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Chapter 1614

Hendrix was sensitive about Irvin and I, but I was not worried that he would go back on his words. If he promised to help Irvin, he would definitely do it.

Although we were not formally reconciled, he still came home to pick me up on time on the day of my maternity visit.

I knew that I was pregnant, but I still hoped that there would be an official result after the examination.

It took some time for the test results to be released. Hendrix's phone rang several times. He refused to answer the phone in front of Amos. Amos approved him with consideration, so he picked up the phone near a fire exit further away.

Soon, the nurse arrived with the test result. As expected, I was pregnant, and the child was rooted in my womb.

Amos was happy for us, but at the same time, he also told us about the risks. At present, we were in the first trimester. There was still a high risk that we could lose the baby, so we had to be careful.

I thanked Amos and left the office with the test result. Glancing at the ultrasound image, I couldn’t hide my smile.

That was probably the only piece of good news recently.


I was startled by Raiya's voice. I patted my chest and asked, "You’re here for your maternity checkup again? Did Sawyer not come with you?””Sawyer is too busy. I didn't want him to rush around. I didn’t tell him about it this time.” Raiya covered her lower abdomen with a contented smile and tried hard to maintain Sawyer's image. “It’s just an ordinary checkup. It’s a few times a month, so it's not necessary for him to accompany me every time. I'm not so delicate.”

I turned to look in Hendrix’s direction. Other than the days where he had to go abroad, he was never absent for my checkups. In comparison, he was a one-of-a-kind man.

Raiya had probably spent more than enough time visiting the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. She knew all sorts of examinationreports, and immediately saw the ultrasound image in my hand. Sheexclaimed, "Arianna! You’re pregnant!" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Emotions were contagious. Initially, I was still calm, but after hearing Raiya's words, I couldn’t hide my smile anymore. I nodded firmly and said.

"Yes, I just got pregnant."

“Really! That’s great!” She came over and held my hand, feeling excited, "Maybe we can give birth together! They can be besties in the future!”

Raiya was obsessed with the gender of children. It was comprehensible that she wanted a girl. At that moment, she even assumed the gender of my child. I could see how obsessed she was.

I smiled and said nothing. Raiyathought that Hendrix wasn’t with me. She walked to the elevator withme and tried to find some topic to talk about, "Arianna, we can carry out prenatal checkups together in the future. We can take care of each other, and you won't have to trouble Hendrix. I heard that Roberts Group has just acquired a foreign robot company, and now Granger Group. It must be busy for him. We don't have to bother our husbands. Bring more bodyguards and let them carry our stuff" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Acquired Granger Group?novelbin

Stunned, I tilted my head and asked in confusion, "You said that Roberts Group is going to start its acquisition of Granger Group?"

Raiya nodded and answered honestly, "Yes, it’s also because of that that Sawyer got busy recently.To acquire it, shouldn’t you first complete the capital auditing?Hendrix handed over the Granger Group auditing to Sawyer, and it should last for a period of time. I’ve always wanted to thank you both, Arianna. This is a good time. you know, Sawyer just took over the Clark family business. At this time, he must do something to convince the shareholders. The audit job is a great help.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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