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Chapter 1513

The woman seemed to be frustrated. She looked at Eunice and scolded, "Do you just followwhatever he wants blindly? Don't you know that he has high blood pressure and he can't just eatanything he wants? Also, don't assume that I don't know what you're up to. My father is notclearheaded. Are you trying to coax him into marrying you, so that when he dies, you would get hisassets? Stop daydreaming. It's impossible. Now get out of here. This is your payment for takingcare of him recently. Don't show your face in front of us ever again."

The woman flung a stack of money onto Eunice's face. Then, she left with the old man while Eunicestood at the table, motionless. She was being silently judged by the people in the restaurant as ifthey were watching a soap opera. Although the conversation only lasted a few minutes, it wasenough for everyone to interpret what was going on.

Was she that desperate for money? Didn't Aaron just give her a lot of monetary compensation fortheir breakup? Why did she have to take care of an old man with dementia for money? Beside,based on their interactions just now, it was obvious that she wasn't just caregiving.

I was a little confused.

Eunice squatted on the ground in her miniskirt to pick up the money. I couldn't help grimacing at thissight and didn't know what to say. We all had to make our own decisions for ourselves. We couldn'tbe sure whether our choices were good or bad. Nevertheless, we still should have chosen carefullysince the start.novelbin

After picking up the money, she got up and caught sight of me. She was startled for a moment andthen sneered. "What a coincidence. Miss Reid, how embarrassing that you ended up seeing me likethis."

I bit my lips, lowered my head, and murmured, "You have so many options. Why do you choose tohumiliate yourself like this?"

"Naha!" She laughed and held the money up in the air. She scrutinized me and responded, "Youwere born in the purple. You probably haven't suffered any hardship at all in your life, have you?You probably don't know how it's like to live in poverty. People are divided into classes. People likeme are destined to be trampled and humiliated since we were born. Why should I set someunnecessary boundaries for myself? It's better to be limitless. How else can I make money? Isn't itbrilliant? You see, I've only taken care of him for a few days, but I've already gotten tens ofthousands of dollars, not including the money that the old man gave me. You say there are so manyoptions. Yes, I do have options. With my current education and circumstances, I can find a nine-to-five job with a salary of a few thousand dollars. I will work day and night and be bullied by my bossfor the rest of my life. I may survive with bad health and grow old. In the end, I won't even be able toafford a house. What's the use of dignity at this point?

"You're not in my shoes and vice versa. I wanted to marry Aaron so that I would not have to worryabout money for the rest of my life and be led down the primrose path. Why did you have to stopme? Because you think that I was earning dirty money? Yet to Aaron, I am merely a commodity, anobject that needs maintenance occasionally. In the end, I would be a collection of his commodity inthe Reid family. Miss Reid, just a few disapproving words from you cut my future short."

"What kind of logic is that?" Freya interrupted with some disdain, "Since you think that you're acommodity, you should behave like one. Commodities have value. Do you know your value? Do youknow how many quality checks you have to go through before you sell yourself at a high price? Doyou think you're worth it? You're just a commodity without any artistic value, yet you're sellingyourself like a custom- made product. Do you really think you're worth it? You're not."

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