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Chapter 1333

He looked at me with a sinister expression, "Let's have fun?"

"Sebastian, are you crazy? I am married. Even if I wasn't, I won't fall in love with you anyway. Plus,if you don't love Naomi, tell her. It's only fair to her!" This man had two sides to him. He could be agentleman at times, or cold and vicious, and even shameless at other times.

I realized that maybe this man didn't know me at all. He was like a devil who roamed around theworld to find preys to feast on.

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you." As he said this, he pressed me down in my seat andlooked at me, "How about that? As long as you agree, I will get your daughter the most suitablekidney."

I looked at him in disbelief. He said these words too casually. It was as if he could randomly find akidney on the streets. To him, it was effortless.

He sat opposite me as he watched me, "If you agree with my conditions. I will arrange itimmediately."

I pursed my lips and glared at him. I couldn't find any words to describe him anymore.

The waiter served me coffee. I took it and splashed it directly on his face. Then, I said, "If you'resick, I advise you to see a doctor as soon as possible. Don't come ruining other people's lives."

Then, I got up and walked out of the coffee shop.

Sebastian triggered me too much. When he said that he could get me a kidney, he gave me afeeling that he could get any organ that he wanted as he pleased, which was too spine-chilling toeven think about.

Valerie called to ask me why I had been out for so long.

I lied and told her that I had gotten lost, so it would be a while more before I returned. Then, I wentto do a bit of shopping before heading back to the hospital.

Anne laid on the bed. Having experienced several chemotherapy sessions, she now looked thin asa skeleton. When I looked at her, my heart ached. However, I couldn't cry. Not in front of her. I hadto smile and say, "Anne, do you blame me for not coming to see you for so long?"

She looked at me and shook her head. Her skinny hand took mine as she said softly, "No, Grandmasaid that you're going to have a baby, so you can't be stuck in the hospital all the time. Otherwise,the baby will get sick."

I took a deep breath and held her hand tight. I didn't dare to face her these days. I felt guiltywhenever I did. I felt like a sinner. I shouldn't have let her leave with Josiah. If she hadn't gone toHanlusia City, this wouldn't have happened to her.

If I hadn't gone to Asherton and left her with Valerie, I might have noticed that something was wrongwith her. After that, Valerie had called me several times and told me about Anne's situation. It wasall because of my carelessness that she delayed her treatment for so long. What's more, I shouldn'thave been pregnant at this time. I thought that I loved Anne with all my heart, but after thinking itover, I realized that I was selfish. I thought bringing her to Hovell would give her the best life. Then, Ibrought her back from Hovell and once again left her alone in Jarold City. All these were caused byme.

That was why I felt guilty about Anne's condition and this guilt prevented me from being able to lookher straight in the eye.novelbin

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