didn'texpect you to do this to lan after somany years of your friendship," Silviaannounceckbitterly. She didn't give .me a chariee to retort. She <continued again, "But now that thishas happened, we have to find’asolution. lan can't go out now, so I'mtbe one who has to deal with it. Nowthat his career and life h&ve beenaffected significantly, you'veachieved your goal. lan said that hewill do whatever you want, exceptgiving up on Anne's custody."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Emma was just a bystander. When she saw that Silvia's mood was slowly changing, she interrupted and eased the atmosphere. “What's the matter?Don't get too stirred up, Miss Lawson. Arianna is pregnant.”

Silvia looked at her and relaxed a little.

I looked at the post carefully. It didn'tcause much uproar because lanwas nota publi ic figure, but it didcause some disruptions in the <industry. Beneath the post werereplies from many netizens who'dclaimed to be lan's patients, ‘and hadexpressed their disgust. Thépsychotherapy clinic protiably hadno more patients coming now.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


God could be cruel at times. The worst things came all at once.

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