My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 296 Maybe She Didn’t Like You (3)
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Chapter 296 Maybe She Didn't Like You (3)

"Go out, there's nothing going on here."

Originally full of expectation, Xuan Zhao instantly confused, not daring to linger any longer, she justturned around and slowly walked out. When she closed the door he heard Jingyan Ye say, "Have youarrived? I've just been busy ......"

That voice, a gentle one that she had never heard before.

It was that woman ...... he was so nervous about time, actually just to call that woman?

Xuan’s hands clenched together, she could not wait any longer, because Jingyan's soul were seducedby her. What chance did she have?

But, what should she do? She had to think about it.

In the office, Jingyan said softly, "...... I haven't eaten, almost hungry ...... I'll eat after I finish my work,didn't you say, let me work well... . well, just do your work, bye."

Only she could hang up his phone.

He shook his head with a bitter smile, and continued to work.

When all the documents were finished, it was already eleven o'clock at night. Jingyan stretched hissore arms, closed his eyes for a while, and then picked up his phone and car keys and went home.

When he closed the door of his office, Jingyan walked to the elevator and found that the lights of thesecretariat were still on.

It was so late, who was still inside?

He knocked on the door and the woman looked up in shock, she saw it was him before smiling andsaying, "Mr. Ye."

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"I was afraid you would have any orders, so I waited." Xuan said.

"Well, you can leave now." Jingyan turned around and left. Xuan took her bag and shut off thecomputer and lights as fast as she could, and sprinted after he. She squeezed in while the elevatordoors were still open.

"Sorry Mr. Ye, can I take your elevator down? The other one has some time to come up ......"

"Okay." Jingyan responded indifferently.

Xuan sneered in her heart, she had come in, did he drive her out? She glanced at the president wholooked indifferent, secretly took a breath and said, "Mr. Ye, I want to learn more about finance, can yourecommend some books to me?"

"Finance? Why?"

"There is nothing wrong with learning more, in case I need it in the future?" Xuan said the reason shehad prepared before.

"You can ask the finance department, I know little about this." Jingyan excused her, temporarilyforgetting what his major was in university.

Xuan was refused, she chose this topic because she learned that one of Jingyan's university subjectswas financial management, but now ......

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, I will consult it tomorrow." It seemed that there was no disappointment in her tone.

When they reached the first floor, Xuan exited the elevator, while Jingyan continued down to thenegative level of the underground parking lot, today he would drive home personally.

The first thing Xuan did was to get to the bus stop on the way to Jingyan's house. There were very fewcars on the street late at night, not to mention the people waiting for bus.

Seeing Jingyan's car slowly drive closer, Xuan pretended to look at the bus. As she expected, the carstopped in front of her.

Jingyan saw her early, originally he wanted to drive straight through, but the character of a gentlemanmade him stop the car. He was Xuan's boss, what if something happened to her?

"Get in, I'll take you back, it's not safe for girls at night." Jingyan rolled down the car window and saidindifferently.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Xuan pulled the passenger seat door straight away and sat in.

Jingyan frowned slightly, but did not say anything.

"Thank you, the overnight bus is quite different to wait for at this time." Xuan said thanks again.

"Where do you live?"novelbin

Xuan said an address, and once Jingyan heard it, it happened to be on the way.

The atmosphere in the car was silent, Jingyan did not want to chat, because he was already tired aftera busy day.

But how could Xuan let go of such a good opportunity, "Mr. Ye, I heard that Miss Duan came to see youtoday."


"Everyone says she's pretty and elegant, and she's a female officer." Xuan pretended to praise, herprimary goal now was to dispel Jingyan's wariness of her. He had been indifferent to her ever since hehad brought her breakfast last time.

Sure enough, the lines on Jingyan's face softened a lot, the corners of his mouth took on a light smileas he smiled and said, "She's very good."

Very very good ...

Xuan's heart was tightly wrapped in vines, but she had to pretend to smile, "Mr. Ye, is it convenient tosay how you and she met?"

"We've known each other since we were kids, when we were in kindergarten." When Jingyanmentioned Yiyao Duan, he talked more.

Xuan froze for a moment, kindergarten?!

That was too long, longer than she had known Jingyan.

"Wow, so Mr. Ye and the female officer are real childhood friends. Are you going to get married?"

Jingyan was silent for a moment and said in a firm tone, "We will get married."

"Then will the female officer be discharged from the army? What else will you do when you getmarried?" Xuan asked.

Jingyan stunned, ask Yiyao to discharge from the army? How could that be possible? He only said thatscars on a girl's body were not good to look at, and she reprimanded him. If he asked her out of thearmy, then the person who was abandoned must be him.

"Just talk about it in the future." Jingyan ended the conversation with a single sentence.

Xuan glanced at his face, well, she couldn't say anymore, if she said more and she would be kicked outof the car. It was enough to make him aware of the disconnect between them.

When he returned to the Ye family villa, it was after twelve o'clock. He took a shower and lay on thebed, and then quickly went to sleep.


The next day, when Jingyan went downstairs for breakfast, his mom, dad and sister were alreadysitting in the dining room.

When he saw his sister's smiling face, he knew that his parents already knew about yesterday'sincident.

"Congratulations, your long-cherished wish has been fulfilled for many years." Kerry smiled andcongratulated him.

"Thank you, but you must not involve in this matter." Jingyan glared at his sister and affirmed inadvance.

Kerry disdained and skimmed, "Well, your mother and I do not have so much free time, but I heardChuxue Ye say, that girl does not seem to have special intention for you!"

When thinking about this, Jingyan was a little frustrated, but he still shrugged his shoulders andconfessed, "Yes, what does it matter? I can chase her, slowly, we are better off now than you and mymother were back then."

"Boy, grow up, right? Even make fun of your father!" Kerry said very unhappily after being exposed.

But Jingyan smiled, not afraid of him at all, but said to Venus, "Mom, why didn’t you take me away? Ifyou did so, we two would have lived like gods and goddesses, how comfortable the life was!"

"If you had left, what would I have done? Wouldn't there be no me?" Chuxue heard this and said in anexasperated voice.

"Yeah, what do I need you for? Trouble ghost." Jingyan laughed and struck her.

As soon as the words fell, a cup of milk rose up in the air and came straight at Jingyan, who stoppedthe cup of milk in front of him.

"Talk, just talk, do you want to fight?"

A few buns also flew over, interspersed with Chuxue's laughter, "I’m angry, you call me a troubleghost."

Jingyan could not beat her, and hurriedly abandoned the table and fled, saying, "Chuxue, you just relyon the fact that your ability is more profound than mine. Don’t use your super powers."

"You just rely on the fact that you are two years older than me, but still can not beat me." Chuxue wasvery proud.

At that time, in the dinner room, Jingyan ran, it seemed that milk, buns, bread and a bowl of porridgeand chopsticks had wings and eyes, just chasing him.

"Do you apologize?!" Chuxue easily commanded her weapons and asked with a smile.

Jingyan bristled, "No, you told Mom and Dad about Yiyao."

"I do, I like it, I'm happy, what do you care?"

They two were making a scene, such tricks Kerry and Venus had seen countless times, and were notinterested in it. They just ate their meals, later they had to go to S City. They heard that the Xiaoparents have returned to recuperate in the Xiao family. As the only elders of them who still alive, theywere supposed to visit them.

The battle between the two ended with Jingyan's apology and Chuxue's victory.

"Play is play, of course we will not interfere with your affairs, but I want to remind you that Yiyao is asoldier, she belongs to the country, so she is not destined to be with you often, this point you shouldconsider clearly. A long distance relationship does not apply to everyone." Kerry said seriously.

"Dad, if she agrees to be with me, I will definitely respect her choice and will never leave her. Besides,there will always be a day when she retires from the army." Jingyan smiled confidently.

Venus looked at her son appreciatively, "That's good, that's what boys should do. Mom supports you."

"Thanks a lot, mom."

"If I were to say, the Miss may not like you, she may want to marry a general."

"You're looking for a fight, aren't you?" Jingyan stared at her.

"It is possible that ... don’t beat me..."

The next few days were really as Yiyao said, Jingyan was afraid of disturbing her training, he usuallysent a message in the morning or evening. It seemed that the message was on a green train, it wouldbe responded in a few days. And there were also only a few words, I am busy these days.

Jingyan looked at the late information, what could he do? He wanted to hear her voice, Jingyanimmediately called her when he received the text message, sometimes Yiyao answered, andsometimes directly hung up.

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