My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 319 I Really Want to See You (2)
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Chapter 319 I Really Want to See You (2)

Chuxue Ye wore sunglasses and was quite indifferent all the way. She did not intend to chat at all, andXuan Zhao dared not to speak when she saw her serious expression although she had tried to talk withher for several times.

Then Xuan thought: Venus can be fooled, but I can not fool Chuxue. This girl is very observant, so I’dbetter speak less and do less things in front of her.

She drove very fast to the company, then she parked her car in front of her store and got off of the carwith her breakfast, ignoring Xuan.

Xuan had the intention to please her, so she hurried to come up and say to her:“Do you always sendbreakfast to Mr. Ye?”

Chuxue lifted her chin and said indifferently, “Yes.”

“If you are busy, I will bring it to him for you.”

Chuxue sneered in her heart, saying“I'm not busy. Anyway, I don’t have much to do in the morning.”


Then Chuxue walked into the president's elevator, and turned around to say to Xuan after she justwalked in: “The staff’s elevator is next to this elevator.”

Xuan's face turned red, then she walked out of the elevator and said, bowing her head: “Sorry, I amwrong.” She seemed to be obedient, but in her heart, she cursed Chuxue for a thousand times: Let’swait and see what I will do to you when I become the mistress of the Ye family.

Usually Chuxue was not so arrogant and domineering, and she would not say anything if other peoplefollowed into the elevator. But she did not like this Xuan, so she deliberately caused her trouble.

When she arrived at the president's office, Jingyan Ye was looking at today's schedule, whose facewas pale and eyelids were blue. And when he looked up and saw his sister, he asked in a hoarsevoice, “Why are you here?”

“Knowing that you must have not had your breakfast, I specially brought it from home.”

“I don't have an appetite.”

Chuxue opened the meal box, of which a few small steamed stuffed buns were on the first layer, aplate of side dish was on the second layer, and the preserved egg and lean meat porridge was on thebottom. Then she said: “Try to eat some anyway. It is not common for your sister to do a good thing, ifyou do not eat, I will be quite embarrassed.”

Then Jingyan had to take the chopsticks and the spoon and said: “Well, I will do you a favor.”

Chuxue smiled and sat on the table, then she said worriedly after noticing his haggard look, “Did youdrink again last night?”

“I drank some because I can't sleep without drinking.”

“I know you do not feel well, but you also have to take care of your body. You are only 27 years old thisyear, and your life is still long, maybe someday you will meet Yiyao Duan again, so you must makesure that you have the strength to chase her at that time.”

Jingyan looked up at her after eating a spoon of porridge, then he teased, “When have you become anemotional expert?”

“I'm not joking,” Chuxue stood on tiptoe, “Anyway, I don't like this Xuan as my sister-in-law. I still likeYiyao, who is so attractive and charming, and only such a girl can be worthy of my brother.”novelbin

“Are you here to send me breakfast, or to send me a knife to hurt me, which keeps poking at my chest?If you continue to say, I’m afraid that I can't eat this breakfast anymore.” Jingyan looked at herhelplessly.

“Fine, fine, I won't say anything. Eat your breakfast now. Then Chuxue suddenly remembered the thingabout tomorrow and asked curiously, “Brother, will that big shot really visit our company tomorrow?”

“That's the initial plan, but I don't know if it will change.”

Chuxue said, “I also want to see them. Usually I can only see them in News broadcast on TV, but nowthey will come here in person, which makes me be excited enough when I just think of it. I heard thatthe first lady is also coming?”

Jingyan nodded, “Yes she will first visit the school for deaf-mutes tomorrow.”

“Is that the one we funded?” Chuxue asked in surprise.


Chuxue then got excited, “Brother, can You help me? I want to go see her.”

But Jingyan was quite serious, “Do you think she is someone you can see at any time? Don't be silly.”

“But we are patrons of the school and I can attend the activity as a patron. Aren’t you going to thefactory to wait for them? Then I'll go to the school.” Chuxue pulled her brother's arm and said incoquetry after seeing that her brother was quite indifferent, “Brother, can you just help me? I have notmet any big shot. Just let me go there, okay? I beg you.”

Jingyan was quite afraid of her coquetry, so he said: “Okay, okay, I really can’t stand you. I'll call andcommunicate with the school. Now that the leaders of the school have had everything arranged now, itis not that simple for you to suddenly come there.”

“Brother, I know you're the best to me!”

Jingyan then shook his head and smiled, “I don't want to be good to you at all. But you are my ownsister no matter how.”

“You take your time, don't forget to help me after you finish your meal. I'm going down first.”

“Go now, you are quite annoying.”

Then his office became quiet at once. Jingyan put the spoon down after he took a few bites of food. Hereally did not have a good appetite today.

This day was exceptionally busy for Jingyan, who came to the factory to check every detail to makesure that nothing would go wrong tomorrow.

The whole Sky City seemed to be immersed in an atmosphere of tension and excitement.The streetswere cleaner than usual with the blooming flowers and green grass. And everyone was preparing withenthusiasm to welcome tomorrow's respectful guests.

The sun rose slowly from the east and a plane took off from Capital City and headed into the clouds.

Yiyao sat at the cabin door of the plane, looking at the tiny villages and cities outside the window, andshe suddenly sighed with emotion in her heart, hoping that everything would go well this time and shecould return to the army in the end.

More than two hours later, the plane landed at the dedicated airport in the Sky City. Then Yiyao put upher spirit to start her work. The lady was very kind to wave and shake hands with the receivingpersonnel, while Yiyao was still very calm, observing the surrounding situation.

More than ten bullet-proof cars came to the city hall along the way. Then the senior officer went to ameeting, while the first lady went to the school for deaf-mutes to condole according to the schedule.

Yiyao sat in the passenger seat and the first lady sat in the back and asked her with a smile, “Yiyao,have you ever been to Sky City before?”

“I went to kindergarten here, and I have come here once or twice after I grew up.”

“What a coincidence! Sky City is a very nice city, with a beautiful environment and fast economicdevelopment.”

Yiyao said, “I also feel that it has changed a lot.”

Of course, besides Yiyao, eight bruisers were also the first lady's security guards. But Yiyao was theclosest to her.

When they arrived at the school, Yiyao got out of the car and opened the door for the first lady after shesaw that other security guards got off and informed her that it was safe.

“Welcome......” The teachers and students who had stood at the entrance long time ago were allcheering excitedly after seeing the first lady.

The first lady walked up and shook hands with them one by one, telling them in a slight voice:“Hello,you' ve had a long day.” What followed was a series of visiting activities, but no matter where she went,Yiyao kept a meter's distance from her and kept an eye on the surrounding situation.

The school prepared a program for the deaf children to perform on the stage, and under the stage, thefirst lady was surrounded by other small children to watch them sing and dance. They applauded forthe children enthusiastically after they finished their performance, but Yiyao didn't listen to their singingat all at all.

After they sang, the first lady went up to the stage and gave small gifts to each performer. She alsosquatted down and communicated with the performers in sign language, and then she came down withthe youngest child in her arms, with the expression full of motherly love.

Yiyao looked at this scene and thought: Perhaps the people of the country love her so much becauseof her kindness to people.

The school for the deaf-mutes was the largest one in Sky City and over a thousand deaf children weresent from all over the country to here to study, most of which went to school for free. Although therewere many children in the school, the school was very well equipped and had good conditions, whichwere even better than those of the ordinary schools.

After visiting the school,the first lady praised: “ You manage such a big school quite well.”

The principal hastily smiled and said, “This is also thanks to the relevant departments, as well as thefunding from the caring enterprises and enthusiastic people in the society that solved our fundingproblem. Otherwise it would be difficult for us to achieve our goal no matter how many plans we have.”

“You are right, it is useless to have a single ambition without funds. If you have any difficulties in thefuture, let someone write to me, and I will raise money for you.”

The principal was quite surprised, but he still controlled himself and said with a smile, “You don't haveto worry about the money, we have signed a donation contract with a company in Sky City, and nomatter how much money we lack, they will give us a donation as long as we have a necessary item.”

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