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Chapter 1107

I wanted to call out for help, yet I could not make a sound at all. I could feel the coldness begin tospread all over from the top of my head, then seeping into my bones. My nerves then began toache, and started going numb.

It seemed as if a long time had passed, yet it also seemed to be just a few minutes. The feeling ofwaiting for death in silence was really terrible.

My remaining consciousness began to blur. I suddenly remembered a passage I had read fromsomewhere a long time ago which said that there were three kinds of deaths in the world.

One was that your breathing stopped. Your hands and feet would go stiff, and your body would getseparated from your consciousness. That was considered be dead physically.

The second death was when you were announced to be dead. That was when a person stoppedbreathing, lying on the hospital bed, and then had their death announced.

The last death was to be forgotten. When that happened, the body and consciousness would alldisappear. In the end, when traces of the person that had lived began to disappear, and the deadperson was slowly forgotten by their friends and family, then they were truly dead and gone.

I seemed to be experiencing the first kind of death at that very moment. The sound of breathing, no,the sound of my heartbeat began to grow weaker, and I almost couldn't feel myself breathing at all.

Perhaps, it was fate that I would...

Just as I was about to close my eyes and accept my fate, I suddenly heard a huge crashing sound. Iwas totally shocked, and then I felt the vibration caused by the freezer getting hit.

The sound seemed urgent and rapid, and the hits got stronger and stronger. At that moment, I felt abeam of light, and I seemed to see a slender figure surrounding me.

At that moment, I had no idea how to describe my feelings, as they were too complicated.

The cabinet was pulled open all of a sudden. The temperature was still quite low, but I could clearlyfeel the air around me growing warmer.

My body, which had already become almost stiff, was hugged by a pair of strong arms, allowing mybody to share the person's warmth.

The sudden warmth made me more eager to get even closer to it. There was a familiar smell fromthe person, and I wanted to call out his name.

However, I couldn't utter a single word.

I wanted to say, "Thank you, Hendrix." However, I was unable to.

My heart suddenly relaxed because Hendrix had come. I closed my eyes and fell into a deepslumber.

After falling asleep, I had a really long dream. In my dream, a beautiful woman was holding a babyin her arms, and she was walking in the snow for a long time. When she could not walk anymore,she put the child in her arms down. She knelt in the snow and kissed the child, touching the childwhile crying bitterly.

Later on, she could only leave the child behind as she walked on alone. The baby was crying in thesnow, and the voice seemed particularly desolate amidst the snow.

I wanted to head over to have a look, but for some reason, everything suddenly disappeared right infront of me.

I dreamt of the old locust tree during my childhood days and the swing under it. Grandma waspushing the swing while singing the song I liked the most when I was a child.

Later on, Grandma disappeared, and I saw a tall figure waving at me in the crowd.

I walked towards him, but before I could see his face clearly, the busy crowd took me away from


I then kept having the same dream again and again. I knew the man in my dreams was Hendrix, butevery single time I reached out to try to hold him, he would keep on disappearing.

After countless times, I grew anxious and desperately tried to grab onto him. In the end, it was apair of hands that held onto me tightly.

Someone called out beside my ear, 'Arianna."

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