My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 288 Marry Me When I Grow Up (1)
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Chapter 288 Marry Me When I Grow Up (1)

Those boys stopped unconsciously and turned around to see a boy who was shorter than them,wearing the uniform of an exclusive school in Sky City.

The eldest boy, who was interested in Jingyan Ye, laughed and said, "Yo, here comes a rich guy. Boy,are you here to give us some money?”

"Let her go, and I will let you go." Jingyan Ye said indifferently.

"Hahahahaha ......" Those children let out a loud laugh, "Bastard, how old are you, and you dare to beso arrogant?"

"If you want to do it, do it quickly, I'm still busy, I don't have time to play with you." Jingyan Ye rolled uphis sleeves slowly.

"That's too arrogant, guys, let’s fight!"

However, when they rushed forward, Jingyan Ye ended the fight in less than a minute, and all thechildren were lying on the ground, grimacing and crying out in pain.

Kerry had taught him Kung Fu since he was in kindergarten, not for fighting with others, but for self-defense, because his identity was so special as Kerry’s son and he would certainly experience a lot ofprovocation in the future.

Jingyan Ye walked up to the little girl and saw her staring blankly at him with shock in her eyes. He gotso used to this kind of emotions, he asked with a smile, “Little girl, where did you pick up the robot inyour hands?”

The little girl came back to her senses, but she still stared at him, "I ...... I picked it up in the bushes atschool."

"Tell you what, how about I give you money and you sell me the robot?"

"That ......" The little girl hesitated for a while, it was hard for her to find a toy to play with, if she sold itto him ......

Jingyan Ye bent down and squatted in front of her, looked at her in an equal level, and smiled slightly,"Little sister, you won't play with it even if you take it back, I'll give you money, you can buy ice cream toeat, you can buy pretty Barbie dolls, and you can buy a lot of delicious food, how about it?"

The little girl had never seen such a beautiful little brother, so she was lured by his smile to nod herhead and say, "How much are you paying me?"

"How much do you want?"

The little girl looked down at the robot in her arms and stretched out five fingers hesitantly.

"Five hundred Yuan?" Jingyan asked her.

She wanted to say 50 Yuan, which was a lot of money for her, but she didn't expect the little brotheroffer 500 Yuan.

Jingyan saw that she didn't say anything and thought it was too little, so he said, "Five thousand? It thebest I can offer, and I only have five thousand Yuan now."

The little girl nodded her head in shock, five thousand Yuan was a large sum of money for her.

Jingyan put his hand into his pocket, and after a moment's pause, a wad of cash appeared in his hand,then he started to count.

He took the money out and counted five thousand Yuan. "Here, five thousand, take it," said Jingyan,who had replaced the robot with the little girl while she was still confused, and then put the money into

her hand, smiling, "Why don't you go now? I'll keep an eye on these villains for you, and then I'll leavewhen you've run far away."

After Jingyan reminded her, the little girl stuffed a thick wad of money into her backpack, climbed upand ran away. After she ran for a while, she turned back and yelled at him, “Little brother, what’s yourname?”

"Why do you ask my name?" Jingyan got up and asked curiously.

The little girl's eyes sparkled with laughter, "Little brother, you are so good-looking, can I marry youwhen I grow up?"

"No." Jingyan refused without hesitation.


"Because I will marry someone else."

"Oh, well, goodbye, little brother."

Jingyan looked at her back. This little girl was really bold to say such words.

Jingyan didn't give a single glance to the punks as he passed between them.

The first thing Jingyan did when he got back to the car was to touch the backpack under his feet, andthen he smiled with relief. Henry, who was in the driver's seat, looked at him meaningfully and asked,"Are you done?"

"Yeah, let’s go home." Jingyan said in a relaxed tone.

Chuxue Ye, who was sitting in the back, came to the front and pointed at the stains on his clothes andsaid, "Brother, why are your clothes dirty?"novelbin

Jingyan pretended to pat his clothes, "It should be because I rubbed against something dirty."

Chuxue Ye had a look at him for a few moments and smilingly said, "Brother, you just got into a fightwith someone."

"How do you know?" Jingyan responded subconsciously, but it was too late when he realized what hehad said.

The Mu brothers were all interested in what Chuxue said, so they all came forward and said, "Brother,why didn't you call me for a fight? I can give you a hand with that."

"So can I. Dad just taught me a few tricks a while ago, but I haven't tried to use it yet."

Jingyan was speechless, and turned his head to lecture the three of them, "All of you, sit still."

"Nah ......"

Although the three of them were not convinced, they always listened to Jingyan and had no choice butto sit back down.

"No one is allowed to mention this matter at home, or else I won't take you out to play anymore."Jingyan threatened them.

Chuxue Ye raised her pretty eyebrows, "Then you have to tell us, why did you fight with others?"

"I didn't fight, I just saw a bunch of guys bullying a little girl, so I went up and taught them a goodlesson." Jingyan said in a righteous manner, didn’t mention anything about the robots.

"Wow, brother, you really defended the weak against the strong." The younger brother, Yulin Xiao, saidadmiringly.

Jingyan said shamelessly, "Yes, but aunt and uncle don't like me fighting with others, so don't tell themabout it."

"Well, I won't."

Jingyan stretched out his hand and touched his hair, "Yulin is a good boy."

The other two showed their disdain.

After Jingyan had pacified the three little ones, Jingyan turned to Henry, who was driving the car, andsaid with a smile, "Uncle Henry, please."

"Young master, I was driving and didn't hear anything." Henry said in a serious voice, looking straightahead.

Jingyan was overjoyed, "Thank you, Uncle Henry, I know you are the best."

Of course, he loved Pingan (Jingyan) the most, because Pingan had suffered the most but he’s a warmboy, so he loved Pingan so much.

When he got home, Jingyan picked up his schoolbag and rushed into his room, saying that he had todo his homework and not to be disturbed.

John was puzzled as to when the young master had ever done his homework. When pigs fly?

Kerry and Venus came back from work and asked those little kids to go downstairs and have dinner.

Jingyan looked at his father for several times and finally made up his mind, "Dad, there are somestudents in my class who want to buy small robots."

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