My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 315 We Don’t Need To Meet Again (1)
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Chapter 315 We Don't Need To Meet Again (1)

Yiyao Duan pursed her lips and looked at her subordinates. "Are you speaking for Jingyan Ye or areyou stopping me from being with him?"

"Boss, I'm on your side of course. You have to think carefully."

Yiyao sighed, "Why liking someone is so complicated?"

"I don't know either. I haven't had a girlfriend yet." Azure Dragon said in dismay.

“Right, how can I forget about you guys’ marriage. Well, when we’re back this time, I'll report to themanagement about organizing matchmaking meetings for you guys. Then you must make good use ofthe opportunity."

Azure Dragon's eyes turned bright, "Really?"

"When did I ever let you down?"

"Great, ha ha. Don't worry, boss. I'll make a good performance then and succeed in getting a girl."

Noticing the ice cream in his hand almost finished, she gave the one in her hand to him. "Not only you,but all the others need to put out all efforts then."

"Yes, I'll tell everyone about that," said Azure Dragon. He was happily eating the ice cream, seeing anamusement park besides and saying excitedly, "Boss, let's go to the amusement park to play."

"OK." Yiyao strode in the direction of the amusement park. As for Jingyan and related things, wait fortomorrow after a sleep. Maybe after the sleep, she would change her mind.

People's mood swung too much at night, so it was better not to make a decision at night.


After Yiyao hung up the phone, Jingyan was heartbroken. He drank another bottle of wine. This time,he was a bit drunk, leaning on the sofa to rest with his eyes closed.

At this moment, a woman sat down next to him. The voice sounded familiar, "Mr. Ye, are you OK?"

Jingyan struggled to open his eyes, glanced at her and said drunkenly, "Xuan Zhao?"

"It's me, Mr. Ye. Are you ok? Let me take you back.”

Because he was an acquaintance, Jingyan was much less vigilant. He shook his head and said, "No, Idon't want to go back. If my father knew about it, he would laugh at me and scold me.”

A flash of light shined in Xuan's eyes. She leaned forward and said in a soft voice, "Do you want todrink more? I'll drink with you."

"Well, yes, I'm not drunk." Jingyan said faintly with his eyes closed.

Xuan waved to the bar counter, and a pretty waitress came over. She bent her waist low, exposing twothirds of her chest and saying, "What can I do for you?"

"Another bottle of whiskey." Xuan said with an elegant indifference.

"OK." When the waitress left, she looked at Jingyan. Such a wealthy noble man, which woman didn'tlike?

Seeing Jingyan's eyes closed all the time and his cheeks flushed, Xuan couldn’t help being nervousand excited. After waiting for so long and planning so many things, now was the best timing.

The waitress brought the wine. While Jingyan had opened his eyes, Xuan dropped a small white pillinto the glass when she slipped her hand across the glass. She shook the glass quietly until the pill

melted into the water completely, and then she handed it over to Jingyan, saying softly, "Mr. Ye, haveanother drink."

Jingyan was already drunk deeply, losing his reason. He took the glass and drank it up.

Xuan's fingers turned white as she held the glass. Afraid that Jingyan was not drunk enough, sheadded another glass of wine to him and poured one for herself. "Mr. Ye, I'd like to propose a toast toyou. Thank you for taking care of me."

Jingyan did not speak. He raised his head and drank the wine again.

After three drinks in a row, Jingyan was completely drunk and his head was even more dizzy.

Seeing that it was about the timing, Xuan went to the bar and settled the bill. Then she carriedJingyan’s tall body to stagger out of the bar.

Although the money for wine cost her three-month salary, Xuan didn’t care about it at the thought of thereward she would get later.

Xuan took a car by the side of the road and went straight to the nearest hotel. After throwing Jingyanon the bed, Xuan sat by the bed panting. Drunk people were really too heavy.

Perhaps feeling hot and dry, Jingyan turned over. He called out "Yiyao, don't go", and then fell into adeep sleep.

Xuan stripped the man of all his clothes, not even leaving his underwear. When she did these things,she was so blushed that she was about to bleed.

"Jingyan, I like you so much. Why can't you see me? What's good about that woman? From today on,you will be mine." With that, Xuan lowered her head and kissed him on the lips, then went to thebathroom to take a shower.

Naked into the quilt, she hugged Jingyan tightly. Her kisses fell on his lips, his throat and his chest. Theman drank too much, and with her sleeping pills, no matter how she lured, the man did not respond. Hewas just snoring and sleeping.

Xuan looked at Jingyan quietly. No way, she was going to think of a sure way.

With a flash of intelligence, Xuan got out of bed and took out her eyebrow trimming knife from her bag.She bit her teeth and cut her finger mercilessly.

Jingyan, you can't escape from my palm.

After finishing what she wanted to do, Xuan went to sleep contentedly holding Jingyan.

The next day, Yiyao woke up very early. After calming down for a night, she felt that she still wanted togive it another try and trust Jingyan this time. After all, it was not easy to find someone you liked andliked you.

Nesting in bed to call out Jingyan's phone number, she hung up as soon as she called out. She saidmany decisive and hurtful words yesterday that she didn’t know what to say now. She preferred to senda message first.

In the hotel, Xuan woke up early as well. The man who she had dreamed for a long time was sleepingby her naked side, how could she sleep at all? At the moment, she was staring at the man close athand. Creator was really amazing. Why was there such a perfect man? And this man was hers fromtoday on.

All of a sudden, Jingyan's mobile phone beeped, which was a text message prompt tone. Seeing thathe was sleeping heavily, Xuan carefully took the phone over him. The name shown on the screen was“My Baby”.

Xuan got stabbed in the eye. Was that woman?

The phone had fingerprint unlock. Xuan wanted to know what Yiyao had sent. She boldly tookJingyan's right hand and tried the fingers one by one. When it came to the thumb, the phone wasunlocked.

Xuan's heart almost jumped out. She held back her ecstasy and quickly turned on the phone. The textmessage said: Are you awake?

Xuan hesitated for a moment and typed out a few words: Yes.

For fear that the other party suddenly called, Xuan turned the phone into mute mode. Half a minutelater, a message came in, still from “My Baby”: Where are you? I want to talk to you.novelbin

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