My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 272 I am Your Daughter (3)
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Chapter 272 I am Your Daughter (3)

She had a good dream in her tight sleep. It was a scenic village where buds bloomed as if the fairyplace where his brother had taken her for a memorable holiday. Venus wondered in the flower-land andthe butterflies danced with the delicate moves.

“Mommy!” A tender voice sounded and she turned around to look for it.

“Mommy, I am here.” The voice seemed to be around her, however, she couldn’t locate it no matterhow hard she tried. At the point when she felt despair, the voice came again: “I am on your right side,Mommy!”

She rushed ahead and smoothed away the bushes, only to find a little girl standing in the flowery bush,whose clothes was also made of beautiful flowers. Though she couldn’t see clearly her face, shebeheld her special pupils. They were mysteriously purple!

“Who are you?” asked Venus in a surprised tone.

“Mommy, I am your daughter. ” said the little girl with a smile.

Venus hesitated for while and continued, “I have a son whose name is Pingan, I don’t have anydaughter.”

The girl kept her smile and replied, ”You have one, who stays in your belly. ” Venus touched her swollenbelly and asked, ”Do you mean I am gonna to have a daughter this time?”

The girl gave her a cute and playful chuckle and said, “Yes, Mommy! And my brother Pingan is in aplace called Nanluo Array, tell daddy to find him there!”

“How do you know that?” asked Venus in a stunned expression.

“It is my brother who told me in my dream. I have to go now, Mommy, you can see me in the comingdays.” Said the girl. Then she turned away and bounced into the flowery bush. Before Venus gave anyresponse, a storm appeared suddenly and blew her in a wayward course.

“Wait, please wait.” Cried she. Xiran patted on her face lightly and uttered, ”Wake up, Venus, wake up!”

Venus opened her eyes suddenly and had a check of her belly at once. The baby, in return, gave her aresponse by a slight movement.

“My sister, what happened to you? Did you get a nightmare? ” asked Xiran.

Venus nodded absent-mindedly and murmured, “I get a daughter in my belly, she paid me a visit in thedream.”

“What? Are you serious? And what did you know from the dream?”

“She told me that, that…” Said Venus, who paused as if something important suddenly came to hermind.

“The phone, give me my phone.” Cried Venus. Xiran did so and she was stunned to find that Venusdialed the number of Kerry.

“Hello? Honey, what’s up?” asked Kerry.

“Kerry, do you know a place called Nanluo Array in the Sky City?” asked Venus in urgently.

After a second of careful thought, Kerry said, “Nanluo Array? I am not sure about that. Henry, googlethe site online now. And honey, can you tell me how do you know about the site?”

“I got a dream just now, where a little girl told me our son is in Nanluo Array, and she called herself ourdaughter.”

“What? Our daughter?” asked Kerry in a surprised tone.

“Yes.” Venus nodded. At this point, Henry had completed his searching work and said, ”My boss,Nanluo Array is an urban village in the eastern suburbs of Sky City. And that is place with a heavytraffic.”

“Venus, I will go search the place. You can tell me the details about our daughter in the evening.”

“OK.” When she hanged the phone, she found Xiran was still in a curious stare at her.

“Don’t stare at me like that, OK?”

Xiran came nearer to her and asked, “Come on, sister, tell me what did you see in the dream.” Asasked, Venus detailed the dream to her carefully.

“My Goddess! Do you mean she has also a pair of purple pupils? ”

“Yes, though I couldn’t see clearly her face, I caught the sight of her purple pupils, which were soimpressive to me.” Said Venus in a firm tone.novelbin

Being well-educated at school, Xiran held good knowledge of science and biology in her mind. Thoughshe knew there had been so many unbelievable things happening to Venus and her husband, She stillfelt amazed about what she heard just now. She touched Venus’s belly and said, “My little baby, youmust be a greater one than your father and brother.”

A fetal movement was the answer for her.

“She gave a response! Alas! She could understand what I said. ” exclaimed Xiran.

Venus felt the movement and asked gently, ”My little princess, is that you?”

Another movement! She couldn’t ever believe that all happened in her was real. Xiran seemed muchcurious about the that and said, ”Little princess, I am your aunt now, can you hear me?”

No responses.

“No, please, give me an answer!” cried Xiran. However hard she tried, she could still get nothing as areply. ” It seems that she doesn’t have any interest on me, or perhaps she goes for a sleep now.”

“Perhaps.” Said Venus with a smile. It was really a piece of good news for her that she was gonna havea daughter. And because of the information from the dream, she seemed much confident that Kerrywould bring her son back safely.

“I am hungry, do you get anything to eat here?” asked Venus.

“Of course. What do you want?” Xiran dragged her up and said, ””Come on, good girl, take a look at thekic for a meal, then we may take a walk outside. Taking a walk is good for pregnant woman to keep fit.”However, when she saw the thin frame of Venus, she quitted it and said, ”Alright, sister, perhaps youdon’t need to lose weight, stay here and I will bring you something to eat.”

Different from Venus, Xiran bore twins and, therefore, she had a stronger appetite and gained weightmuch more quickly than her sister. Now all she wanted was to find something to fill her belly. Perhapsthese were why her pretty face turned into an unpleasant fatty one.

Now Kerry had divided his forces into several branches and deployed them for a blanket search inNanluo Array. Places like hotels, rented houses, convenience stores would be carefully searched oneby one. Now he had a picture where a woman hugged Pingan in her arms. That might serve as a cluein his searching job. To his disappointment, most shop owners gave the same response: ”The boy? Isthat the one whom the police were looking for? I think I didn’t see a boy like him. ”

“And how about the woman hugging the boy in her arms? “ asked Kerry in a small restaurant.

The restaurant owner shook his head and replied, ”The picture is not clear enough for me recognizeher. And since we have thousands of customers here everyday, I can’t remember whether I’ve seenher.”

“Alright, thank you all the way.” Said Kerry. Then he went to a Barber shop and asked the samequestions. It seemed that one of female assistants recognized Kerry’s true identity and she lookedthrilled towards such a rich and handsome guy. “I haven’t ever seen such a boy, as for the woman, Ithink…”

“You knew her?” asked Kerry in an excited tone.

“Perhaps, I saw her yesterday.” Said the female assistant uncertainly.

“Can you give me something detailed about her?”

“Hmm, you know yesterday evening there was a woman came here for hair treatment, who looked likethe woman in the picture. She has a pretty face and her skin is beautifully white. And she wore hot-branded clothes. So she looked quite impressive for me.” Replied the female assistant.

“Thank you.” Said Kerry. Then he went out as soon as he could, only to find a young man with asuitcase bumping towards him. The young man looked anxious and held firm his property and shouted,” Watch out, Son of a bitch.”

“Sorry, man.” Kerry went away after an apology. He was so urgent that he didn’t notice the mysterioussmile around the lips of the young man, who made a phone call and then went away from anotherdirection.

Minutes later, Henry gave his boss a call: ”Boss, can you take a look here? we find a suspicioushouse.”

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