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Chapter 1397

I really didn't know what to do at that moment. This was a family matter. Fortunately, the woman gottired from the beating. She pointed at Susan and scolded, "You're useless. If it weren't for the tensof thousands of dollars I got from the betrothal, I would have beaten you to death now. Don't eventhink about running away. You can go and ask anyone in this village to take you, but no one will. Iwill kill them with a kitchen knife. I have already accepted the betrothal gifts from the Caulfieldfamily. Don't even think of running away."

Susan glared at her with hatred and disgust in her eyes, "Why are you ruining my life? Dream on! Iwon't marry that fool. I would rather die than marry him. Listen, that precious son who you treasureso much deserved it. He bullied me. Do you still want to use my betrothal money to send him tocollege? Stop dreaming! A good- for-nothing like him will never succeed in life. If you don't believeme, just wait and see what will happen in the future."

"You little b*tch!" The woman shouted. "You just cursed my son. You are just a worthless daughter.Do you really think you will have a promising future just because you went to school for a fewyears? Dream on. You are only fit to serve and take care of others for the rest of your life. Do youwant to enjoy your life in the city by yourself? Dream on! I will never let you do what you want inyour life. You little b*tch. You even cursed my son. Don't ever think about having a good life, youdon't deserve it."

I was stunned, looking at this mother-daughter pair in front of me. This was the first time I ever sawa mother have such a conversation with her own daughter.

All parents loved their children, but this pair made me realize that parents were not always right.However, was a woman like this even worthy of being called a mother?

After being almost beaten to death, Susan was once again brutally thrown into the cow pen by thewoman. After that, the woman acted as if nothing had happened, and started to brag to the group of

onlookers about how good she was at educating her daughter.

All the other children did not dare to speak after they had witnessed their eldest sister being beatenup like this. They were standing to one side with their heads low. Abby was crying so hard, but shedid not dare to say anything.

After all the onlookers had left, the woman looked at us and said with a smile, "Gail asked me toinvite you to stay for lunch. That little b*tch will be getting married today, so we will be inviting all thevillagers to a meal. You all can have dinner together with everyone before going back. Is it okay?"

I hadn't returned to my senses yet from the scene I witnessed just now. Upon hearing the womanasking, Sheridan replied with a murmur of approval. The woman smiled happily when she saw Abbyholding my hand, and said, "Miss Reid, it seems that Abby and you are getting along with eachother very well. That's really great."novelbin

I froze for a while, unable to answer her. I could only squeeze out a forced smile and there was anindescribable feeling in my heart.

I had no idea if she knew that Abby was leaving with me to donate her organs to my daughter. Didshe know how painful it was to extract the bone marrow from her body? Did she know how helplessher child would feel when lying on the operating table? This was what her daughter was going toface.

Or, perhaps, in her opinion, these were not important at all. As long as her daughter could bring inmoney for her, nothing else mattered.

The signal in the village was not good, so I didn't receive any more messages or calls from Hendrixafter I sent him a message last night. Bobbie went around the village to have a look, andmeanwhile, Abby's mother was preparing lunch.

It had stopped raining at noon. Abby's mother asked some of the children to clean up the sewageon the cement floor, and then she carried out the small table and placed it outside with severalstools. Then, she instructed the children to go and borrow another table from their neighborsbecause there was not enough in the house, and continued to prepare the food.

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